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Rob Henderson's Newsletter 3920 implied HN points 19 Feb 24
  1. The focus on education as a sole solution for social mobility overlooks the importance of nurturing and support before age 18.
  2. It's crucial to gather data from communities directly rather than relying solely on self-proclaimed leaders to bridge gaps.
  3. Encouraging two-parent families is emphasized over college attainment, highlighting the significance of family structure.
The Line 2476 implied HN points 31 Mar 23
  1. Canada may be facing challenges and declining in certain areas, despite still being prosperous and stable compared to other countries.
  2. There are concerns about social mobility and the effectiveness of Canadian institutions, with signs pointing to potential long-term issues.
  3. While not completely ruined, Canada needs to address dysfunctional institutions and respond coherently to challenges to secure its future.
Moly’s Substack 196 implied HN points 08 May 23
  1. China's historical system focused on providing peasants with hope of advancement, motivating them to fight for military honors and social mobility.
  2. A meritocratic approach in China ensured that power and wealth were not easily inherited, preventing the monopolization of success by nobles.
  3. The use of concubines in China served as a method to ensure competent heirs, prevent inbreeding, and stabilize society through non-exclusive relationships.
Pershmail 78 implied HN points 03 May 23
  1. For poorer students, high school grades are a better indicator of success than SAT scores.
  2. Standardized tests, like the SAT, can be biased towards wealthier students by reflecting their better access to resources and test preparation.
  3. There is a need for multiple pathways to success in education that do not solely rely on grades or standardized tests, providing second chances for students.
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kamilkazani 10 HN points 30 Jul 23
  1. Russia's economy is highly dependent on Western technological chains.
  2. Import substitution policies in Russia may not be as effective as they seem, with some cases highlighting lack of true production independence.
  3. Understanding the origins of state power and cartels can shed light on economic dependencies in different industries, like avocado production.
In My Tribe 1 HN point 26 Feb 24
  1. Upward social mobility should be a result of focusing on family, stability, and emotional well-being for children.
  2. Teen years can be a time of overwhelming pressure to fit in and be accepted by peers, leading to actions that may not be in one's best interest.
  3. Books like 'Manchild in the Promised Land' and 'Random Family' explore the challenges faced by troubled youth in different cultural contexts, highlighting the importance of fitting in and finding acceptance.