The hottest Environmental Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
Top Science Topics
Doomberg 5751 implied HN points 25 Feb 24
  1. Modern economic systems struggle to account for environmental costs, leading to government interventions and frustrations among capitalists and landowners.
  2. The global focus on carbon emissions has led to the rise of carbon counting professionals, but many argue their value is limited.
  3. A proposal to create Natural Asset Companies (NACs) faced controversy when seeking to put a market price on nature, highlighting potential unintended consequences and opposition.
Fight to Repair 39 implied HN points 15 Feb 24
  1. Apple supported a right-to-repair law in California but opposed a similar bill in Oregon due to concerns on part pairing, despite citing safety and privacy reasons for their stance.
  2. Part pairing allows companies like Apple to control repair processes, maximize profits, and hinder the use of cheaper third-party components, impacting consumer choice and costs.
  3. Oregon legislators passed the proposed right-to-repair legislation despite Apple's opposition, indicating a shift towards giving residents a robust right to repair and recognition of Apple's contradictory stance.
ESG Hound 461 implied HN points 22 Mar 23
  1. The Bethlehem Mill was a once-thriving industrial complex that declined due to economic changes and globalization.
  2. The site faced environmental issues and cleanup challenges due to decades of industrial activity.
  3. Capitalism's impact on industrial sites like the Bethlehem Mill underscores the importance of responsible stewardship and waste management.
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The Recovering Academic 98 implied HN points 09 Jun 23
  1. Carol Dweck emphasizes the importance of a growth mindset with the phrase "the power of yet." It's crucial to shift from a fixed mindset to embrace growth, especially in challenging transitions like leaving academia for personal growth.
  2. River trash can offer a new perspective and teach valuable lessons. Collecting litter along the riverbank can spark reflections on individual choices, consumer behavior, and environmental impact.
  3. Engaging in service activities, like cleaning up trash with a group, can foster a sense of community and shared purpose. It goes beyond just physical cleanup, creating connections and learning opportunities.
Fight to Repair 39 implied HN points 08 Sep 23
  1. The push for electric vehicles to combat climate change relies heavily on lithium-ion batteries, but the production and disposal processes of these batteries have significant environmental and human consequences that cannot be overlooked.
  2. Transitioning to standardized cables like USB-C, as mandated by the EU, can have positive impacts on consumer savings, e-waste reduction, and the push towards more sustainable practices in the technology industry.
  3. Apple's potential profits from the EU's USB-C requirement highlight how companies can leverage regulatory changes, like adopting new standards, to generate revenue through avenues such as fast-charging solutions and certification fees.
Fight to Repair 19 implied HN points 24 Oct 22
  1. Fight to Repair newsletter is transitioning from daily to weekly emails starting next week, with a new podcast season for premium subscribers.
  2. Lobbyists, including big tech companies like Apple and Microsoft, have influenced the NY 'right to repair' bill to be limited to devices like smartphones, tablets, and laptops.
  3. Issues like eco double standards in hardware manufacturing and anti-features on products highlight the importance of legislation and policies supporting right to repair and consumer rights.
Activist Futurism 39 implied HN points 14 Sep 21
  1. Klima is the world's first carbon currency, backed by carbon offsets and incentivizing the absorption of carbon.
  2. KlimaDAO aims to build a monetary system that prices in carbon, rewarding pro-climate actions.
  3. Activists and supporters of transformative social change are now being drawn into the world of crypto through the introduction of Klima, the 'apex of environmental activism'.
Fight to Repair 19 implied HN points 28 Feb 22
  1. Some John Deere dealerships consolidating, leaving farmers with limited repair options. Right to Repair reforms could offer more choices for farmers.
  2. Apple now offers Face ID repair without replacing whole iPhone, reducing both hassle for technicians and carbon footprint.
  3. Farmers in multiple states advocating for Right to Repair laws to lower repair costs, increase repair options, and maintain self-reliance.
paxtier 1 implied HN point 20 Dec 23
  1. Research in seaweed and microalgae adoption in agriculture has shown contradictory results and low explanatory power
  2. Key drivers for adoption in this space include innovation advantage, compatibility, complexity, trialability, and observability
  3. Successful adoption in agriculture requires identification and demonstration of active chemicals in products
Fight to Repair 0 implied HN points 18 May 23
  1. French authorities are investigating Apple for possibly deceptive business practices related to part pairing and limiting repairs.
  2. Legal battles against manufacturers over repair restrictions, like John Deere and Tesla, are on the rise.
  3. Logitech and iFixit have teamed up to offer spare parts and repair guides for Logitech's mice to promote self-repairing.