The hottest Goal setting Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
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Day One β€’ 439 implied HN points β€’ 30 Mar 24
  1. The mind gives up before the body, so don't let mental barriers dictate physical limits.
  2. Focus on a clear vision and roadmap to avoid distractions and make progress in your goals.
  3. Building a personal brand, monetizing it, and starting a company are three essential stages to follow in growing your opportunities.
UX Psychology β€’ 297 implied HN points β€’ 05 Jan 24
  1. Form implementation intentions to bridge the gap between intentions and actions by creating specific if-then plans linking cues to goal-directed behaviors.
  2. Research shows that forming if-then plans can significantly increase the likelihood of achieving goals in various areas such as health, consumer choices, and personal goals.
  3. To apply implementation intentions, choose specific goals, identify situational cues, specify goal-directed responses, form if-then plan statements, and commit to following through.
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The Dose β€’ 452 implied HN points β€’ 23 Mar 23
  1. The beginning of spring is a great time to start fresh and work towards your goals.
  2. Transitions like the start of a new season allow for a blank slate and renewed motivation.
  3. Spring is a psychological refresh button - use it as an opportunity to reconnect with your values and goals.
Dev Interrupted β€’ 14 implied HN points β€’ 12 Mar 24
  1. Building influence as an engineering leader requires focusing on trust, communication, and empowerment to succeed in both individual contributor and managerial roles.
  2. Adopting GenAI can be challenging due to the pressure of the hype cycle, and understanding key considerations is crucial for successful implementation.
  3. Having hard deadlines can significantly impact productivity and response rates, highlighting the importance of leveraging deadlines to improve team tempo and cadence.
The Leadership Lab β€’ 98 implied HN points β€’ 10 Sep 23
  1. Motivation is a fleeting emotional state that cannot be relied on, so waiting for motivation to come may hinder progress.
  2. True motivation often comes from taking action, aligning with values and purpose, rather than waiting for motivation to strike.
  3. Understanding intrinsic vs. extrinsic motivation, adjusting goals realistically, and aligning tasks with desired outcomes can help drive motivation.
Mental Models β€’ 63 implied HN points β€’ 17 Mar 23
  1. Temporal landmarks are special events that help us remember and organize time.
  2. Temporal landmarks can boost productivity and goal-setting by providing a mental separation between past and present.
  3. Using temporal landmarks can create momentum, structure, and motivation, aiding in achieving goals and improving well-being.
Engineering Enablement β€’ 22 implied HN points β€’ 28 Jul 23
  1. Reflective goal-setting can increase productivity at work.
  2. Developers set goals to improve time management, avoid deviation from planned work, improve impact on the team, maintain work-life balance, and continuously learn.
  3. Reflective goal-setting helps developers identify concrete goals, increase perceived productivity, and sustain positive behavior changes.
The Leadership Lab β€’ 19 implied HN points β€’ 03 Apr 22
  1. The best goals are those that excite and scare you, as they align with what you truly desire and push you to grow.
  2. Commitment is essential in achieving goals that evoke fear and excitement, even when it feels uncomfortable.
  3. Leaders should model commitment to scary goals and help their teams understand the importance of committing to uncertain but exciting objectives.
Austin's Analects β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 13 Feb 24
  1. Selecting a Word of the Year simplifies your goals and provides focus to your daily life, acting as a theme for your journey.
  2. To choose your Word of the Year, list your goals, identify traits needed for each goal, and then select the word that appears most frequently as your guide.
  3. Commitment can be a powerful Word of the Year, encapsulating dedication to goals, relationships, and personal growth, providing a clear direction and focus for the year.
Deus In Machina β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 02 Nov 23
  1. Understand and work around your energy peaks and dips throughout the day to maximize productivity.
  2. Implement strategies to manage distractions, such as setting up phone holders and blocking access to tempting websites.
  3. Setting daily goals, being present in your tasks, and balancing work with enjoyable activities are crucial for maintaining focus and productivity.
Life Coaching Curriculum & Soft Skills for Leadership β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 06 Feb 24
  1. Setting and working towards meaningful goals has been linked to increased life satisfaction and positive emotions.
  2. Developing resilience is crucial in the face of setbacks while pursuing goals, seeing obstacles as opportunities to learn and grow.
  3. Recognizing and celebrating small victories along the way boosts motivation and reinforces the positive connection between goal pursuit and happiness.
The Leadership Lab β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 17 Jan 22
  1. Setting aggressive goals challenges us to grow beyond our current limits and embrace progress.
  2. Shifting from 'or' level-thinking to 'and' level-thinking opens up new possibilities and challenges assumptions about tradeoffs.
  3. Embracing risks can lead to breakthroughs in personal growth, as breakdowns can be gateways to transformation and increased capacity.
CTOrly β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 23 Aug 22
  1. The size of a person is determined by what they love and what annoys them - applies to teams too.
  2. Product teams should plan big and not be disrupted by small things, aiming for home runs.
  3. Teams can be greater or less than the sum of their parts based on how distractions are managed, so focus on making grand plans and cutting out distractions.
Granted β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 01 Mar 20
  1. Success is not a straight path, but rather a squiggly line. It's about learning and growing from setbacks.
  2. To achieve your goals, break them down into smaller parts. Lump short-term tasks and slice long-term goals for progress.
  3. When giving feedback, aim to help others improve. Be honest even if it's not what they want to hear.
Austin's Analects β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 29 Mar 24
  1. Creating an evidence vault to combat self-doubt can remind you of your achievements during tough times.
  2. Try Steve Weatherford's dynamic warmup routine involving lunges, stretches, and leg swings to improve mobility and strength.
  3. Consider Jason Fried's approach of not setting goals but making decisions as you go to stay flexible and adaptable.