The hottest Workplace Challenges Substack posts right now

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Top Health & Wellness Topics
Elena's Growth Scoop 1336 implied HN points 09 Feb 24
  1. Words like 'You're too aggressive, smile more' reflect biases that are diminishing and unfair to women.
  2. Societal norms pressure women to conform to outdated ideas of femininity, hindering their career advancement.
  3. The distinction between assertiveness and aggression in women is a perpetual challenge, but breaking through can lead to assertiveness being celebrated as a positive trait in leadership roles.
Leading Developers 113 implied HN points 27 Feb 24
  1. Throughout your career, there will be moments where you consider quitting. It's important to weigh the reasons behind your feelings and analyze your options before making a decision.
  2. Sometimes, finding new challenges and growth opportunities can be discovered outside of work. Exploring different avenues and testing your skills in various areas can provide valuable experiences.
  3. Building strong relationships with colleagues and having trust in your team and the direction of your company can be key factors in deciding to stay and overcome challenges at work.
The Recovering Academic 475 implied HN points 16 May 23
  1. Choosing a career path that aligns with your true self can be challenging but ultimately rewarding.
  2. Academia comes with its own set of challenges, including feeling limited in career opportunities beyond teaching, research, or management.
  3. The education field, particularly in academia, may not always prioritize the well-being and fair compensation of faculty and staff, leading to a cycle of exploitation.
Data Engineering Central 275 implied HN points 05 Jun 23
  1. Stress, anxiety, and hardship are common in the workplace, including in Data Teams.
  2. Focus on personal well-being to reduce stress at work: Manage finances, exercise, get fresh air, control news intake, have personal development, and eat better.
  3. Address work-related stress by facing workload, improving communication, and pursuing professional growth and development.
72 Degrees North 58 implied HN points 06 Dec 23
  1. Neurodivergent individuals can struggle in the workplace due to differences in communication and social interaction, leading to misunderstandings and disadvantages.
  2. Monotropism, intense focus on single tasks, can be an asset in deep work but a challenge in office environments requiring multitasking and social skills.
  3. Monotactism, the tendency to lack awareness of social hierarchy and norms, can lead to poor workplace outcomes for neurodivergent individuals, even if they are well-meaning and capable.
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Weight and Healthcare 419 implied HN points 08 Oct 22
  1. Facing workplace weight loss challenges can be intimidating, especially for larger individuals who may feel triggered or stressed.
  2. Pushing back against such challenges can involve addressing concerns about health, defending against body size discrimination, and advocating for weight-neutral interventions.
  3. It's crucial to remember that workplace weight issues are not your fault, and there's value in advocating for a healthier focus on well-being rather than just weight.