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Popular Information 9670 implied HN points 08 Feb 24
  1. Proponents of the great replacement theory believe in a racist myth about white Americans and non-white immigrants.
  2. The great replacement theory has inspired violent attacks, showing the dangerous consequences of this conspiracy.
  3. Some corporations publicly support a path to citizenship for Dreamers while donating to politicians who endorse racist conspiracy theories.
Jonathan Cook 3203 implied HN points 09 Feb 24
  1. Western media outlets like CNN have biases when reporting on Israel, often favoring Israel's perspective and marginalizing Palestinian viewpoints.
  2. Journalists in mainstream media face pressure from corporate interests and advertisers, hindering their ability to report truthfully on Israeli atrocities in Gaza.
  3. The media's consistent coverage of the region stems from long-standing complicity in Israel's actions due to ties with corporate interests, the arms industry, and maintaining control in the Middle East.
Popular Information 13247 implied HN points 06 Sep 23
  1. Elon Musk threatened to sue the Anti-Defamation League due to criticism of his handling of Twitter.
  2. Musk reneged on promises to combat hate speech on Twitter and reinstated accounts with anti-Semitic content.
  3. Musk has a history of associating with and amplifying anti-Semitic speech, causing controversy and backlash.
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Richard Lewis 1022 implied HN points 06 Feb 24
  1. Esports World Cup program provides financial assistance to organizations in exchange for participation in tournaments and generating viewership.
  2. Saudi Arabian state heavily involved in funding and controlling Esports World Cup, aiming to increase global recognition through esports.
  3. Esports organizations receiving stimulus payments from Saudi Arabia may face conflicts of interest and compromise on integrity due to financial ties.
TRANSFORM with Marianne Williamson 3950 implied HN points 20 Feb 23
  1. A new America is struggling to be born with a focus on reclaiming original principles.
  2. The current political landscape needs to shift to prioritize the well-being and inclusivity of all Americans.
  3. It is time for a new generation of American consciousness to emerge and steer the country towards a better future.
Archedelia 1434 implied HN points 26 Aug 23
  1. Corporations are not run by individual stockholders, but by managers who respond to asset managers and institutional investors.
  2. The theory of the free market is based on a universe of small proprietors, which is not applicable to today's corporate economy.
  3. Corporations were initially formed by government charters and are now influenced by state purposes, leading to a malfunction in a purely market-driven environment.
DrV’s Newsletter, Notes, Essays, Articles, Videos, and Book Chapters 176 implied HN points 27 Jan 24
  1. Two presidential candidates who challenged pharma-globalist power were eliminated from the race in 2024.
  2. The remaining major candidates from both parties supported pandemic measures that led to a significant increase in deaths and costs for the nation.
  3. The influence of drug companies in politics, education, and media remains significant, impacting American elections.
Surfing the Future 59 implied HN points 10 Feb 24
  1. Ensuring accountability for systemic crimes is crucial, with heavy financial penalties, especially for those profiting from reprehensible practices like the British empire's opium trade
  2. Uncomfortable parallels exist between historical criminal enterprises like the opium trade, the opioid crisis, and modern fossil fuel industries, hinting at potential criminalization
  3. Legal actions such as climate scientist Michael Mann's successful defamation lawsuit highlight the importance of holding false accusers accountable, pushing for strict consequences against defamers
Geopolitical Economy Report 438 implied HN points 25 Jan 23
  1. Ukrainian president Zelensky is actively seeking investment from US corporations like BlackRock, JP Morgan, and Goldman Sachs, encouraging them to do business in Ukraine.
  2. Zelensky's government has implemented aggressive anti-worker policies, limiting union rights and encouraging a pro-corporate environment.
  3. Western governments and corporations are planning aggressive neoliberal reforms for Ukraine, aiming to privatize and deregulate industries with the help of powerful entities like BlackRock.
Weight and Healthcare 379 implied HN points 01 Apr 23
  1. Novo Nordisk engaged in shady marketing practices involving funding prominent organizations, healthcare professionals, and academics to promote their weight loss drug without proper disclosure.
  2. The Observer investigation revealed that Novo Nordisk spent millions on payments, sponsorships, and grants to shape the obesity debate and influence healthcare policy decisions.
  3. Experts like Professor John Wilding and Jason Halford were found to be actively supporting Novo Nordisk's drug Wegovy while having substantial financial ties with the company, raising concerns about conflicts of interest.
Good Reason 56 implied HN points 19 Aug 23
  1. The movie 'Barbie' critiqued the doll's unrealistic standards while making billions in profit.
  2. Corporate entities like Vought in 'The Boys' and Mattel with Barbie can profit off criticism and controversial themes.
  3. Mattel faced criticism for Barbie's body image standards, attempted changes, but struggled due to societal norms and children's preferences.
Fight to Repair 118 implied HN points 14 Nov 22
  1. Follow the money: Corporations spend heavily on lobbying and campaign donations to prevent right to repair bills from impacting their profits.
  2. Anti-repair lobbying impact: Companies like Apple invest in lobbying efforts to circumvent potential losses from repair laws, highlighting the power of money in shaping legislation.
  3. Persistence pays off: Despite corporate lobbying, the right to repair movement has achieved victories in some states, showcasing the importance of popular support and legislative perseverance.
Anxiety Addiction & Ascension 59 implied HN points 15 May 23
  1. Pfizer supporting Australia's Indigenous Voice to Parliament may be motivated by gaining 'woke' credibility and potential commercial benefits through legislative influence.
  2. The Voice to Parliament seeks to create an unelected, unaccountable government branch, potentially undermining democracy.
  3. Big corporations like Pfizer supporting social causes can use donations to activist groups to influence legislation, highlighting a common trend in corporate social responsibility for vested interests.
I Might Be Wrong 10 implied HN points 12 Apr 23
  1. Progressives advocate for more content curation on social media to combat hate speech and misinformation.
  2. Elon Musk's leadership of Twitter following progressive demands showcases challenges with content moderation.
  3. Having large social media companies control speech raises concerns over power and influence in our national dialogue.
Fight to Repair 19 implied HN points 31 Aug 22
  1. Corporations like Amazon and Apple often limit repair options for consumers to maintain control over products, using tactics like market consolidation and locked ecosystems.
  2. Open-source technology in farm equipment offers a repairable, environmentally friendly alternative, beneficial for small farms adapting to climate change.
  3. The Auto Care Association supports initiatives like the Maine Right to Repair Referendum, emphasizing the importance of consumer choice in vehicle maintenance and repair.
Anxiety Addiction & Ascension 19 implied HN points 10 May 22
  1. The political left and right have swapped places in terms of beliefs and stances over the past twenty years, showcasing an almost complete inversion.
  2. Key ideologies like views on war, corporations, censorship, and even vaccines have shifted drastically, leading to a reevaluation of traditional political labels.
  3. The rise of the Canadian Truckers Convoy in 2022 highlighted a significant shift where the 'left' no longer looked like champions of the working class, showcasing a clear disconnect between political poles.