The hottest Remote work Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
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The Intrinsic Perspective 8431 implied HN points 23 Mar 23
  1. ChatGPT's capabilities include suggesting design for disturbing scenarios like a death camp.
  2. Remote work is associated with a recent increase in fertility rates, contributing to a fertility boom.
  3. The Orthogonality Thesis within AI safety debates highlights the potential risks posed by superintelligent AI's actions.
Department of Product 393 implied HN points 01 Feb 24
  1. MultiOn and Arc Browser are challenging the assumption that users interacting with products are human by automating browsing tasks
  2. Shopify introduced over 100 new product updates in its Winter Edition, including a media editor for generating product images instantly
  3. Google, PayPal, Zoom, TikTok, and OpenAI all revealed new features and products this week, showcasing advancements in technology
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Register Spill 196 implied HN points 11 Feb 24
  1. Collaboration without elaborate scheduling can feel light and spontaneous, leading to a more open and fluid work environment.
  2. Embracing unscheduled calls and spontaneous pairing sessions can foster better knowledge transfer and idea exchange among team members.
  3. Using tools that support easy and on-the-fly collaboration can significantly impact the culture and productivity of a remote team, making workdays feel full of possibilities rather than meetings.
Implications, by Scott Belsky 530 implied HN points 18 Nov 23
  1. AI-powered algorithms are driving polarization by optimizing for attention-grabbing content, widening the surface area of topics that stoke anger.
  2. Our social media feeds are now sourced from algorithmic preferences rather than social networks, shaping the content we are exposed to.
  3. The benefits of physical proximity in fostering creativity and relationships for teams will lead to the emergence of new technologies and management strategies supporting hybrid and remote work environments.
Technology Made Simple 139 implied HN points 17 Feb 24
  1. The remote work vs in-person debate is becoming more divisive with many companies now choosing to return to in-person work.
  2. Financial reasons such as increased turnover due to layoffs, real estate investments, and management preferences are driving companies to push for in-person work.
  3. Despite the preference for traditional office culture, studies show remote work can be just as productive, inclusive, and even boost creativity and performance.
Make Work Better 98 implied HN points 28 Feb 24
  1. The belief that 70% of culture change programs fail is not supported by valid evidence, so there is hope to succeed with your own initiative.
  2. Deutsche Bank implemented a unique policy to ban Fridays at home followed by Mondays due to concerns about office efficiency.
  3. Culture within a workplace starts with the people and their behaviors, and sometimes addressing cultural issues may involve removing individuals who do not align with the desired culture.
startupdreams 1165 implied HN points 17 Jun 23
  1. Open office floor plans were introduced to reduce costs but can be detrimental to employees' performance.
  2. Working from home brought autonomy and productivity to many employees, making them reluctant to return to the office.
  3. Companies that force employees back to the office may face consequences like decreased productivity and losing top talent.
The Weasel Speaks 117 implied HN points 21 Jan 24
  1. Remote work changes the nature of work and priorities, leading to valuable outcomes.
  2. The pandemic shifted organizations to remote work, increasing productivity with location-neutral setups.
  3. Managing remote teams requires different strategies and a focus on communication and collaboration.
UX Psychology 138 implied HN points 22 Dec 23
  1. Asynchronous communication can combat Zoom fatigue by reducing the need for excessive meetings and allowing for more focused work time.
  2. Benefits of asynchronous communication include inclusivity, clearer communication, efficiency with meeting reduction, and wider audience engagement.
  3. Challenges of asynchronous communication include adjustment to a new way of working, time and effort for content creation, cultural shifts within organizations, and potential for information overload.
Recruiting Brainfood 569 implied HN points 05 Mar 23
  1. Maintain a multi-channel approach to audience building to mitigate risks of being removed from platforms like LinkedIn
  2. Stay informed about emerging trends like the Creator Economy and prioritize personal branding with effective LinkedIn headlines
  3. Recognize that platforms like TikTok are becoming increasingly influential, especially for Gen Z, impacting employer branding and recruitment strategies
Apricitas Economics 66 implied HN points 04 Jan 24
  1. Economic growth in the US post-pandemic has shifted towards states like Florida, Texas, and the American South and Mountain West.
  2. Remote work has driven population influxes to states like Idaho and Arizona, resulting in significant economic booms.
  3. Florida and Texas have seen impressive job growth and have become major contributors to overall US GDP and job gains.
The Ruffian 276 implied HN points 22 Jul 23
  1. Economies can experience a 'Wile E. Coyote moment' where everything seems fine but is about to crash.
  2. Working-from-home (WFH) might seem productive at first, but lack of in-person interaction can lead to long-term issues.
  3. The 'Wile E. Coyote illusion' can be seen in various contexts, such as relationships, consumer markets, and AI development.
The New Urban Order 179 implied HN points 27 Jun 23
  1. Remote work has affected American cities, with some experiencing population gains, while others continue to decline.
  2. Higher income individuals are more likely to work remotely and tend to move to less expensive areas.
  3. Despite the predictions that remote work would increase mobility, overall rates of mobility have continued to decline since the 1950s.
Sarah Tavel's Newsletter 176 implied HN points 09 Mar 23
  1. Consider starting a company with a co-located team for better collaboration and success.
  2. Being together in person can enhance communication, creativity, and team strength in early stages.
  3. As a company grows, balancing co-located and distributed teams becomes necessary for accessing talent and navigating trade-offs.
Make Work Better 157 implied HN points 05 May 23
  1. Compromise is essential to make hybrid work successfully in organizations.
  2. Stricter office time policies are being implemented by some organizations to foster teamwork and connectedness among employees.
  3. Younger workers may be facing challenges with remote work, such as lack of feedback and understanding workplace norms.
My Home Office Hacks 12 implied HN points 12 Feb 24
  1. Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey made humorous comments about remote workers being 'losers,' sparking a debate and humor online.
  2. Working from home has its perks, such as saving time on commuting, needing a smaller work wardrobe, and avoiding bad office coffee.
  3. The discussion around being a 'loser' for working from home has led to a special offer for readers related to copywriting.
Make Work Better 76 implied HN points 21 Jul 23
  1. Psychological safety allows constructive disagreement and reduces interpersonal risk.
  2. Teams can build psychological safety by bonding through tasks, normalizing learning from mistakes, and ensuring everyone feels 'seen'.
  3. Seeking input with humility and openness is key in fostering psychological safety in high-performing teams.