The hottest Biology Substack posts right now

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Top Science Topics
The Intrinsic Perspective β€’ 13599 implied HN points β€’ 13 Mar 24
  1. Artificial Intelligence is advancing in discussing consciousness, raising questions about its implications
  2. There is a scientific imbalance between the understanding of creating AI and understanding consciousness
  3. Debates on AI consciousness highlight challenges in defining consciousness and its relation to AI capabilities
Noahpinion β€’ 16647 implied HN points β€’ 18 Feb 24
  1. The advancements in deep learning, cost-effective data collection through lab automation, and precision DNA editing with technologies like CRISPR are converging to transform biology from a scientific field to an engineering discipline.
  2. Historically, biology has been challenging due to its immense complexity, requiring costly trial-and-error experiments. However, with current advancements, we are now at a critical point where predictability and engineering in biological systems are becoming a reality.
  3. The decreasing cost of DNA sequencing, breakthroughs in deep learning models for biology, sophisticated lab automation, and precise genetic editing tools like CRISPR are paving the way for a revolutionary era in engineering biology, with vast potential in healthcare, agriculture, and industry.
Astral Codex Ten β€’ 11562 implied HN points β€’ 23 Feb 24
  1. Polygenic selection can help prevent genetic diseases like schizophrenia by choosing embryos with lower risk during IVF, leading to healthier children
  2. Despite the complex nature of genetic selection, it can have positive effects on individuals and society by preventing diseases and improving overall health outcomes
  3. Analogies like preventing fetal alcohol syndrome through prenatal care or choosing healthier IVF embryos demonstrate the ethical and practical benefits of polygenic selection
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Reality's Last Stand β€’ 2044 implied HN points β€’ 10 Feb 24
  1. Gender activists making comparisons between humans and sex-changing fish lack intellectual seriousness
  2. The argument suggesting that humans can change sex like fish has been mainstreamed by popular science outlets
  3. Challenging activists to follow the logic of their comparisons can lead to interesting discussions
Everything Is Amazing β€’ 1477 implied HN points β€’ 18 Feb 24
  1. Writing something down helps you remember it better, so it's not just about typing but also about physically writing.
  2. Observing nature can lead to interesting discoveries, like how birds charm worms using vibrations to catch them.
  3. Unexpected collaborations and interactions can lead to exciting outcomes, like gaining exposure to a wider audience through social media.
Secretum Secretorum β€’ 1768 implied HN points β€’ 27 Jan 24
  1. Through history, reasoning based on limited information has led to dangerous outcomes, like chronic cyanide poisoning and scurvy.
  2. Some scientific problems, like understanding heredity, have been challenging due to complexity and the need for exceptional datasets.
  3. To escape epistemic hells, radical ideas, serendipity, unlearning prior knowledge, and persistence are vital.
Grey Goose Chronicles β€’ 786 implied HN points β€’ 29 Jan 24
  1. Aboriginal Australians have a unique way of consuming tobacco with varying effects and health benefits.
  2. Quinine has a rich history in colonial expansion and fighting malaria, while caffeine might hold potential as an antimalarial drug.
  3. Genetic conditions like G6PD deficiency in sub-Saharan Africans show adaptations to malaria, impacting medical treatments and outcomes.
The Century of Biology β€’ 472 implied HN points β€’ 18 Feb 24
  1. CRISPR technology has revolutionized biology with its programmable gene editing capabilities, leading to rapid advancements and commercial interest.
  2. New tools like HACE for targeted genetic variation and technologies for RNA writing are expanding the toolkit for programming biology.
  3. Exploration of retrons as a tool for DNA production and genome editing reveals the potential for diverse applications in genome engineering.
Numlock News β€’ 766 implied HN points β€’ 18 Jan 24
  1. The National Baseball Hall of Fame faced a significant financial decline in revenue and attendance in 2022.
  2. Walmart's financial services became a target for scammers, leading to billions of dollars in fraud.
  3. Biologists are concerned about the extinction of tetrapod species, with around 856 currently missing and presumed extinct.
Asimov Press β€’ 270 implied HN points β€’ 20 Feb 24
  1. The concept of viewing time differently through the lens of the Minute Man and the Millennium Man prompts questions about our understanding of speed and time in the world.
  2. Biological processes at the cellular level can occur at astonishing speeds, with enzymes performing millions of chemical reactions per second and protein 'motors' spinning thousands of times a minute.
  3. Scientists use innovative experiments to directly observe rapid biological processes, such as watching ATP synthase spin or tracking ribosomes moving along messenger RNA strands, to gain a deeper understanding of the intricate workings of life.
De Novo β€’ 121 implied HN points β€’ 15 Mar 24
  1. Growth of eggs from stem cells is challenging, but a new research approach involving injecting adult cell nucleus into a donor egg may offer an alternative.
  2. Chromosomes' proper segregation during meiosis II seems more efficient in inbred mice compared to hybrid mice, indicating the importance of genetic similarity in the process.
  3. Understanding the mechanism that aids proper segregation in inbred chromosomes could potentially lead to advancements in using the nuclear transfer method for human oocytes, though challenges like aneuploidy and efficiency still need to be addressed.
The Garden of Forking Paths β€’ 2122 implied HN points β€’ 05 Jul 23
  1. Humans can throw objects accurately and at high speeds, shaping our modern power dynamics in society.
  2. Our unique shoulder adaptations allow for precise and fast throwing, giving us a competitive advantage over other species.
  3. The ability to use ranged weapons and throw projectiles from a distance has influenced human social structures and power dynamics.
Do Not Research β€’ 499 implied HN points β€’ 11 Dec 23
  1. Donna Haraway introduced the concept of 'cyborg' in 1985 as a response to the rising technological world order
  2. Human evolution has been driven by technological advancements since ancient times, shaping our species' survival and success
  3. The modern digital revolution is pushing us towards a new kind of evolution where gene-editing technologies and digital pressures play crucial roles
Insight Axis β€’ 612 implied HN points β€’ 12 Nov 23
  1. Giraffes have long necks to better reach food on tall trees, increasing their chances of survival and passing on their genes.
  2. In the true story of giraffes' evolution, genes are the main characters that hold knowledge for survival in their environment.
  3. Humans, unlike giraffes, can create their own knowledge using their minds, allowing them to survive in diverse environments and even outer space.
Asimov Press β€’ 251 implied HN points β€’ 24 Jan 24
  1. Applying the Five Whys technique helps to identify the root cause of complex problems effectively.
  2. Investigating and understanding the root cause of diseases like diabetes requires in-depth research and methodology.
  3. In science, it's crucial to focus on finding root causes in biology and medicine to advance our understanding of complex diseases.
Asimov Press β€’ 322 implied HN points β€’ 02 Jan 24
  1. The development of the micropipette was driven by the hazards and limitations of mouth pipetting.
  2. Innovators from different parts of the world each contributed to the modern micropipette's design and features.
  3. The history of the micropipette highlights the importance of simple tools and incremental improvements in scientific breakthroughs.
An Insult to Intuition β€’ 1454 implied HN points β€’ 26 Jun 23
  1. Kennedy discussed the potential effects of Atrazine on organisms like frogs and mammals, sparking a debate on environmental toxins.
  2. The story shared analogies between a hypothetical alien civilization and current human societal challenges, emphasizing the importance of humility and balance.
  3. There was a discussion on the perceived health risks of WiFi radiation, highlighting the need for thoughtful consideration and humility in scientific discourse.
Nepetalactone Newsletter β€’ 1749 implied HN points β€’ 12 Apr 23
  1. Sequencing of Pfizer vaccines showed dual copies of a 72-bp SV40 Promoter
  2. The assembly struggled to handle a 72-bp tandem repeat with 105bp insert sizes
  3. The data corrected the assumption of multiple vectors in Pfizer vaccines, indicating a single vector with an additional 72bp repeat
Trevor Klee’s Newsletter β€’ 522 implied HN points β€’ 31 Oct 23
  1. Insulin is not exclusive to humans but is a common hormone across various species.
  2. Cavefish have unique adaptations for survival in harsh conditions like darkness and limited food sources.
  3. The evolution of insulin resistance and obesity in cavefish provides insights into how different species handle metabolism.
Reality's Last Stand β€’ 1434 implied HN points β€’ 06 Mar 23
  1. The paper debunks the traditional binary model of biological sex by proposing a multimodal model.
  2. Current efforts in academia are influencing scientific research on sex by incorporating political motivations in the study.
  3. The study fails to provide evidence for more than two sexes and is criticized for misinterpreting sex differences in genetics, endocrinology, morphology, and behavior.
Everything Is Amazing β€’ 1255 implied HN points β€’ 25 May 23
  1. The smell of fresh air can impact our mood and health, like boosting immune cells when exposed to aromatic forest scents.
  2. Weather changes can create distinct smells, like the pre-storm smell of ozone or the earthy petrichor after rain.
  3. Our sense of smell may have deeper cultural and biological connections that we are still exploring.
Neurobiology Notes β€’ 176 implied HN points β€’ 16 Jan 24
  1. Despite preservation with the goal of future revival not being proposed for most of human history, in 1962, Evan Cooper and Robert Ettinger independently introduced the concept of cryonics.
  2. Factors influencing the delay in proposing preservation with future revival include a need for optimism in technological progress, willingness to take risks, and advances in preservation technology.
  3. Other possible reasons for the delayed start include societal restrictions, advancements in information theory, and the idea that preservation does not need to be perfect to be pursued.
Risk Musings β€’ 573 implied HN points β€’ 22 Jul 23
  1. Nature builds from the bottom up through evolution and mutations, unlike top-down engineering in human systems.
  2. Biomimicry offers inspiration across various fields by learning from nature's efficient and resilient systems.
  3. Bottom-up building, like in the human brain, involves countless interactions that lead to emergent solutions, unlike enforced top-down strategies.
Demodexio β€’ 132 implied HN points β€’ 04 Jan 24
  1. Chemistry sets used to be more dangerous, now they are heavily regulated for children's safety.
  2. We should invest more in structured education for kids in subjects like chemistry and biology to provide similar experiences.
  3. Children today have more limited freedom to explore outdoors, so it's important to offer structured outdoor education in schools.