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Top Faith & Spirituality Topics
Erick Erickson's Confessions of a Political Junkie 3537 implied HN points 08 Oct 23
  1. Jude 5 is one of the most profound verses in the Bible, emphasizing the human and divine nature of Jesus.
  2. Jesus's brothers, who initially rejected Him, later went to their deaths proclaiming Him the risen Lord. Something significant must have happened.
  3. Believing in the resurrection of Jesus can bring comfort and hope, even in times of struggle and despair.
SOAR with Sara Hagerty 628 implied HN points 09 Feb 24
  1. The idea of winners never quitting and quitters never winning is a lie we internalize since childhood.
  2. Sometimes quitting is necessary for personal growth and moving towards a new path.
  3. It's important to consider when holding onto a dream might be detrimental to our well-being and embrace the idea of letting go.
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Becoming Noble 1514 implied HN points 28 Oct 23
  1. The idea of forming a warrior religion may be exciting, but it is essential to consider the flawed approach to truth, belief, action, and divinity.
  2. Religion should originate from a genuine encounter with the divine, rather than being artificially constructed for practical purposes.
  3. Seeking spiritual guidance solely from nature without a foundation in absolute Truth can lead to nihilism and a lack of transcendent orientation.
Slack Tide by Matt Labash 224 implied HN points 04 Feb 24
  1. Our society is going through a period of collective insanity with disturbing events and conflicts.
  2. Finding solace and promoting mental well-being can be achieved through activities like using a steam room and engaging with thought-provoking content, such as books.
  3. Exploring faith, doubt, and deeper questions through literature and music, like the work of Nick Cave, can lead to personal growth and introspection.
Becoming Noble 1235 implied HN points 28 Jul 23
  1. A movement needs a single inception point where the spark touches the kindling and action begins.
  2. There is a need to move from the profane to the sacred, creating a sacred space for the new world conception.
  3. For Christians, the task is to re-sacralize existing sacred spaces, while Nietzschean vitalists need to establish and consecrate their own sacred spaces.
The Joyous Struggle 158 implied HN points 30 Jan 24
  1. The post discusses the concept of busyness as a dubious status claim and why time feels to pass quicker as one ages.
  2. There is a reflection on how two Harry Potter films led to thinking about Gaza, along with a positive outlook on the Perspectiva antidebate.
  3. The post includes a reading of 'Beannacht' by John O'Donohue as an antidote to late January blues.
Polymathic Being 54 implied HN points 17 Mar 24
  1. In science, we often reach a point where we must make a statement of faith or accept an axiom to progress, similar to the concept of 'Turtles All the Way Down.'
  2. The idea of infinite regress, like 'Turtles All the Way Down,' highlights the need for statements of faith in science to avoid getting lost in an endless loop of explanations.
  3. Recognizing and accepting statements of faith, axioms, or first principles is crucial for progress in our complex world, as long as we prevent them from turning into rigid religious beliefs.
YouTopian Journey 79 implied HN points 18 Feb 24
  1. Taking action is crucial for change to happen in our lives; dreams and ideas are powerless without actions to back them up.
  2. A single decision, one action, can catalyze transformative events and set a positive life course in motion.
  3. Don't wait for the perfect moment - take action now to see positive changes and progress in your life, as each day presents an opportunity for growth and accomplishment.
Off-Topic 209 implied HN points 21 Nov 23
  1. Words hold power in creating social change, but the rise of digital imagery has added a new layer to communication.
  2. Adopting a new religion can bring a sense of community, but also exposes one to the complexities and challenges associated with that identity.
  3. In today's digital age, the manipulation of images and information has become increasingly prevalent, leading to challenges in discerning truth from misinformation.
In My Tribe 106 implied HN points 06 Jan 24
  1. Seeking truth often involves deciding who to believe in rather than just figuring out the world.
  2. The accuracy of someone's beliefs may not always determine if they are trustworthy.
  3. Participating in conversations that explore these ideas can be interesting and insightful.
Caravanserai with Samantha Childress 530 implied HN points 19 May 23
  1. In uncertain situations, embrace unpredictability and find empowerment in accepting the unknown.
  2. The phrase 'Insha'allah' in Egypt reflects a cultural attitude of polite noncommitment and acknowledgement of life's unpredictability.
  3. Living in a place like Cairo, where randomness reigns, teaches the value of surrendering to chaos and finding happiness in uncertainty.