The hottest Neoliberalism Substack posts right now

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Top World Politics Topics
The Abbey of Misrule 483 implied HN points 29 Feb 24
  1. Ireland's constitution of 1937 marked a significant shift towards independence, neutrality, and revival of Irish culture and language.
  2. The evolution of Ireland from a traditional Catholic society to a more progressive, globalized state has led to significant changes in laws and societal values.
  3. Proposed changes to the Irish constitution highlight a shift towards progressive ideals, with a focus on removing traditional gender roles and promoting individual rights over familial structures.
Geopolitical Economy Report 558 implied HN points 13 Jan 24
  1. Debt has surged globally due to neoliberal economics, leading to countless crises.
  2. The Federal Reserve's actions focus on bailing out the financial sector, even when it doesn't benefit the economy at large.
  3. The US economy is heavily dominated by finance, insurance, real estate, military, pharma, and tech sectors, all characterized by high levels of monopoly and rent-seeking behaviors.
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S(ubstack)-Bahn 160 implied HN points 09 Mar 24
  1. Japan's national public railway labor unions faced a significant decline from their powerful past, with membership dropping drastically over the years.
  2. The labor unions within Japan's national railways held significant influence and power in the past, shaping the fate of the railways through radical left-wing politics and strikes.
  3. The privatization of Japan's national railways in the 1980s marked the end for the powerful labor unions, leading to mass layoffs, legal battles, and the dissolution of the unions.
Geopolitical Economy Report 318 implied HN points 19 Dec 23
  1. Neoliberalism continues to evolve and adapt, with different variations over the decades.
  2. Debt has played a significant role in the rise of neoliberalism, with exponential growth especially in the neoliberal era.
  3. The current global dynamics reflect a new Cold War, where neoliberalism faces off against alternative economic models represented by countries like China and Russia.
History's Parrot 98 implied HN points 11 Feb 24
  1. Canada's housing crisis is affected by political events and refugee policies, leading to insufficient coordination between influx of refugees and available housing.
  2. Neoliberalism is deeply entrenched in Western governments, promoting wealth privatization and public debt, widening the gap between rich and poor.
  3. The misappropriation of public wealth under neoliberalism includes compromising senior care for profit, creating debt traps in poor countries, and investing in unnecessary projects like the F35 jet fighters.
Brad DeLong's Grasping Reality 445 implied HN points 26 Aug 23
  1. The text discusses the persistence of neoliberal ideas despite criticism.
  2. It emphasizes the importance of industrial policy in addressing societal challenges.
  3. The comparison between the Western market-focused approach and the developmental states of East Asia is highlighted.
Geopolitical Economy Report 717 implied HN points 20 Apr 23
  1. Russia is turning away from the West and moving towards integration with the 'World Majority' in the Global South.
  2. There is a shift towards a multipolar world order, with countries like China and Russia promoting a move away from Western finance capitalism towards a more socialist global majority.
  3. Keynes' proposals for a new international financial system, including bancor and International Clearing Union, are being revisited by China and show a push away from the dominance of the US dollar.
Geopolitical Economy Report 578 implied HN points 28 Apr 23
  1. US corporations like ExxonMobil, Chevron, and Halliburton are in talks to take over Ukraine's oil and gas industry as Ukraine sells off its public assets.
  2. The Ukrainian government is using the war as an excuse to implement aggressive anti-worker laws, treating the country as a for-profit company and pushing for privatization.
  3. Ukraine aims to attract US companies like Halliburton for oil production projects, even as the country seeks to drill for offshore natural gas off Crimea, with the help of the IMF imposing neoliberal reforms.
History's Parrot 58 implied HN points 04 Feb 24
  1. Governments must focus on addressing the underlying issues, not just the symptoms.
  2. Neoliberalism has marginalized governments in the West, leading to political redundancy and lack of accountability.
  3. Canada's political landscape is dominated by neoliberalism, resulting in a decline in democracy and the need for reform.
Geopolitical Economy Report 538 implied HN points 17 Apr 23
  1. Economists in Russia observe the country's deepening integration with Asia and its shift away from neoliberal economics.
  2. Despite Western sanctions and the war in Ukraine, Russia's economy has been relatively resilient with only a minor decrease in growth.
  3. Russian economists are increasingly adopting anti-neoliberal positions, emphasizing state controls and redistribution as crucial for economic survival against sanctions.
Brad DeLong's Grasping Reality 38 implied HN points 22 Feb 24
  1. The interview discusses economic growth and sustainable resource distribution, focusing on the perspectives of Friedrich von Hayek and Karl Polanyi.
  2. DeLong emphasizes the importance of historical perspective in understanding current economic and social challenges, advocating for a more inclusive and equitable economic model.
  3. The conversation explores the historical 'Long Twentieth Century' and its impact on human productivity, wealth creation, and the need for innovative solutions to address current existential challenges.
History's Parrot 78 implied HN points 07 Jan 24
  1. Societies are facing collapse due to neglect, betrayal, and the concentration of power and money in the hands of a few.
  2. Neoliberalism leads to societal destruction, alienation from humanistic values, and exploitation by power elites.
  3. Genocides are not sudden events but are set in motion by societal collapses, liberal sellouts, excessive greed, and the breakdown of empathy and common sense.
Geopolitical Economy Report 458 implied HN points 22 May 23
  1. The conflict in Ukraine reflects aggressive neoliberal reforms and Europe's self-destructive policies.
  2. Wars are fought not just with arms, but also with economic strategies. The underlying geopolitical economy is complex.
  3. Russia is focused on turning military victory in Ukraine into a new economic order, challenging Western imperialism and promoting a multipolar world.
Geopolitical Economy Report 438 implied HN points 29 May 23
  1. China is building a global economic alternative while the US-led neoliberal financial order weakens.
  2. Understanding historical context is key to grasping China's development path and its impact on the global economy.
  3. Facing challenges, the world can find hope in alternative economic models and a shift away from Western domination.
Geopolitical Economy Report 438 implied HN points 25 Jan 23
  1. Ukrainian president Zelensky is actively seeking investment from US corporations like BlackRock, JP Morgan, and Goldman Sachs, encouraging them to do business in Ukraine.
  2. Zelensky's government has implemented aggressive anti-worker policies, limiting union rights and encouraging a pro-corporate environment.
  3. Western governments and corporations are planning aggressive neoliberal reforms for Ukraine, aiming to privatize and deregulate industries with the help of powerful entities like BlackRock.
Unpopular Front 23 implied HN points 27 Feb 24
  1. The situation in Ukraine appears grim and challenging, with both sides facing real material difficulties in the war.
  2. The rise of authoritarian politics is not solely caused by economic immiseration, but also by the breakdown of the previous social order and leadership crisis.
  3. Local conditions and history play a significant role in the rise of far-right movements in different countries, with unique factors shaping each situation.
Geopolitical Economy Report 418 implied HN points 26 Sep 22
  1. Honduras' President denounces colonialism, neoliberalism, coups, and corporate exploitation at the UN, advocating for multipolarity and an end to economic dictatorship.
  2. The Honduran leader highlights the country's struggle against US-backed coups, violence, and the impact of odious debt, emphasizing the need to reject austerity policies.
  3. Xiomara Castro presents ambitious plans for transforming Honduras, focusing on tax evasion crackdown, education reform, food sovereignty, and de-privatization of public services.
Hypertext 59 implied HN points 15 Nov 23
  1. The NIT proposed by Friedman could have advantages in targeting poverty by providing cash transfers without distorting the market.
  2. Friedman's NIT plan was not fully accepted due to various factors such as concerns about work incentives, opposition from special interest groups, and the perception of it being a neoliberal initiative.
  3. There is ongoing interest in income floor ideas like the NIT and UBI today, but there are distinctions between the two models and challenges in gaining support for the NIT concept.
Daniel Pinchbeck’s Newsletter 6 implied HN points 18 Mar 24
  1. Jared Yates Sexton offers a sharp analysis of right-wing authoritarianism, Christian nationalism, and conspiracy theory culture from ancient Rome to today.
  2. Sexton traces the rise of these political elements, examining their historical roots and the impact on modern society.
  3. The American Dream and current social structures are evolving, leading to a battle over what will replace them and shape the future.
Do Not Research 139 implied HN points 09 May 23
  1. The housing market is seen as a speculative asset by investors, impacting the economy and raising concerns about affordability.
  2. Institutional investors have capitalized on housing market crashes to increase their portfolios, leading to issues like housing shortages and gentrification.
  3. Challenges in affordable housing, fueled by planning ordinances and historic injustices, highlight the importance of activism in addressing housing inequities.
Geopolitical Economy Report 219 implied HN points 09 Sep 22
  1. Ukraine's President Zelensky is opening up the country to US corporations on Wall Street for exploitation through a selloff program.
  2. Zelensky invited foreign corporations to invest billions in the country's projects, emphasizing economic opportunities.
  3. Critics liken Zelensky's actions to extreme neoliberal policies, highlighting concerns over labor rights and economic inequality.
Fight to Repair 98 implied HN points 14 Mar 23
  1. Tool libraries offer a low-cost option for people to access tools, fostering repair and community building.
  2. Investing in social infrastructure like tool libraries can create more resilient, sustainable, and connected communities.
  3. Funding directly to support tool libraries can confirm their value to the community, rather than heavily relying on constant fundraising efforts.
Geopolitical Economy Report 199 implied HN points 29 Aug 22
  1. France's President Macron highlighted the end of an era of abundance, signaling a significant shift or crisis.
  2. Western wars and sanctions are starting to have negative consequences domestically, indicating the decline of neoliberal capitalism.
  3. Neoliberalism is facing a collapse as its foundational elements like cheap resources, labor, and debt are no longer sustainable.
Geopolitical Economy Report 159 implied HN points 06 Apr 22
  1. Former Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff views the US-China conflict as a clash between neoliberalism and socialism, criticizing US sanctions and praising China's economic model for challenging US-led capitalism.
  2. Rousseff highlights the importance of Latin America asserting independence, aligning with China, and participating in institutions like BRICS to reduce unfair asymmetry in global economic institutions dominated by the US.
  3. The conflict between the US and China is not just political but a clash between two economic systems - neoliberalism and socialism. Rousseff points out issues with neoliberalism like income inequality and praises China's focus on equity and state intervention in the economy.
The Leftovers 59 implied HN points 12 Oct 22
  1. The author emphasizes the importance of creative reading over creative writing for writers.
  2. The idea that there may be useful things to learn from academic endeavors like creative writing, despite skepticism.
  3. A 7-day free trial is offered to subscribe and read the rest of the post on The Leftovers.
Geopolitical Economy Report 119 implied HN points 03 Sep 21
  1. President Ashraf Ghani, a product of elite US institutions, stole $169 million from Afghanistan before fleeing his country.
  2. Ghani's rise to power was carefully managed by prestigious US think tanks and academic institutions.
  3. Ghani was seen as a symbol of the exportation of neoliberalism to Afghanistan and was praised by Western governments until his downfall.
The 21st Century Proletarian 19 implied HN points 22 Aug 22
  1. Modern workplaces are increasingly resembling playgrounds for adults, with fun activities and colorful environments to create a more enjoyable work atmosphere.
  2. The infantilization of office culture can lead to employees feeling disempowered, lacking genuine workplace satisfaction, and being discouraged from advocating for their own interests.
  3. The Stepford employee dynamic, cultivated by companies treating workers like children, can suppress autonomous thinking, hinder collective organizing for better conditions, and foster a culture where employees rely on the company to dictate appropriate behavior.
Do Not Research 0 implied HN points 15 Feb 22
  1. After WWII, the Mont‐Pèlerin Field Trip laid the foundation for neoliberalism as a new economic orthodoxy.
  2. The Mont‐Pèlerin building intended to be luxury apartments lies empty due to halted credit flows and investor interest vanishing.
  3. One of the shareholders of the holding company involved in the Mont‐Pèlerin development has been implicated in fraud and money laundering, showcasing the dark side of neoliberalism.
Do Not Research 0 implied HN points 15 Sep 21
  1. Advertisement experiences in skyscrapers are positioned as an escape from enclosed spaces like the home office.
  2. Architectural experiences like 'Vessel' and 'Summit OV' reflect the merging of public and private spaces, driven by market incentives and social media influence.
  3. The dynamic between public and private sectors in urban development highlights the shift towards commercial interests over public good, impacting the concept of public space.
Do Not Research 0 implied HN points 15 Sep 21
  1. Hudson Yards in Manhattan symbolizes the trend of privatized urban development under capitalism.
  2. The architecture community is grappling with being dominated by finance capital and speculative real estate, leading to a lack of solidarity and meaningful change.
  3. There is a growing desire within the younger generation of architects for an anti-capitalist narrative and a need for outlets to express frustrations and disappointments.
Do Not Research 0 implied HN points 21 Jun 21
  1. Mori's concept of the uncanny valley explains how we feel repulsed when robots resemble humans closely but not perfectly. This theory also applies to our interactions with realistic humanoid robots and AI assistants.
  2. The current political landscape, from the Trump presidency to the Biden administration, can be likened to moving through an uncanny valley. Each administration represents a shift between familiarity and unsettling foreignness in governance.
  3. The eerie and weird, described by scholars like Fisher, offer insights into the disquieting feelings of our current uncertain times. To move forward, we must embrace the 'weird' by challenging existing political norms and demanding new, transformative policies.