The hottest Small businesses Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
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Rod’s Blog 496 implied HN points 09 Jan 24
  1. Small businesses are prime targets for cyberattacks due to limited resources and expertise, making it crucial for them to follow cybersecurity best practices.
  2. Small business owners should establish a culture of security to involve everyone, implement basic security controls like firewall and antivirus, and develop an incident response plan for cyberattacks.
  3. Seek external help from reputable sources like cybersecurity consultants, organizations, and government agencies to get guidance, expertise, and resources in enhancing cybersecurity measures.
The New Urban Order 299 implied HN points 06 Nov 23
  1. The uniqueness of independent retail in cities like Cadiz, Spain, highlights the need for a new movement supporting independent retail in American cities.
  2. While American retail may seem to be thriving, there is a concern about the homogenization of street life across cities, showcasing the importance of distinct local retail offerings.
  3. To revitalize independent retail, new solutions such as credit tenant leasing adjustments and promoting corner stores are essential, along with the need for an international movement to advocate for and support independent retail.
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Madhur’s Writings 3 HN points 16 Feb 23
  1. The shift to remote work due to Covid has negatively impacted small businesses in downtown areas.
  2. Tech layoffs and remote work culture are contributing to the decline of social aspects and liveliness in big cities.
  3. Analogies to the Rust Belt area show how remote work could lead to population decline and decline in city vibrancy.