The hottest Competition Substack posts right now

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Zwischenzug 314 implied HN points 29 Apr 23
  1. At lower levels, expect to face 1. e4 often and focus more on Black opening preparation.
  2. In mid ratings, the London system is common, so be prepared for it.
  3. As you climb the rating ladder, face a variety of moves, so focus on preparing for the most common ones at your level.
Net Interest 29 implied HN points 23 Feb 24
  1. Network effects are a powerful competitive advantage that can drive exponential growth.
  2. Overcoming the cold-start problem is crucial for new platforms to gain traction and reach a tipping point where growth becomes self-sustaining.
  3. Building a network requires strategic partnerships, operational efficiency, and continuous innovation to maintain and expand its reach and impact.
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Mule’s Musings 263 implied HN points 15 Jun 23
  1. VLSI Japan discussed the revolutionary Backside Power Delivery (BSPDN) technology and its importance in semiconductor design.
  2. BSPDN addresses the IR droop problem in semiconductor design, offering power and performance benefits like decreased IR droop and increased core performance.
  3. Intel's adoption of PowerVia technology positions them ahead of competitors like TSMC, providing potential competitive advantages in process efficiency and cost.
The Pomp Letter 216 implied HN points 22 Jun 23
  1. The Great Space Race started 68 years ago between the United States and the Soviet Union.
  2. It produced many innovations like artificial satellites, unmanned space probes, and the first human on the Moon.
  3. This competition for innovation captivated millions of people around the globe.
Natto Thoughts 79 implied HN points 16 Nov 23
  1. China's Tianfu Cup hacking competition has evolved from focusing on foreign products to including more domestic products as targets, sparking concerns among Western companies and security experts.
  2. The competition rules of Tianfu Cup 2023 included new sections for exploit demonstration review process and responsible vulnerability disclosure, highlighting the importance of following responsible disclosure procedures in the competition.
  3. In Tianfu Cup 2023, two teams successfully hacked VMware products, winning the top awards, although the competition results did not provide much detail on other attempts on domestic targets.
Dan Davies - "Back of Mind" 235 implied HN points 12 May 23
  1. The concept of a 'moat' in business, popularized by Warren Buffet, has been misunderstood and misapplied by many.
  2. The original idea behind a 'moat' was to protect a business's unique advantage, not simply to create barriers through legal means.
  3. The focus on 'moats' led to a shift in management attention towards maintaining profits through artificial means rather than product improvement.
Confronting the Future 137 implied HN points 30 Aug 23
  1. When you deposit money into your checking account, the bank can use it however they want and only pay you a tiny amount, like 0.42% on average.
  2. Using stablecoins backed by short-dated T-bills can eliminate subsidizing risky borrowers, black box bank solvency issues, and slow payment transfers.
  3. Stablecoins may revolutionize the financial system by ensuring users do not subsidize risky borrowers, avoiding complex bank solvency risks, and eliminating legacy payment delays.
The A.I. Analyst by Ben Parr 216 implied HN points 29 Mar 23
  1. An open letter calling for a pause on AI development is viewed as flawed by the author.
  2. The approach of trying to pause AI development for safety reasons is considered unrealistic and not well thought out.
  3. The author suggests that collaboration, transparency, and practical solutions are needed to guide AI's development instead of proposing a blanket pause.
Working Theorys 21 implied HN points 18 Feb 24
  1. The concept of 'cool' is depreciating faster than ever, leading builders to rethink product longevity. Minimizing time to value and embracing time to lameness are key strategies.
  2. Builders must navigate between the online persona ('netizen self') and real-life persona ('citizen self') to maintain authenticity and relevance in a digital age.
  3. Launching new products in a slow and deliberate manner, focusing on timeless design, and inventing new product categories can help extend the lifespan of a product in a fast-changing market.
Knowledge Problem 196 implied HN points 23 Feb 23
  1. The default presumption should be to quarantine the monopoly in regulated utilities owning EV charging assets to prevent anti-competitive practices.
  2. Regulated utilities entering competitive EV charging markets may have unfair advantages by leveraging their regulated status.
  3. Allowing regulated utilities to own EV charging assets could stifle innovation and competition in the market compared to independent firms.
Inside The Newsroom 78 implied HN points 13 Oct 23
  1. The post lists 42 different awards, events, fellowships, and trainings related to journalism.
  2. Various opportunities include fellowships, grants, mentoring programs, and scholarships for journalists.
  3. Events such as webinars, conferences, and training sessions cover topics like trauma-informed interviewing and using AI in newsrooms.
Overlooked by Alexandre Dewez 176 implied HN points 03 Apr 23
  1. Independent auto repair shops rely on outdated methods and are in need of digitization.
  2. Shopmonkey is focusing on building an all-in-one solution for auto repair shops, expanding its services and customer base.
  3. Shopmonkey is facing competition from other VC-backed startups in the same market space.
Weekly Wisdom 79 implied HN points 28 Sep 23
  1. Fighting has been a prominent aspect of human history, with combat, martial arts, and warfare sparking a lifelong interest in many individuals.
  2. Early exposure to martial arts, such as through movies like Bloodsport, can ignite a passion and skill set that can last a lifetime.
  3. Practicing martial arts, like judo and kung fu, offers not just physical training but also a deeper understanding of body mechanics, balance, and the principles of competition and cooperation.
Not Investing Advice 137 implied HN points 07 Jun 23
  1. Crypto exchange ecosystem is competitive with over 100 active exchanges in the US trading similar assets.
  2. Binance and Coinbase listing new tokens increases trade volume on other exchanges, making them complements not substitutes.
  3. Small exchanges rely on market maker arbitrage with Binance/Coinbase for liquidity, showcasing the 'leader' role of large exchanges in crypto markets.
The Counterbalance 137 implied HN points 28 Apr 23
  1. The UK's decision to block the Microsoft / Activision merger shows courage and defends against concentrated economic power.
  2. The UK's action signifies a global shift against the dominance of digital tech giants post-Brexit.
  3. Blocking the merger protects UK citizens, businesses, and consumers while promoting a more resilient economy.
The Lap Count 117 implied HN points 08 Mar 23
  1. Eilish McColgan is training for her marathon debut in London, building her mileage and enjoying the sunny weather in Colorado.
  2. McColgan broke the British record in a recent race, surprising even herself and aiming to perform well in upcoming competitions.
  3. She is overcoming challenges with fueling during long runs, finding what works best for her in preparation for the London Marathon.
ASeq Newsletter 43 implied HN points 03 Nov 23
  1. Improvement in DNA sequencing has been slow compared to advancements in other industries like semiconductors
  2. Illumina's best selling sequencer is aging and there's a lack of significant competition in the market
  3. Technological advancements in sequencing are mainly incremental, with a focus on adding more cameras and making flow cells bigger
Net Interest 7 implied HN points 15 Mar 24
  1. In the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, the UK government allowed a significant bank merger to ensure financial stability despite concerns about competition.
  2. The idea of promoting competition through challenger banks was embraced but has struggled to reduce the dominance of the Big Four banks in the UK.
  3. Despite efforts to increase competition, mergers between existing players, like Virgin Money and Nationwide, have become a significant strategy to challenge the Big Four banks.
Better After a Nap 19 implied HN points 11 Jan 24
  1. An MVP needs to offer a key differentiator or a promise of one soon to make an impact in a competitive market.
  2. Meet the specific needs of your core user base swiftly and effectively to stay ahead of the competition.
  3. Maintain a laser focus on your core business, listen to user feedback, and avoid overhyping your product to build trust and loyalty.
The Elbow 98 implied HN points 25 May 23
  1. Swapping jerseys in Ultimate Frisbee is a tradition but not always common.
  2. The author embraced a unique and quirky persona named Garlic while playing Frisbee.
  3. Playing the role of 'mark' in zone defense was the primary function of the author, and they excelled at it.
Pen>Sword 159 implied HN points 12 Dec 22
  1. Morocco made history by becoming the first African nation to reach the World Cup semifinal, challenging the long-standing dominance of European teams.
  2. Football is interconnected with political and historical narratives, especially in the context of African nations competing against former colonial powers.
  3. The victory of Morocco symbolized unity and pride for the entire African continent, breaking the cycle of football drought and inspiring a sense of possibility and togetherness.
Fight to Repair 39 implied HN points 12 Oct 23
  1. California became the 3rd state to enact a broad electronics right to repair law, following New York and Minnesota.
  2. The California Right to Repair Act expands repair protections for consumers, guaranteeing access to repair materials for a wide range of products and setting minimum support periods.
  3. State right to repair campaigns are gaining momentum, with more states considering similar legislation to improve repair access and combat planned obsolescence.