The hottest Tech Trends Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
Top Technology Topics
The Lunduke Journal of Technology 6886 implied HN points 26 Apr 23
  1. Big tech companies are promoting the idea of using less capable computers and remote desktop-ing into central servers.
  2. Microsoft is pushing Windows 365 Frontline where users connect to a remote Windows 11 desktop provided by Microsoft.
  3. Google is providing low-power Chromebooks to employees and encouraging the use of Google Cloudtop for desktop software, eliminating the need for powerful computers.
AI Supremacy 530 implied HN points 31 Jan 24
  1. The post provides lists of AI experts to follow on LinkedIn and Twitter for the latest insights.
  2. The recommended individuals include researchers, authors, builders, journalists, and more in the AI field.
  3. Following these experts can offer valuable breaking news and insights in AI, aligning with the latest trends and discussions.
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Normcore Tech 1145 implied HN points 28 Feb 23
  1. The landscape of social media is changing with platforms like Twitter and Facebook losing users to newer platforms like TikTok
  2. Users are moving to private, fragmented social media landscapes with platforms like Discord and Mastodon
  3. Creators are facing challenges in standing out in the mass-creation of art facilitated by tools like ChatGPT and StableDiffusion
The Rubesletter by Matt Ruby (of Vooza) | Sent every Tuesday 926 implied HN points 06 Jun 23
  1. Future of technology like Apple Vision Pro may have surprising uses beyond what we initially think.
  2. Passthrough feature in Apple Vision Pro allows mutual seeing - interesting concept for enhanced interaction.
  3. Reflect on the impact of excessive screen time and technology usage on real-life human interactions.
Golden Pineapple 63 implied HN points 22 Feb 24
  1. Y Combinator invests in over 4,000 companies, targeting sectors that promise great returns and societal benefits.
  2. Top growing companies across sectors like Climate Tech, Space Tech, Enterprise AI, Cancer Cure, and Devtools show impressive year-over-year growth rates.
  3. Crustdata provides data on fast-growing private companies for investors and sales leaders, offering insights into various industry sectors.
In Bed With Social 334 implied HN points 24 Sep 23
  1. The mobile app landscape is shifting with a decrease in app downloads and counts on platforms like the App Store and Play Store.
  2. Apps like Breeze and Soon are introducing 'offline dating' experiences that prioritize face-to-face interactions over virtual connections.
  3. There is a rising trend towards digital consolidation and possibly a shift towards a 'super app' revolution to balance tangible experiences with digital connectivity.
nicosmid 39 implied HN points 23 Jan 24
  1. The top two Bitcoin mining pools, Foundry and Antpool, increased their dominance in 2023.
  2. Hashrate aggregators are fighting to capture market share, relying on primary pools for block creation and managing rewards, posing both opportunities and risks to network decentralization.
  3. Several Bitcoin mining pools came and went in 2023, highlighting challenges and innovations in the industry.
Social Warming by Charles Arthur 117 implied HN points 12 May 23
  1. Using a velvet rope strategy can create anticipation and exclusivity for a service, enticing more people to join.
  2. In the world of social networks, a VIP lane for selected users can build hype and set the tone for success.
  3. Artificial intelligence like ChatGPT is impacting various industries, particularly white-collar jobs and online platforms.
New World Same Humans 22 implied HN points 20 Dec 23
  1. The Monthly Salon is a space for community discussions on trends, technology, and society.
  2. 2023 has been dominated by machine intelligence advances and 2024 will see further developments in AI and humanoid robots.
  3. The upcoming year holds significant developments like the first private moon landing and the potential impact on human labor.
Engineering Enablement 9 implied HN points 16 Feb 24
  1. The Thoughtworks Technology Radar categorizes technologies into four rings: Hold, Assess, Trial, and Adopt based on their readiness and suitability for adoption.
  2. The Radar provides a snapshot of technologies seen in the previous six months and aims to showcase what's happening globally in the tech industry.
  3. The Radar is produced through a process of collecting technology proposals from Thoughtworks employees, voting on their inclusion, and finalizing around 100 blips for publication.
Technology Made Simple 39 implied HN points 09 Apr 23
  1. Big companies are increasingly adopting Kotlin over Java for their workflows due to its multi-functionality and great design.
  2. According to surveys, Kotlin has been consistently well-liked and is expanding beyond Android development to other platforms.
  3. Understanding why Google initially chose Java for Android, what issues Java presented, and what makes Kotlin appealing to various organizations can provide valuable insights for tech professionals.
Fulton’s ramblings 19 implied HN points 03 Aug 23
  1. Smart devices with practical uses enhance lives, like doorbells or thermostats.
  2. Be cautious of useless smart features that can lead to unnecessary data collection.
  3. Companies are adding non-essential smart features to products to charge extra and surveil users; consumers can push back by being selective in purchases and expressing opinions.
startups and econ (Fais Khan) 7 implied HN points 08 May 23
  1. Big Tech companies have gone through significant layoffs, but their headcounts remain substantial due to unique hiring practices.
  2. Millennials are facing challenges in the housing market with high rent rates and a potential oversupply of rental properties.
  3. AI advancements are changing the coding landscape, but the role of human coders remains crucial for complex architectural decisions.
Turnaround 59 implied HN points 21 Oct 19
  1. Finding your passion or the problem you want to work on can be a mix of luck, timing, and expertise, but there's value in a deliberate approach too.
  2. Ideas can come from exposure, such as reading books, meeting experts, following trends, and being open to new experiences.
  3. Leverage social capital, find solutions for individual privacy, and explore emerging shifts to generate innovative ideas by staying informed and open to new possibilities.
Turnaround 39 implied HN points 07 Oct 19
  1. The vision for India's growth and prosperity by 2020 inspired many, even if not all aspects were realized. A vision like this can motivate and unite people.
  2. Books and podcasts can provide valuable insights and information on trends and developments in various industries. They can offer foresight and connect dots in a seemingly effortless way.
  3. Gaming significantly impacted tech companies' trajectories in China compared to India, leading to innovative features in non-gaming apps inspired by gaming. Understanding pricing dynamics in gaming can be complex and crucial for investors in the space.
Lolita's Newsletter 0 implied HN points 16 May 23
  1. Understanding the Gartner hype cycle can help with making investment decisions and managing expectations about new technologies.
  2. AI is in the Slope of Enlightenment phase of the hype cycle, presenting a good investment opportunity.
  3. Blockchain may be in the Trough of Disillusionment phase, but Web 3 development is in its early stages, offering potential for decentralized app growth.
Links I Would Gchat You If We Were Friends 0 implied HN points 06 Apr 15
  1. Social networks use nostalgia for financial gain, but it also offers psychological benefits to users.
  2. Being the target of an internet joke can be hurtful, especially when there's a personal story behind the image.
  3. Even when exposing information for a perceived good cause, like doxing, it's important to consider the impact and potential harm.
Links I Would Gchat You If We Were Friends 0 implied HN points 19 Mar 15
  1. Explaining the magic of Google Autocomplete: It's more than what Google initially envisioned and keeps things quirky. Let's keep Autocomplete weird.
  2. How Larry King tweets: He uses a flip phone, calls an assistant to transcribe, and claims to tweet daily. A unique approach to social media.
  3. Effects of Internet trends: Punctuation-less humor is catching on, but it might not be everyone's cup of tea. Trends in online communication evolve quickly.
Links I Would Gchat You If We Were Friends 0 implied HN points 10 Mar 15
  1. Is the Internet affecting mental health? There's debate over whether the Internet causes new mental health issues or just highlights existing ones.
  2. Reddit and racism: The platform faces criticism for harboring racist content, showing the impact of individual responsibility.
  3. Clickbait evolution: ViralNova exemplifies clickbait's shift from a small operation to a serious business with goals.
Precipitation 0 implied HN points 18 Apr 23
  1. ChatGPT is dominating tech conversations and news cycles, leaving other tech topics in the sidelines.
  2. Investment in AI, especially related to ChatGPT, is increasing, bucking the trend of decreasing venture capital investment.
  3. ChatGPT is driving one of the biggest hype cycles in tech, overshadowing other emerging technologies and attracting significant funding and attention.
Bas' Take on Tech 0 implied HN points 14 Feb 23
  1. Helping people in need during disasters, like earthquakes, through tech and careful donations is important.
  2. Global trends in remote work show shifts towards more work-from-home opportunities and legal rights in various countries.
  3. Developments in AI technology are leading to changes in search engines, potential new professions, and competition among tech giants like Google, Microsoft, and OpenAI.
Digital Native 0 implied HN points 14 Dec 23
  1. A new trend in dating apps will emerge with AI-powered features aiming to improve user experience.
  2. Interest rates are projected to remain flat in 2024, impacting various sectors like venture capital funding.
  3. 2024 will be a challenging year for fundraising in the venture capital industry, with limited partners facing difficulties due to market conditions.
Digital Native 0 implied HN points 18 Oct 23
  1. Employee productivity is increasing as technology allows workers to do more in less time.
  2. Platforms like OnlyFans represent the rise of digitally-native entrepreneurs seeking flexible and economically-rewarding work.
  3. Healthcare expenditures continue to rise in the U.S., prompting innovation in digital health solutions and a shift towards consumer-focused healthcare approaches.