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Top Faith & Spirituality Topics
Becoming Noble 2950 implied HN points 27 Feb 24
  1. The battle for gun rights is viewed as a spiritual conflict where men should not outsource their security to external systems or organizations
  2. Teaching boys skills for protection and the importance of taking personal responsibility is crucial for their transition into manhood
  3. There is a call for individuals to embrace the idea of spiritual combat, taking responsibility for their own safety and facing the battle against their inner demons
Becoming Noble 2770 implied HN points 09 Jan 24
  1. Don't try to blend Christianity and Vitalism as they are fundamentally irreconcilable beliefs. Doing so weakens true faith in both.
  2. Make a clear commitment to truth by engaging in deep study, meditation, and rejecting simplistic solutions. Challenge your own beliefs and societal expectations.
  3. Understanding the complexity of historical philosophy is crucial for making an informed choice between Christianity and Vitalism. Dive deep into the nuanced beliefs of the past to grasp the richness of these faith traditions.
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Becoming Noble 2491 implied HN points 09 Dec 23
  1. Many reject Christianity because they believe it stifles excellence and greatness, but the sin of pride is not 'the pursuit of excellence' but a rejection of truth by overestimating oneself.
  2. Humility involves accepting the truth, including when it involves recognizing one's own greatness, and Christians are called to stretch their minds to pursue great things in alignment with reason.
  3. Magnanimity is a virtue that urges individuals to undertake great acts in accordance with reason while magnificence involves doing great actions in the material world, often for the glory of God.
Daily Dreher 1670 implied HN points 05 Jan 24
  1. St. Petroc, an early medieval missionary saint, returned to Devonshire, spreading the message of God through miracles and missionary work.
  2. Christopher Rufo advocates for a new activism on the Right to challenge prevailing ideologies and institutions, emphasizing the need for meaningful change and principles.
  3. Changes in sacramental practices in the Catholic Church, such as baptizing transsexuals without repentance, can signify deeper shifts in symbolic meanings and belief systems, impacting the faithful.
Erick Erickson's Confessions of a Political Junkie 3537 implied HN points 08 Oct 23
  1. Jude 5 is one of the most profound verses in the Bible, emphasizing the human and divine nature of Jesus.
  2. Jesus's brothers, who initially rejected Him, later went to their deaths proclaiming Him the risen Lord. Something significant must have happened.
  3. Believing in the resurrection of Jesus can bring comfort and hope, even in times of struggle and despair.
Tipping Point Prophecy Update by Jimmy Evans 8058 implied HN points 26 Feb 23
  1. The Asbury Revival started at a small Christian college in Kentucky and quickly spread through prayer and worship.
  2. The student-led revival prompted repentance, action, and love, contrasting with the anger seen at other universities.
  3. Revival may not be a sign of the end times, but it brings hope for spiritual awakening and positive change in society.
Emerald Robinson’s The Right Way 8078 implied HN points 12 May 23
  1. Archbishop Vigano warns about Soros, Schwab, and Gates wanting to establish the Antichrist kingdom.
  2. He calls for rejecting the Great Reset and forming an Anti-Globalist Alliance.
  3. Vigano emphasizes the importance of fighting against globalist ideologies and reclaiming power for citizens.
The Abbey of Misrule 321 implied HN points 17 Mar 24
  1. St. Patrick's Day in Ireland is a day of celebrations and parades but visiting wells dedicated to St. Patrick can be a more meaningful experience.
  2. Wells dedicated to St. Patrick, like Cluain Patrick in County Roscommon, offer a tranquil and spiritual atmosphere, with connections to Christian and pagan history.
  3. The presence of ancient trees like yews at Christian sites suggests a blend of Christianity with pre-existing pagan beliefs, creating a unique spiritual landscape.
Changing The Channel 1176 implied HN points 10 Jan 24
  1. Jen Hatmaker is focused on changing the narrative around 'doing more' and 'being more' in our culture, advocating for embracing 'what is enough'.
  2. She expresses a desire for a legacy filled with human connection, memories, adventures, and integrity.
  3. The beginning of the year intensifies the pressure to constantly strive for improvement, leading to an environment of messages promoting doing more and increasing efforts.
The Pillar 727 implied HN points 06 Feb 24
  1. Paul Miki was a Japanese convert to Christianity and one of Japan's first martyrs.
  2. The significance of sacred subjects in art can spark controversy, like the controversial promotional poster for Seville's Holy Week.
  3. Efforts to acknowledge and respond to abuse in the Catholic Church, such as LA's 'Gardens of Healing,' aim to provide spaces for abuse survivors and promote healing.
Common Sense with Bari Weiss 306 implied HN points 14 Mar 24
  1. Latino voters are shifting rightward, with a recent poll showing Donald Trump leading Joe Biden among them, impacting future voting patterns.
  2. The Latino population is increasingly driving America's evangelical movement, with projections indicating that by 2030, half of U.S. Latinos will identify as Protestant evangelicals.
  3. Latino immigrants are turning to evangelical churches for support and upward mobility, with the promise of economic advancement and a more conservative doctrine appealing to many.
Wrong Side of History 536 implied HN points 06 Feb 24
  1. Prince Charles is known for his passionate support of the persecuted church, especially during times of crisis.
  2. Prince Charles has a deep interest in both Christianity and Islam, aiming to bridge understanding between these faiths.
  3. Despite his spiritual musings and eccentricities, Prince Charles is considered one of the most religious monarchs, with ties to Orthodox Christianity.
The Signorile Report 1631 implied HN points 01 Nov 23
  1. Some individuals who are vocal against homosexuality may actually be struggling with their own sexual orientation.
  2. Believing that homosexuality is a choice may indicate internal conflicts or attempts to suppress one's true self.
  3. Past involvement in promoting 'ex-gay' therapy could suggest personal struggles with sexual identity.
Becoming Noble 1993 implied HN points 29 Sep 23
  1. True leadership requires first mastering obedience to a higher law or authority.
  2. Obeying a divine and eternal law involves sacrificing personal desires, as emphasized in the concept of spiritual combat.
  3. Cultivating genuine strength and leadership in a world lacking strong figures necessitates embracing the challenges of spiritual warfare.
Changing The Channel 1435 implied HN points 24 Oct 23
  1. The author is exploring Celtic spirituality as a way to connect with their ancestral roots and feels a strong resonance with it.
  2. They regret not embracing this indigenous spirituality earlier and suggest that some white Americans may overlook their own indigenous spiritual traditions.
  3. The author finds comfort and familiarity in the teachings of John Phillip Newell on Celtic Christian spirituality and plans to share more insights after attending a retreat with him.