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Longer Tables with JosΓ© AndrΓ©s β€’ 1533 implied HN points β€’ 17 Jan 24
  1. The recipe is Garbanzos con Espinacas, a classic stew from the south of Spain.
  2. The dish includes garbanzos and spinach, influenced by historical migration and flavors like cumin and saffron.
  3. You can use canned garbanzos for a quicker meal, or soak and cook dried garbanzos for better taste and texture.
The Department of Salad: Official Bulletin β€’ 2299 implied HN points β€’ 25 Sep 23
  1. Barry Enderwick is known for his obsession with sandwiches, showcasing vintage and modern sandwiches on various platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube.
  2. Enderwick's sandwich videos are short, sweet, and rated, often adding modern elements to vintage recipes for today's tastes.
  3. Despite his multi-platform presence, Enderwick remains humble, not selling anything, but aiming to provide a positive, uplifting 'video snack' for his audience.
Kitchen Projects β€’ 1081 implied HN points β€’ 22 Oct 23
  1. Apples come in a variety of flavors and textures, making them versatile for baking.
  2. Understanding the ripening schedules of fruits can help in preserving their freshness and flavors.
  3. When making apple pie with filo pastry, pre-cooking the apples to prevent sogginess and incorporating custard can result in a delicious and crispy dessert.
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Pea Bee β€’ 113 implied HN points β€’ 03 Mar 24
  1. The search for a forgotten flavor of chips led to a journey through old blogs, archives, and random discoveries.
  2. Discovering the missing flavor brought a mix of nostalgia, satisfaction, and the joy of finally solving a mystery.
  3. Unintended discoveries like old marketing strategies and technologies enlivened the search experience, making it more than just finding a chip flavor.
let them eat cake β€’ 119 implied HN points β€’ 18 Feb 24
  1. Singaporean Hokkien mee is a unique dish, blending egg noodles and rice vermicelli braised in pork and seafood stock.
  2. The history of Nam Sing Hokkien Fried Mee reflects the evolution of hawker culture in Singapore, from street vendors to modernized food courts.
  3. The interconnectedness of hawker operations across generations and locations highlights the tradition and family legacies within Singaporean cuisine.
The ZIPster β€’ 17 implied HN points β€’ 15 Mar 24
  1. The author rediscovered the joy of a simple jacket potato meal and its history, showcasing how food preferences can change over time.
  2. Recipe boxes with step-by-step instructions can offer variety and reduce food waste, making meal preparation easier for those not fond of cooking.
  3. The story also touches on the evolution of food trends, from the humble jacket potato shops to modern gourmet takes on this classic dish, reflecting changing consumer preferences.
Mister Branzino's Newsletter β€’ 19 implied HN points β€’ 12 Jan 24
  1. Mister Branzino explores food finds weekly, sharing interesting discoveries from the past 7 days.
  2. National Quitter's Day is real, happening around January, when many people struggle to stick to their new year resolutions.
  3. Caesar salad, often associated with Italian-American cuisine, is actually a Mexican invention from Tijuana, sparking a food historical war.
Lizzie Wrote This β€’ 58 implied HN points β€’ 11 Jun 23
  1. The author has a strong aversion to cheese, finding it repulsive and difficult to eat.
  2. Despite trying to accept some cheeses in small doses, the author's dislike of cheese remains deep-rooted.
  3. The author's aversion to cheese is seen as a unique part of their identity, sparking reflection on personal preferences and environmental impact.
let them eat cake β€’ 139 implied HN points β€’ 13 Jul 22
  1. The author reflects on the joy and significance of making and eating pies regularly, emphasizing the value of repetition in learning and creating a continuous narrative.
  2. Repetition in cooking allows for skill-building and a deepening connection to the food, turning each pie into a meaningful chapter in a personal culinary history.
  3. The author suggests two other newsletters for readers interested in similar content, highlighting the admiration for the scholarship in one and the comforting nature of the content in the other.
Carefree Sketches β€’ 39 implied HN points β€’ 02 Jan 22
  1. Food preferences of the wealthy often have historical origins tied to times of scarcity or risk, where consuming aged or rare delicacies was a necessity that evolved into a symbol of extravagance.
  2. The pursuit of unique and potentially dangerous foods represents a delicate balance between risk and reward, highlighting the connection between life, death, and culinary indulgence.
  3. Food culture and gastronomic experiences are often shaped by historical challenges and reflective of societies where indulgence is a luxury reserved for the well-off.