The hottest Wealth Inequality Substack posts right now

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Robert Reich β€’ 32331 implied HN points β€’ 26 Jan 24
  1. Elon Musk has been spreading misinformation about immigration and voting laws, similar to Trump's tactics.
  2. Musk's massive influence and control over Twitter (X) pose a threat to democracy and accountability.
  3. The concentration of wealth in individuals like Musk can be dangerous for democracy by allowing them to evade consequences and manipulate public opinion.
Robert Reich β€’ 26297 implied HN points β€’ 13 Jun 23
  1. The system of wealth allocation and generation is broken but can be fixed by learning from history and creating new political alliances.
  2. Creating a social safety net to eliminate poverty is possible through policies like universal basic income and wealth tax on the super-rich.
  3. America is experiencing parallels to the Gilded Age with the billionaire class amassing wealth and power, but potential for change lies in building the political will for progress.
COVID Reason β€’ 1768 implied HN points β€’ 28 Aug 23
  1. Over $10 trillion was spent on the COVID-19 pandemic, with $6 trillion from CARES Act and $4 trillion from Biden's administration.
  2. Money was stolen through fraud and embezzlement during COVID relief, with the effects leading to inflation and societal wealth disparity.
  3. The spending spree due to the pandemic led to significant financial losses, missed opportunities, and wealth redistribution, impacting many aspects of people's lives.
Brad DeLong's Grasping Reality β€’ 215 implied HN points β€’ 24 Feb 24
  1. Teddy Roosevelt aimed to emphasize the importance of American heritage and the impact of the Pilgrims and Puritans on the nation.
  2. He advocated for building on the positive qualities of the past while recognizing the advancements made since then.
  3. Roosevelt promoted fighting against plutocracy and enforcing fair treatment in wealth accumulation, favoring a balance of individual initiative and collective responsibility.
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Wrong Side of History β€’ 384 implied HN points β€’ 16 Jan 24
  1. The gap between rich and poor in London is widening, leading to a dystopian portrayal in media and reflecting real housing crisis issues.
  2. London faces a severe housing crisis with 1.2 million people waiting for social housing, causing downstream consequences like overcrowding and undesirable living conditions.
  3. Housing costs in London are impacted by supply and demand imbalances, making the problem both complex and simple to understand.
Geopolitical Economy Report β€’ 518 implied HN points β€’ 18 Jan 23
  1. Since 2020, the wealthiest 1% of the world's population took nearly two-thirds of new wealth, significantly more than the rest of the population.
  2. Global poverty is worsening while the very richest individuals continue to amass huge amounts of wealth, creating an alarming level of inequality.
  3. Oxfam's report highlights the need for governments to increase taxes on the rich, invest in social services, and address the economic systems that benefit the wealthy.
The Dollar Endgame β€’ 159 implied HN points β€’ 23 Sep 23
  1. The fiat system's survival doesn't depend on morality, as history shows evil systems have persisted. People may feel powerless against organized evil but may also become complicit in it.
  2. The fiat system, flawed as it is, has worked to lift many out of poverty and fuel innovation. Everyday citizens often lack the financial and political knowledge to make informed decisions about the system.
  3. Bitcoin's adoption faces hurdles as the majority may not share the beliefs of its proponents. Transitioning to a new system might lead to short-term pain and disparities, impacting various demographics differently.
Apricitas Economics β€’ 45 implied HN points β€’ 26 Oct 23
  1. Middle-class Americans have seen a significant increase in wealth, with real median net worth rising by 37% over the last three years.
  2. The SCF provides detailed insights into wealth distribution, tracking assets from cash balances to investments among diverse groups.
  3. Wealth inequality in the US has slightly decreased during the pandemic, with assets held by the middle class rising faster than average.
The Fat Software Engineer β€’ 20 implied HN points β€’ 12 Jul 23
  1. To reduce inflation, we need to increase supply or decrease demand.
  2. Wealthy individuals can theoretically impact inflation by spending less, but it's unlikely many will collaborate on this.
  3. Government policies play a significant role in managing inflation, but current strategies might not be effective.
California Thoughts β€’ 19 implied HN points β€’ 12 Feb 23
  1. Repealing or increasing the cap on the SALT deduction would benefit the richest Americans and increase inequality.
  2. Factors like housing costs influence migration more than taxes, so removing the SALT deduction cap may not lead to as much migration as expected.
  3. It is suggested to abolish the SALT deduction and most other itemized deductions to prioritize spending on anti-poverty measures.
James Ledbetter's FIN β€’ 5 implied HN points β€’ 07 May 23
  1. Income and wealth inequality decreased during the pandemic due to stimulus and increased minimum wages.
  2. The pandemic accelerated technological advancements, such as the development of mRNA vaccines and digital payments.
  3. Changes in real estate preferences indicate a lasting shift towards valuing residential space over commercial space.
Anxiety Addiction & Ascension β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 25 Apr 22
  1. Supporters of lockdowns and money printing may face harsh reality with rising grocery bills.
  2. Outsourcing personal agency to bureaucracies and adopting slogans over dialog can lead to negative consequences.
  3. The system may be failing due to cronyism, and a return to true capitalism based on freedom might be necessary.
Joshua Gans' Newsletter β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 18 Apr 15
  1. Traditional models of competition in oligopolies may not consider the impact of cross-ownership of shareholders on firm behavior.
  2. Shareholders with stakes in multiple firms might prioritize overall profits rather than just the profits of the firm they own, potentially leading to collusive outcomes.
  3. The distribution of wealth among shareholders and their relation to consumption levels are important factors to consider in addressing market power and wealth inequality.