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Top Health & Wellness Topics
The Microdose 432 implied HN points 09 Feb 24
  1. Law enforcement seizures of psychedelic mushrooms have significantly increased over the years, indicating a potential rise in availability and use.
  2. Research suggests that psychedelics like psilocybin can lead to improvements in sexual functioning and satisfaction.
  3. California is considering launching a state-regulated program for therapeutic use of psychedelics, potentially making it the first to focus explicitly on psychedelic therapy.
The Microdose 511 implied HN points 29 Jan 24
  1. Researchers use DOI in the lab to study the head twitch response in rodents as an indicator of 5-HT2 receptor activation.
  2. Scheduling DOI as a Schedule I drug would create barriers for labs studying the 5-HT2 receptor due to accessibility and legal requirements.
  3. There is minimal recreational use of DOI and DOC, with the DEA's proposal affecting the progress of psychedelic research and impacting researchers.
The Microdose 373 implied HN points 19 Jan 24
  1. Psilocybe mushrooms have a long evolutionary history dating back 67 million years.
  2. New bills in Indiana, California, and New Jersey focus on studying psilocybin for various mental health conditions.
  3. COMPASS partners with a healthcare non-profit in New Jersey to research psilocybin treatment for FDA approval.
The Microdose 294 implied HN points 02 Feb 24
  1. At least 10 states have introduced new legislation related to psychedelics since the beginning of the year.
  2. Canadians show strong support for end-of-life psilocybin therapy.
  3. There is a growing movement to critically examine and temper the hype surrounding psychedelics, focusing on ethical and political implications.
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The Microdose 275 implied HN points 05 Feb 24
  1. Colorado's psilocybin program is expected to be fully operational by early 2025.
  2. Oregon's program highlighted the importance of allowing licensed professionals to participate in psilocybin services.
  3. Colorado is considering a tiered licensing model and enhanced training requirements for safe facilitation in their psilocybin program.
The Microdose 1198 implied HN points 05 Jul 23
  1. Jeffrey Sitting Bear believes peyote is sacred medicine meant for healing, not getting high.
  2. White people during the 1960s hippie era tended to misuse peyote by using it as a drug rather than for its intended purpose.
  3. Respect for Native teachings and using peyote in the right way is crucial for its positive effects, according to Sitting Bear.
Trickle-Down Wellness 196 implied HN points 22 Jan 24
  1. Psychedelics are being researched for various medical applications like treating anxiety, depression, and existential distress in terminally-ill patients.
  2. Historically, LSD studies funded by the US government from 1953-1973 showed positive results for various conditions and situations.
  3. Ongoing debates exist around the use of macrodoses or microdoses of psychedelics as medicine, with evidence showing potential benefits of larger doses, especially in end-of-life care.
The Microdose 982 implied HN points 10 Jul 23
  1. Castro discusses concerns about the homogenization of Indigenous traditions in the modern psychedelic movement.
  2. Castro raises issues with the commercialization and appropriation of plant medicines by Western societies.
  3. Castro highlights the importance of protecting Indigenous knowledge and traditions regarding plant medicines.
rebelwisdom 1277 implied HN points 13 Apr 23
  1. The book discusses a personal experience with a powerful psychedelic drug and its impact on the individual and collective wisdom.
  2. The book reflects on the integration of psychedelic science and spirituality in understanding and navigating the challenges of the present time.
  3. The author aims to prompt inquiry and critical thinking around the potential of psychedelics in transforming society and addressing current crises.
rebelwisdom 1041 implied HN points 13 Jun 23
  1. The deeper healing from psychedelics is in the mystical experience that connects us to something greater than ourselves.
  2. Psychedelics can help us break free from cultural nihilism and consumerism, guiding us towards a deeper sense of reality and connection.
  3. The essence of the book is about embracing the profound lessons from psychedelics to navigate through the crisis of our times and shape new, enchanting cultural narratives.
The Microdose 864 implied HN points 20 Jun 23
  1. Psychedelic Science 2023 is a large conference featuring over 11,000 attendees and 300 speakers.
  2. The conference covers various topics in the psychedelics field, including therapy, legislation, and business.
  3. Speakers at the conference expressed concerns about rapid changes in the psychedelic space and the need for balanced growth.
The Last Bear Standing 43 implied HN points 15 Mar 24
  1. There has been a resurgence of interest in the medical potential of psychedelics, with ongoing research and clinical trials exploring their efficacy in treating mental health conditions.
  2. Despite the challenges and market fluctuations, there is increasing regulatory support for psychedelic drug trials, potentially leading to FDA approvals and breakthrough therapy designations for conditions like PTSD.
  3. Psychedelic treatments involve controlled drug administration in conjunction with therapy, aiming to address the root causes of mental health disorders by stimulating new perspectives and thought patterns.
The Microdose 884 implied HN points 08 May 23
  1. Antidepressants have evolved over time, impacting societal views and treatments of depression.
  2. There is a historical pattern of seeking quick-fix solutions for mental health issues through medication.
  3. Concerns exist about the profit-centered approach to mental health treatments, including the potential harms and biases in clinical trials.
The Microdose 589 implied HN points 05 Jun 23
  1. Psychedelic clinical trials often exclude participants taking SSRIs to isolate the effects of the single drug being studied.
  2. The main risk of mixing SSRIs and psychedelics is serotonin toxicity, but in healthy volunteers, the risk seems low.
  3. Tapering off SSRIs can have risks, including the return of depression or anxiety symptoms and serotonin discontinuation syndrome.
The Microdose 452 implied HN points 21 Jul 23
  1. Psilocybin sessions have begun in Oregon under the state's regulated access system.
  2. DC-based PAC New Approach is behind a psychedelics ballot initiative in Massachusetts.
  3. A lawsuit involving patent claims over a synthetic psychedelic compound has added complexity in the field of psychedelics.
The Microdose 511 implied HN points 24 Jun 23
  1. Attendees at the Psychedelic Science conference were surprised by the diverse perspectives and energy surrounding the use of psychedelics for mental health treatment and personal growth.
  2. Discussions at the conference highlighted the importance of patents in the development and innovation of psychedelic drugs, while also emphasizing the need for fair patent practices.
  3. Indigenous voices expressed feelings of marginalization and concerns about being excluded from conversations and decision-making in the psychedelic community.
The Microdose 550 implied HN points 21 Feb 23
  1. ChatGPT states it may not be able to provide psychedelic-assisted therapy like a human therapist due to the need for personal connection and emotional support.
  2. Ethical and legal considerations in using AI for therapy involve informed consent, data privacy, liability, regulation, and ensuring access for all patients.
  3. Mystical experiences on psychedelics are described as profound, ineffable, and life-changing, involving a sense of unity with the universe and a deep emotional impact.
The Microdose 530 implied HN points 27 Feb 23
  1. Access to psychedelics on tribal land faces government regulations and limits on self-care.
  2. Bridging traditional Indigenous ceremony with Western science shows the importance of incorporating cultural practices.
  3. Psychedelic-assisted therapy administered through tribes provides culturally informed care, understanding unique ethnic perspectives.
Deep Fix 471 implied HN points 05 May 23
  1. Psychedelics can be powerful tools for helping individuals facing addiction move towards recovery by promoting neural growth and restoring the gut-brain connection.
  2. Psychedelics should not be seen as shortcuts in recovery, but as catalysts that help individuals confront their darkness and engage in the healing process.
  3. By supporting the diversity of life within personal ecosystems, psychedelics can ignite 'second-stage recovery' and provide hope to those facing addiction.
The Microdose 471 implied HN points 28 Apr 23
  1. Scientists study brain activity on LSD and find altered connectivity and self-inhibition.
  2. Colorado Senate passes SB 290 to implement Proposition 122 for psilocybin services in the state.
  3. Oregon licenses its first psilocybin testing lab, but high costs may drive some practitioners underground.
Daniel Pinchbeck’s Newsletter 20 implied HN points 04 Feb 24
  1. The psychedelic movement is being assimilated by mainstream institutions and corporate structures, losing its original depth and spontaneity.
  2. Contemporary Western society often strips away the soul and spirit from encounters, leaving behind desiccated husks.
  3. Analytic idealist philosophy suggests approaching the world as a system of allegories, laden with meaning, similar to how animist ancestors and indigenous people viewed it.
Integrity Talk 66 implied HN points 19 Feb 23
  1. The journey into the world of shamanic healing can offer diverse experiences in different settings and with various participants.
  2. Experiencing Ayahuasca ceremonies can lead to deep introspection and self-acceptance, providing a unique perspective on one's own traits and behaviors.
  3. Participating in communal shamanic rituals can create a sense of warmth and transcendence, offering communal benefits and the opportunity for self-awareness and personal growth.
Daniel Pinchbeck’s Newsletter 27 implied HN points 29 Aug 23
  1. The Burning Man festival has shifted from its original vision and become more focused on wealth and status, losing its self-parody and social critique.
  2. Burning Man now reflects a culture of hollow hedonism and narcissism, with art and experiences tailored for Instagram and wealthy attendees.
  3. The lack of a meaningful critique on societal issues within Burning Man and the psychedelic renaissance highlights a need for collective action and political activism.
Superb Owl 4 HN points 28 Jan 24
  1. Experiencing ego death can involve shifts in perception and a dissolution of the sense of self.
  2. During ego death, one may experience proprioceptive distortions, spatial distortions, and immersion in sensations, leading to a sense of losing track of reality.
  3. De-reification plays a role in ego death, where concepts become fuzzy, reality is questioned, and a sense of self dissolves into the surroundings.