Engineering Enablement

The Engineering Enablement Substack focuses on the latest research and perspectives regarding developer productivity. It explores strategies for managing technical debt, effective engineering metrics, software quality, and factors affecting developer productivity. Themes include the importance of non-technical factors, team and individual performance metrics, and the impact of workplace culture and processes.

Developer Productivity Technical Debt Management Engineering Metrics Software Quality Team Performance Workplace Culture Code Review Processes Workplace Tools and Technologies

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And their main takeaways
14 implied HN points 15 Mar 24
  1. On average, developers report 22% of their time being wasted, resulting in significant potential productivity loss.
  2. Efficiency in engineering organizations varies widely within teams, showing room for improvement and optimization.
  3. There is a correlation between the size of an organization in terms of employee count and revenue with the amount of developer time wasted, indicating larger organizations may struggle with efficiency compared to smaller ones.
14 implied HN points 01 Mar 24
  1. The DevEx framework focuses on the lived experiences of developers by measuring feedback loops, cognitive load, and flow state to enhance developer productivity.
  2. Teams interested in using metrics to improve developer productivity, such as platform engineering teams, engineering managers, and engineering executives, can benefit from implementing the DevEx framework.
  3. To successfully implement the DevEx framework, organizations should focus on getting feedback from developers, setting targets, driving impact through projects, running experiments, and then measuring progress to improve developer experience and productivity.
37 implied HN points 05 Jan 24
  1. Software quality encompasses four types: process, code, system, and product quality.
  2. Process quality sets the foundation for overall software quality by having a strong development process.
  3. Code quality is crucial for system quality and product quality, focusing on maintainability and reducing defects.
19 implied HN points 09 Feb 24
  1. Code reviews at Meta were taking too long, so they experimented with NudgeBot to speed up the process.
  2. The team identified a correlation between slow code reviews and dissatisfaction, leading to the implementation of NudgeBot.
  3. By using NudgeBot to nudge reviewers to act on 'stale' diffs, Meta successfully reduced the time taken for code reviews.
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23 implied HN points 12 Jan 24
  1. The SPACE Framework for developer productivity includes dimensions like satisfaction, performance, activity, communication, and efficiency.
  2. SPACE is useful for software organization leaders defining productivity, teams seeking comprehensive measurements, and leaders involving teams in productivity improvement.
  3. Implementing SPACE involves understanding various metrics, balancing workflow and perception measurements, and considering the holistic approach to developer productivity.
9 implied HN points 16 Feb 24
  1. The Thoughtworks Technology Radar categorizes technologies into four rings: Hold, Assess, Trial, and Adopt based on their readiness and suitability for adoption.
  2. The Radar provides a snapshot of technologies seen in the previous six months and aims to showcase what's happening globally in the tech industry.
  3. The Radar is produced through a process of collecting technology proposals from Thoughtworks employees, voting on their inclusion, and finalizing around 100 blips for publication.
4 implied HN points 08 Mar 24
  1. Telemetry metrics like pull requests per developer and code review time can give a high-level view of how GenAI tools are impacting developer output, but they may not provide a complete picture of tool utilization and benefits.
  2. Experience sampling, where developers are surveyed in real-time as they use GenAI tools, can offer valuable insights into specific time savings and tool usage, helping organizations understand the effectiveness of GenAI.
  3. Surveys are useful for measuring developer adoption, satisfaction, and self-reported productivity related to GenAI tools, providing a different perspective to complement telemetry metrics and experience sampling.
31 implied HN points 01 Sep 23
  1. Developer productivity can be conceptualized through three dimensions: Velocity, Quality, and Satisfaction.
  2. Leaders should clarify their goals for measuring productivity by considering stakeholders, level of measurement, and time period.
  3. Transitioning from dimensions to selecting metrics can be done using the Goals, Signals, Metrics approach.
4 implied HN points 23 Feb 24
  1. Change description is crucial for code review, including explaining the motivation behind a change and what is being altered.
  2. Smaller code changes are easier to review and have a higher chance of acceptance.
  3. Commit history matters: a concise, self-explanatory message is preferred, and fewer commits increase the likelihood of acceptance.
23 implied HN points 22 Sep 23
  1. Factors like job enthusiasm, peer support for new ideas, and useful feedback strongly correlate with developer productivity.
  2. Non-technical factors like job satisfaction are crucial for productivity, while technical factors can vary among companies.
  3. Improving job enthusiasm, supporting new ideas, and providing feedback can enhance developer productivity.
28 implied HN points 11 Aug 23
  1. Time pressure in software development is influenced by poor effort estimates, project management issues, and company culture.
  2. Three theories explain the effects of time pressure: Yerkes-Dodson Law, Job Demands-Resources Model, and Dimensional Model of Emotions.
  3. Time pressure impacts individuals by decreasing confidence, process by affecting quality assurance, and efficiency and quality by increasing efficiency up to a certain point.
21 implied HN points 25 Aug 23
  1. Team norm clarity is a stronger predictor of performance and satisfaction than psychological safety.
  2. Psychological safety and team norm clarity are both important for team performance and job satisfaction.
  3. Focusing on team norm clarity has a more significant impact on performance and satisfaction than psychological safety.
22 implied HN points 28 Jul 23
  1. Reflective goal-setting can increase productivity at work.
  2. Developers set goals to improve time management, avoid deviation from planned work, improve impact on the team, maintain work-life balance, and continuously learn.
  3. Reflective goal-setting helps developers identify concrete goals, increase perceived productivity, and sustain positive behavior changes.