The hottest Community Engagement Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
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Your Local Epidemiologist β€’ 1735 implied HN points β€’ 20 Feb 24
  1. YLE has reached its 4th anniversary with continuous growth and a dedicated audience.
  2. The YLE audience is globally diverse, primarily in North America and Australia, with a strong trend of educated readers interested in healthcare and science.
  3. Looking into the future, YLE plans to expand its content beyond virus-related topics, engage more in local health issues, and diversify its audience.
Erick Erickson's Confessions of a Political Junkie β€’ 2673 implied HN points β€’ 23 Jan 24
  1. In Atlanta, a significant decrease in crime was achieved by actually enforcing the law.
  2. Leadership and community support played a crucial role in reducing crime in Atlanta.
  3. Visible and engaged policing, combined with community trust, contributed to a safer environment in Atlanta.
The Mill β€’ 707 implied HN points β€’ 10 Feb 24
  1. Opinions are divided on the state of Piccadilly Gardens, with many people agreeing that it is currently a mess and needs improvement.
  2. The redesign of Piccadilly Gardens is a work in progress, with the council investing money in landscaping changes and consulting residents on new designs.
  3. Concerns about safety and anti-social behavior in Piccadilly Gardens persist, but some see potential in turning the space into a thriving, well-managed public area.
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On Repeat by Kevin Alexander β€’ 727 implied HN points β€’ 19 Jan 24
  1. The post is an Open Mic/Ask Me Anything session inviting questions and comments from readers.
  2. The platform values the direct connection between writer and reader without interference from algorithms or ads.
  3. Readers are encouraged to ask about music or any other topic, request content, and provide feedback on the platform.
NN Journal β€’ 805 implied HN points β€’ 09 Jan 24
  1. A local community successfully campaigned to save a meadow from being turned into warehouses, showcasing the power of people coming together.
  2. The developer's plan was rejected due to concerns about biodiversity and the landscape, highlighting the importance of protecting natural habitats.
  3. The activist leading the campaign hopes to transform the area into a country park and is prepared to continue fighting against future development plans.
Erick Erickson's Confessions of a Political Junkie β€’ 3518 implied HN points β€’ 27 Jul 23
  1. Many people feel uneasy about the uncertain future and believe something bad is coming.
  2. Attending a Bible-believing church can bring optimism and a sense of charity, encouraging community engagement.
  3. Excessive focus on politics and news can lead to feelings of dread and hopelessness, while disconnecting from technology and connecting with nature can help improve mental well-being.
The Art of Enchantment, with Dr Sharon Blackie β€’ 2296 implied HN points β€’ 05 Aug 23
  1. The author reflects on the joy of home nesting, finding comfort in familiar objects and creating enchantment through personal belongings.
  2. The newsletter introduces upcoming storytelling events exploring mythic stories to inspire and provide insight during difficult times.
  3. Book recommendations and poems are shared to encourage reflection and exploration of British folklore and the magic within everyday routines.
New_ Public β€’ 294 implied HN points β€’ 04 Feb 24
  1. Making group norms visible is important for encouraging positive behaviors.
  2. Providing tools and guides can help stewards establish prosocial norms in online communities efficiently.
  3. Extending stewardship recommendations to group members can help promote a culture where everyone plays a role in maintaining healthy community standards.
The Lunacian β€’ 276 implied HN points β€’ 29 Jan 24
  1. Leadership and Accountability: Founders taking control of Homeland roadmap and committing to align development with community vision.
  2. AXS Rewards and Game Economics: Addressing issues with distribution of Play-to-Earn funds and enhancing balance in reward systems.
  3. Homeland Stabilization: Plans to fix bugs, remove unpopular mechanics, reintroduce leaderboards, and improve communication with community.
Sarah Bessey's Field Notes β€’ 1081 implied HN points β€’ 18 Sep 23
  1. The author is trying to simplify their life by decluttering and organizing.
  2. Simplifying things can initially make everything seem overwhelming before it gets better.
  3. The post also includes a round-up of interesting and thought-provoking links for readers to explore.
Cornerstone β€’ 99 implied HN points β€’ 19 Feb 24
  1. Zoning reform opponents want people to be confused, angry, and fearful, but reform supporters aim to inform people with the belief that information is on their side.
  2. Negative behavior and attacks from opponents persist, making it challenging to engage in positive dialogue and find common ground in housing advocacy.
  3. NIMBYism is driven by a deep fear of change, with opponents believing increased housing density will disrupt their lives, creating a generational and emotional divide in housing debates.
Max Meyer Blog β€’ 609 implied HN points β€’ 19 Aug 23
  1. Coffee shops in America reflect the country's current state of change, facing challenges like inflation and racial tensions.
  2. Small coffee businesses face unique struggles, such as closures, employee disputes, and safety concerns.
  3. Regional coffee shop cultures and community support play a significant role in the success and revival of local coffee businesses.
Quantum Formalism β€’ 39 implied HN points β€’ 24 Feb 24
  1. The Quantum House of Cards paper by Xavier Waintal raised varied reactions in the quantum computing community, sparking debate between skeptics and optimists.
  2. Zaiku Group adopts a balanced view on quantum computing, recognizing both the transformative potential and significant challenges, advocating for open dialogue between skeptics and optimists.
  3. Xavier Waintal will hold a talk in the Quantum Formalism community on February 29th, promoting a nuanced and productive discourse on quantum computing.
Quantum Formalism β€’ 59 implied HN points β€’ 17 Jan 24
  1. Jac Novak is the new Community Experience Manager for Quantum Formalism at Zaiku Group and aims to engage actively with the community for feedback on educational experiences.
  2. Her background in tourism and hospitality influences her approach, emphasizing Cultural Communication strategies to make quantum computing more relatable.
  3. Jac invites connections on LinkedIn and expresses enthusiasm to humanize emerging technologies and promote accessibility in Quantum Information Science and Abstract Mathematics.
Murray Bridge News β€’ 39 implied HN points β€’ 10 Jan 24
  1. Murray Bridge in Australia is preparing for significant population growth and planning major changes like new schools and street renovations.
  2. In the short term (zero to five years), there are plans to improve infrastructure like water sports parks, rezoning for development, and renovating the swimming pool.
  3. In the long term (10+ years), Murray Bridge is considering a new ring road, expanding Mobilong Prison, and space for up to 19,000 new homes as the population grows.
The Abbey of Misrule β€’ 178 implied HN points β€’ 15 Jun 23
  1. Paul Kingsnorth has upcoming events in Ireland and the USA focused on ancient Christianity and localism.
  2. He has been active in various podcasts this year, discussing a range of topics from Christianity to transgenderism.
  3. Paul is seeking feedback from his readers on his podcast appearances and is considering starting his own podcast focused on the spiritual crisis of the modern world.
Worcester Sucks and I Love It β€’ 117 implied HN points β€’ 24 Feb 23
  1. The proposed charter school by Old Sturbridge Village in Worcester is facing pushback due to concerns about how it will harm the public schools and students.
  2. The charter proposal lacks coherence and capacity, with doubts about its ability to deliver on its educational promises, especially for diverse learners.
  3. Approval of the charter would divert significant funds from the District and undermine the gains made by the Student Opportunity Act.
The Third Place β€’ 39 implied HN points β€’ 31 Oct 23
  1. Neglected urban areas like barren grass patches in cities can disrupt city flow and pose problems like attracting bad activities due to neglect.
  2. Transforming neglected spaces into green recreational areas with community input not only beautifies the area but also positively impacts the environment, creating win-win situations.
  3. Community involvement in urban design interventions fosters a sense of belonging, enhances neighborhood aesthetics, and manages resources like rainwater effectively.
Mindful Musings β€’ 83 implied HN points β€’ 14 Feb 23
  1. The author shares a story of encountering an artist named Blob Dylan in Brooklyn, which seemed to resonate deeply with them.
  2. Despite the mystery and intrigue surrounding Blob Dylan, the author ultimately learns that heroes may not always meet expectations when met in person.
  3. The encounter with Blob Dylan inspires the author to realize the power of having a dream and making a mark on the world, encouraging readers to embrace their own potential for change.
The Corbett Report β€’ 5 implied HN points β€’ 18 Feb 24
  1. The post addresses paying members of The Corbett Report community, inviting them to log in and watch a new video explaining the subscriber features of the website.
  2. Those who are paying members but unsure how to log in are encouraged to reach out for assistance.
  3. Non-paying members are acknowledged in the post, implying they can continue with their usual activities without supporting independent media.
Fight to Repair β€’ 39 implied HN points β€’ 24 Jul 23
  1. Following Fight to Repair on social media provides real-time updates on breaking news and insightful commentary, enhancing your understanding of the fight for right to repair globally.
  2. Connecting with Fight to Repair on social media allows you to engage with a vibrant community, share your thoughts, and enrich the overall experience for everyone involved.
  3. By following Fight to Repair on various social media platforms, you gain access to exclusive content, diverse perspectives, and a deeper personal connection with the community, fostering a stronger bond and sense of belonging.
The Third Place β€’ 1 HN point β€’ 20 Mar 24
  1. Swedish winters can be challenging with prolonged darkness, cold temperatures, and limited vegetation, affecting mental health and activity levels.
  2. Improving public spaces in winter cities involves creating pedestrian-friendly infrastructure, clear bike lanes, and mixed-use development for vibrant and efficient neighborhoods.
  3. Cities worldwide are implementing creative approaches to make winter more enjoyable, such as ice skating rinks, winter sports events, snow parks, festivals, and illuminated paths, fostering community engagement and appreciation for the season.
Exasperated Infrastructures β€’ 4 implied HN points β€’ 06 Jan 24
  1. Veronica O. Davis, PE advocates for repairing divided communities through inclusive transportation
  2. The book emphasizes engaging diverse stakeholders and reflecting on planning processes
  3. Success in transportation means prioritizing community needs, storytelling, and diversity in voices
Grant's Writing β€’ 19 implied HN points β€’ 07 Jul 23
  1. Taptive partners with organizations to teach community members how to write online through cohort-based programs
  2. In the past 18 months, Taptive has worked with over 20 organizations, ran 35 programs, and helped publish 1,800 essays
  3. Taptive's future goals are to improve the cohort experience, partner with more organizations, and grow their team
Gotham by Susan Dyer Reynolds β€’ 19 implied HN points β€’ 01 Apr 23
  1. SFMTA is proceeding with a center bike lane on Valencia Street despite low public support.
  2. Many survey respondents prefer an alternative bike lane design along the curb.
  3. Concerns include inadequate protection for cyclists, lack of enforcement, and impact on businesses.
Bytewax β€’ 19 implied HN points β€’ 18 Apr 23
  1. Bytewax v0.16 brings major improvements to custom inputs, windowing, and execution.
  2. There are various breaking changes, such as reworking multiprocessing and partitioned input/output.
  3. Recent improvements in Bytewax prioritize not just new features and bug fixes, but also code consistency and quality of life enhancements.
Exasperated Infrastructures β€’ 12 implied HN points β€’ 18 Jul 23
  1. Transportation planning needs to prioritize community input and engagement to build successful projects.
  2. Traditional linear planning methods may not consider the holistic impact on communities.
  3. Effective transportation projects require rethinking project goals to focus on safety, dignity, and community needs.