The CS Classroom

The CS Classroom is a newsletter that combines insights on education, technology, and extensive travel experiences. It covers the transition from software engineering to teaching, the cultural and educational impacts of living abroad, and reflections on specific locations and their histories. The author also discusses the role of technology in education and personal growth through language learning and adapting to different cultures.

Education and Technology Travel and Culture Teaching Experiences Personal Growth Language Learning Global Politics and History

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0 implied HN points 23 Jun 22
  1. Author reflects on the challenging but character-building experience of living in Kyrgyzstan for 2 years.
  2. Author plans to move to Poland without a job lined up, aiming to pursue entrepreneurial endeavors while potentially working in the IT sector.
  3. Author expresses mixed feelings about returning to a job as a programmer, highlighting the struggle with the lack of community in the field compared to teaching.
0 implied HN points 03 Jul 21
  1. Lviv has a strong sense of Ukrainian identity and patriotism due to historical events and an active war on Ukrainian territory.
  2. The architecture and atmosphere of Lviv resemble southern European cities more than typical Soviet or Ukrainian cities.
  3. Lviv is known for its green spaces, well-tended parks, and as a pleasant place to visit.
0 implied HN points 24 Sep 20
  1. Coffee has played a significant role in creating memorable moments during the author's travels.
  2. Different coffee experiences around the world can be surprising and unique.
  3. The ritual of drinking coffee has a profound impact on the author, affecting their mood and productivity.
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0 implied HN points 05 Mar 20
  1. Choose languages to learn based on practicality and use
  2. Emotional connections and cultural interests can drive language learning success
  3. Interest and necessity are key factors in motivation and success when learning a language
0 implied HN points 20 Jan 20
  1. In Vietnam, people burn fake money as gifts to their ancestors.
  2. The fake money, known as 'ghost money,' can be found outside pagodas in Hanoi.
  3. Using 'ghost money' in classroom activities can be a fun and engaging way to teach students.
0 implied HN points 09 Jun 17
  1. Chernobyl is a time capsule of a bygone era, with abandoned remnants of a Soviet past
  2. Touring Chernobyl provides a unique experience, like investigating a civilization from the past
  3. Visiting Chernobyl with a tour company can be a cool and well-organized adventure
0 implied HN points 17 Apr 20
  1. Self-quarantine can lead to new routines and opportunities for personal growth.
  2. Studying a language can connect us to our heritage and cultural roots.
  3. Learning Urdu has opened up new perspectives and connections in various countries.
0 implied HN points 02 Mar 19
  1. Living in Hanoi revealed its unique culture, mixing old and new in a seemingly chaotic yet intriguing way.
  2. Exploring Hanoi's historical sites, cafes, and secret spots offers a glimpse into a rich and labyrinthine city.
  3. Although facing challenges like language barriers and visa issues, adapting to Hanoi's lifestyle and vibrant cafe culture can lead to a deeper appreciation of the city and its people.
0 implied HN points 29 Aug 19
  1. The author visited Hue City in central Vietnam to see the city for themselves, inspired by military history readings.
  2. Hue City is known for its tranquil atmosphere, with wide-open roads, a peaceful river, and a mix of local and French architecture.
  3. Exploring Hue involved enjoying local delicacies, visiting the historic Citadel, and experiencing the laid-back charm of the city.
0 implied HN points 06 Aug 17
  1. Photographing in low-light conditions is better with DSLR cameras than smartphones.
  2. Ancient mosques and tombs in Islamic Cairo provide a serene and spiritual experience.
  3. Visiting these historical sites in person allows you to truly appreciate their beauty and tranquility.
0 implied HN points 15 Mar 16
  1. The Rif Mountains in Morocco are known for extensive cannabis cultivation
  2. Local farmers negotiate prices, producing hash that eventually reaches Europe at a higher cost
  3. The economic impact and cultural significance of cannabis in the region is profound
0 implied HN points 02 May 16
  1. The author traveled to Kyrgyzstan for a new adventure in Central Asia.
  2. The local cuisine featured meat-based dishes that resembled dishes from surrounding regions.
  3. Kyrgyzstan's Soviet past was evident in its architecture and atmosphere.
0 implied HN points 09 Mar 16
  1. Dubrovnik in Croatia is known for its stunning beauty and rich history
  2. During the Siege of Dubrovnik, the city faced heavy bombardment and civilian casualties
  3. The resilience of the people and the rebuilding efforts after the war demonstrate the strength of the community
0 implied HN points 04 Feb 16
  1. Regular, weekly protests in Bil'in, Palestine against Israeli settlements on Palestinian land
  2. Residents of Bil'in face violence from Israeli forces, including tear gas and rubber bullets
  3. Visiting activists show solidarity with Bil'in residents and witness the impact of the Israeli occupation
0 implied HN points 02 Nov 15
  1. In Baalbek, a town controlled by Hezbollah, there were surprising signs of normalcy and friendliness despite the militant organization's presence.
  2. Residents of Baalbek had connections to the US and other countries, showing a strong diaspora presence in the town.
  3. Hezbollah in Baalbek acted as more than just a militant organization, also providing basic services like schools and hospitals, functioning as a quasi-government.
0 implied HN points 15 Sep 15
  1. The Turda Salt Mines in Romania were transformed into an amusement park and halotherapy center.
  2. Arriving in Turda feels like arriving in the middle of nowhere with signs pointing towards the salt mines.
  3. The mines offer unique attractions like a mini-golf course, ping pong tables, and a Ferris wheel.
0 implied HN points 21 Jun 21
  1. Living in Kyrgystan is preferred over Vietnam due to a better quality of life.
  2. Adapting to life in Kyrgystan is easier for a foreigner compared to Vietnam.
  3. Learning Russian and understanding the local culture in Kyrgystan is more accessible than in Vietnam.
0 implied HN points 06 Jun 21
  1. Online teaching is challenging and demoralizing, with difficulties such as students not engaging and unstable internet connections.
  2. Understanding how to teach effectively in a specific context takes about a year, including getting to know students, curriculum, and school processes.
  3. Moving up in an organization like a school takes time, with new teachers having to work through challenges and not always enjoying every class, but ultimately becoming better teachers.
0 implied HN points 24 Dec 15
  1. Backpacking in Iran is different from Europe or Southeast Asia due to limited information and banking system isolation
  2. Despite initial nervousness, the author had a smooth immigration process upon arrival in Tehran
  3. Exploring Tehran, the author found a mix of vibrant culture, wealthy areas, and historical sites like the former US Embassy
0 implied HN points 28 Jan 20
  1. Living cities like Hanoi blend modern life with historical charm, where locals and tourists enjoy together.
  2. Tourist cities like Luang Prabang can feel inauthentic, created solely for Western tourists' convenience.
  3. Authentic travel destinations, like Taiwan, offer a mix of upsides and downsides without catering specifically to tourists.
0 implied HN points 07 Jan 20
  1. English education in Vietnam is in high demand with a shortage of qualified teachers.
  2. Teaching at a university in Vietnam involves adapting to lecture-based style but can be a rewarding experience.
  3. Teaching experiences with motivated students can enhance one's teaching abilities and provide a unique cultural insight.
0 implied HN points 20 May 19
  1. Initially feared riding a motorcycle in Vietnam due to chaotic traffic, but eventually commuted by motorcycle for 12 months.
  2. Started with a semi-automatic Honda Wave to look cool and easy to ride, then upgraded to a manual motorcycle for a more challenging experience.
  3. Riding through the unique traffic in Vietnam offers exciting experiences and opportunities to explore the country in a different way.
0 implied HN points 09 Aug 17
  1. Kharkiv is a unique destination in Ukraine with a distinct charm and architecture.
  2. The metro system in Kharkiv is ornately decorated, making it a unique experience.
  3. The city is undergoing an urban renaissance, blending modern shops with historical grandeur.
0 implied HN points 07 May 16
  1. Uzbekistan requires stringent visa processes, which can be challenging for travelers of different nationalities.
  2. Upon entry, travelers need to declare all currency and valuable items in a closed economy that doesn't allow possession increase beyond arrival.
  3. Despite strict controls and measures, Uzbekistan's tourism attempts reflect a country perhaps changing its approach to boost its image abroad.
0 implied HN points 28 Nov 21
  1. Teaching computer science involves helping students solve problems with code, which can be challenging if they lack a strong math background.
  2. Teaching marketable skills like coding is rewarding as it prepares students for real-world applications beyond academic settings.
  3. Using tools like Youtube videos can enhance the teaching experience, making it more effective and accessible for students.
0 implied HN points 24 Mar 20
  1. World War Z offers a compelling narrative on a global crisis and the efforts to contain it.
  2. The book delves into themes like disinformation, profit-driven capitalism, and political prioritization over science, which are relevant to the current pandemic.
  3. The ending of the book presents optimism in the face of crisis, highlighting the importance of global cooperation in overcoming challenges.
0 implied HN points 09 Mar 16
  1. Be shameless and do what you need to for a good night's sleep in an airport without worrying too much about rules.
  2. Get to know the airport staff as they can offer valuable insights and even keep you company during those odd hours.
  3. Sometimes, it's smart to observe and follow what others are doing when looking for a good spot to rest in the airport.
0 implied HN points 09 Nov 15
  1. Beirut is a city with a complex identity due to historical events and societal divisions
  2. Visiting the Iranian embassy in Beirut required navigating through multiple security layers
  3. Despite security concerns, life in Beirut continues with a mix of normalcy and defiance
0 implied HN points 18 Jan 23
  1. Life in Ukraine, especially in cities like Lviv, continues amidst the ongoing war, with adaptations like dealing with power outages and presence of soldiers.
  2. Citizens in Ukraine support the military effort through grassroots initiatives, delivering supplies to units, and undergoing voluntary defense training.
  3. Uncertainty looms in Ukraine due to the ongoing war, with everyday life impacted by concerns of internet connectivity and the duration of the conflict.
0 implied HN points 09 Dec 22
  1. Exploring Spain outside of Madrid can be a refreshing experience with its diverse cities and landscapes.
  2. Cadiz offers a relaxed atmosphere, unpretentious dining experiences, and a sense of community.
  3. Traveling to new places can revitalize and bring happiness, motivating further exploration and adventures.
0 implied HN points 24 Jul 22
  1. In Poland, people are kind, tolerant, open-minded, and educated.
  2. Job hunting in international schools in June can be tough but may lead to unexpected opportunities.
  3. Despite challenges, taking steps towards settling down in a desired location can bring a sense of fulfillment.
0 implied HN points 21 Oct 21
  1. Reflecting on memorable nights out can bring a sense of nostalgia and joy.
  2. Exploring new places and cultures can lead to unexpected and exciting experiences.
  3. Making connections with people from different backgrounds can create lasting memories and unique adventures.
0 implied HN points 06 Aug 21
  1. Russian was unexpectedly important in several countries from Serbia to Kyrgyzstan.
  2. Learning Russian was challenging due to complex grammar rules and pronunciation difficulties.
  3. Being motivated and immersed in the language helped improve Russian skills and enhance connections with locals.
0 implied HN points 09 Apr 21
  1. Winter came early in Bishkek with temperatures below 0 degrees Celsius by mid-November.
  2. The dark winter mornings involved layering up and walking through cold, smog-filled streets to school.
  3. Despite the challenges of darkness, pollution, and the pandemic, things improved as spring arrived in Bishkek.
0 implied HN points 18 Oct 20
  1. The school in Bishkek opened amidst a recent revolution and pandemic.
  2. The teacher shares a unique classroom experience with students from various countries.
  3. The return of students to the classroom brought a sense of normalcy amid uncertainty.
0 implied HN points 26 Dec 19
  1. Identity varies widely depending on location and cultural context.
  2. Appearance and language play a significant role in defining identity, especially in countries without immigrant histories.
  3. In cross-cultural interactions, embracing simplicity in explaining identity can lead to positive introspection about cultural roots.
0 implied HN points 29 Mar 19
  1. The author's changing views on travel have shifted from seeking unique experiences to finding a fulfilling career and impact on the community.
  2. Teaching has emerged as a profession that aligns with the author's values and strengths, providing a sense of purpose and making a positive impact.
  3. The author's desire to travel has waned as they no longer feel the need to prove anything, have visited desired destinations, and now prioritize meaningful reasons for travel.
0 implied HN points 09 Jul 17
  1. Transnistria is a region with its own government and identity, existing as its own country despite being unrecognized by others.
  2. Transnistria may not be as 'Soviet' as expected, with modern elements like sushi restaurants and a diverse city vibe.
  3. The presence of the 'Sheriff' brand in Transnistria hints at political connections and monopolistic control of industries.