I have thoughts

A very occasional letter from my brain and too many open tabs straight to you, my friends. Substack is the new LJ.

The hottest Substack posts of I have thoughts

And their main takeaways
79 implied HN points 02 Dec 23
  1. Parenting choices create ripples, but it's important not to obsess over every single decision.
  2. It's okay to choose a family size that aligns with your personality and needs, whether it's having one child or more.
  3. Building a strong bond with your child is essential, and the quality time spent together can be incredibly fulfilling.
19 implied HN points 24 Jan 24
  1. There is a gap in recognizing female artistic achievements in the cinematic world, with examples like Greta Gerwig being overlooked for Best Director nominations despite success in filmmaking.
  2. There is a need for more representation of women in the film industry, both behind the camera as directors and in front of the camera as well-written characters.
  3. Artistic consumption can be more intentional to support and promote women's voices and stories, encouraging a shift towards inclusive creative exploration.
79 implied HN points 13 May 22
  1. Every person deserves the right to live their life as they choose, free from restrictions or forcible actions against their will.
  2. Parenting is a deeply personal journey that can be all-consuming, requiring support, resources, and respect for individual choices and challenges.
  3. Advocacy for human rights, bodily autonomy, and reproductive freedom is crucial, highlighting the importance of empathy, understanding, and support for diverse experiences and choices.
59 implied HN points 22 Jun 22
  1. Recognize the impact of prolonged stress on mental health and physical wellbeing. It's important to prioritize self-care and rest.
  2. Acknowledge and share struggles with others. Everyone faces challenges, and it's okay to seek support and camaraderie.
  3. Remember to find moments of joy and connection amidst difficulties. These can help sustain and uplift us during tough times.
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2 HN points 27 Feb 24
  1. There is a widespread perception that many products and services are of lower quality and filled with scams.
  2. Be cautious of online business coaches and the potential for falling into pyramid schemes; skepticism is key.
  3. In a media landscape filled with dissonance and negativity, finding genuine connections with others and engaging in creative, uplifting conversations can be a valuable way to navigate through the noise.
39 implied HN points 09 Apr 22
  1. The author values longform content over social media platforms due to issues like lack of control and surveillance.
  2. The movie 'Everything Everywhere All At Once' was a deeply emotional and genre-defying experience, touching on topics like generational trauma, immigrant experiences, and depression.
  3. The film highlights the importance of small moments, representation, and the relationships we have with our loved ones.
0 implied HN points 21 Aug 22
  1. Josie and the Pussycats is a movie from 2001 that deserves a rewatch, offering a satirical take on consumerism and pop culture in a colorful, over-the-top manner.
  2. The film serves as a time capsule of the early 2000s, critiquing the power of the recording industry and prominently featuring various brands as a commentary on consumerism.
  3. Despite initial critical reception, the movie presents ambitious women in a positive light, focusing on their success and camaraderie, standing out in a landscape that often punishes ambitious female characters.
0 implied HN points 24 Jul 23
  1. Receiving specific feedback on concrete behaviors is more valuable than general or personality-based feedback
  2. In the workplace, it's important to be aware of biases and stereotypes that may affect how others perceive and interact with you
  3. Coaching at work can be challenging, but seizing coaching opportunities and providing feedback thoughtfully is important for professional growth