The Ruffian

The Ruffian, authored by Ian Leslie, explores a wide range of topics including history, music, philosophy, technology, social issues, leadership, and creativity. It challenges popular narratives, examines the impact of cultural phenomena, and delves into historical events, offering insights into human behavior, societal trends, and the complexity of various disciplines.

History Music Philosophy Technology and Society Social Issues Leadership and Innovation Creativity and Art Political and Cultural Commentary Human Behavior Literature

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And their main takeaways
98 implied HN points 13 Mar 21
  1. Bayes' theorem emphasizes the importance of considering prior likelihoods before drawing conclusions.
  2. Thinking like a Bayesian involves assessing context and not solely focusing on new evidence.
  3. Being Bayesian means being comfortable with uncertainty and making informed guesses based on evidence and reasoning.
122 implied HN points 16 Oct 20
  1. Believing you have communicated is risky; don't assume others understand just because you do.
  2. Listening is key in communication; talking without understanding the listener leads to misunderstandings.
  3. Connecting on a personal level is crucial; building a relationship helps the conversation succeed.
55 implied HN points 04 Dec 21
  1. The song 'I've Got a Feeling' by The Beatles may seem simple or rickety in structure, but the emotion and energy in its performance make it thrilling and impressive.
  2. The Beatles valued music as a form of communication that could express feelings and emotions beyond what words could convey.
  3. Pop songs like 'I've Got a Feeling' may not always rely on complex melodies or lyrics, but can still be powerful in evoking a certain emotion or feeling.
104 implied HN points 21 Sep 20
  1. Common knowledge is crucial for societal organization and coordination
  2. Rituals, like sports events or cultural ceremonies, help create common knowledge
  3. The modern media landscape challenges the generation of common knowledge at a national level
61 implied HN points 26 Jun 21
  1. Organizations should engage in ethical scenario-planning for decision-making in media firestorms.
  2. Leaders should understand political and ethical arguments, engage in internal debates, and avoid reacting mindlessly.
  3. It's important for decision-makers to be clear on their values and be prepared to make well-thought-out decisions, even in controversial situations.
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49 implied HN points 16 Oct 21
  1. Rolling Stone published a list of the 500 greatest songs ever made, showcasing changing cultural tastes.
  2. A snapshot of where culture is at a certain time, not an eternal declaration, can be seen in such lists.
  3. Analysis of the top songs reveals interesting trends like popularity shifts between generations and the impact of artists on music history.
43 implied HN points 12 Dec 21
  1. Boris Johnson's success is attributed to his resilience and ability to rebound from challenges.
  2. He is perceived as untrustworthy and incompetent by voters, which is detrimental for a politician.
  3. The job of a Prime Minister requires making quick decisions, something Boris Johnson is seen as lacking.
  4. The voters regard him as dishonest and incompetent, leading to his current unpopularity.
49 implied HN points 09 Oct 21
  1. During World War II, a significant clash between black and white American soldiers in Bamber Bridge, England highlighted racial tensions in the US military.
  2. The presence of black American soldiers in Britain during the war led to positive interactions that influenced British attitudes towards minorities, showing the impact of human interaction on tolerance.
  3. Local resistance in Bamber Bridge against American racism demonstrated solidarity with black soldiers and a rejection of imposed discrimination, setting a powerful example of standing up against injustice.
73 implied HN points 02 Jan 21
  1. Experts can be wrong, and we shouldn't always defer to them blindly.
  2. Disagreement among groups is crucial for making better decisions.
  3. Politicians can be out of touch with voters, leading to ineffective campaigns.
36 implied HN points 23 Dec 21
  1. Ros Atkins creates viral news videos based on fact-based explainers.
  2. Atkins proves that impartiality can be gripping and compelling in the age of social media.
  3. Atkins challenges the idea that shorter content is always better, showing that quality information can keep viewers engaged.
55 implied HN points 03 Apr 21
  1. When in a disagreement, make sure both sides actually understand what they are arguing about.
  2. Critics of the Sewell Report reacted strongly without fully reading or understanding the report's content.
  3. The elite discourse on anti-racism can sometimes lead to divisive disagreements with minimal focus on practical solutions.
73 implied HN points 06 Aug 20
  1. Communication is constant and unavoidable, even when we try to not communicate.
  2. Personality and behavior are influenced by the force field created through interactions with others.
  3. Understanding and shaping the force field before speaking can greatly impact communication outcomes.
55 implied HN points 23 Jan 21
  1. Biden's inaugural speech was impactful due to his clarity and deep conviction
  2. Experts have shown limits in pandemic preparedness and response
  3. Prince's song 'Kiss' succeeded by breaking the norm of including a bass line
36 implied HN points 21 Aug 21
  1. Biden encountered challenges in the execution of foreign policy
  2. There were intelligence oversights in the Afghanistan situation
  3. Biden's decision aligns with his long-held beliefs about military interventions
55 implied HN points 28 Nov 20
  1. The book is about how to have better disagreements in various aspects of life.
  2. Disagreement can lead to new ideas and bring people closer together if done well.
  3. To support the book, pre-ordering can help boost its visibility and potentially make it a bestseller.
49 implied HN points 09 Jan 21
  1. The Capitol riot was a messy, bottom-up event incited by Trump.
  2. About a quarter of Americans may have given up on democracy.
  3. US democracy facing critical challenges amidst global expectations.
24 implied HN points 30 Dec 21
  1. The author had a good year in 2021 with personal and professional achievements.
  2. The author expressed gratitude to subscribers and shared plans for new content for paid subscribers.
  3. The author compiled a list of favorite things from 2021 for paid subscribers.
36 implied HN points 29 May 21
  1. Expressing emotions online can have real-life consequences.
  2. Rants are a prevalent form of expression in today's digital age.
  3. The factors and risks associated with engaging in a rant, and how it affects public discourse.
36 implied HN points 24 Apr 21
  1. Elites can make stupid decisions by neglecting to communicate properly and failing to address public concerns.
  2. Ignoring feedback and neglecting public opinion can lead to partners backing out and the failure of initiatives.
  3. Cultural symbols, like football, hold importance in society and can unite people across borders, showing the power of populism and national pride.
24 implied HN points 13 Nov 21
  1. The author is introducing a subscription fee for their newsletter to sustain their writing
  2. The content of the newsletter is diverse and does not stick to a specific niche
  3. The author is working on a book about the relationship between John Lennon and Paul McCartney
43 implied HN points 19 Dec 20
  1. Bob Dylan's art value is less than Damien Hirst's due to the difference in uniqueness and aura associated with their respective art forms.
  2. The value of artistic production is influenced by the presence of 'aura' and authenticity in the age of reproduction.
  3. The most financially lucrative artistic form involves creating fantasy worlds that can be diversified into various forms and formats.
24 implied HN points 02 Oct 21
  1. The group can be more intelligent than an individual, enhancing thinking through disagreement and diverse perspectives.
  2. Individual brains have limitations, benefiting from external perspectives to improve cognition and overcome biases.
  3. Although conformity can lead to groupthink and stupidity, some level of herding and conformity can be beneficial for society and survival.
36 implied HN points 13 Feb 21
  1. Don't worry too much about the South African variant of Covid-19 as our defense is strong against it.
  2. Conflict doesn't always mean a breakdown in relationships; it can be a sign of vitality.
  3. It's important to simplify things first, then allow complexity to come in naturally.
36 implied HN points 06 Feb 21
  1. Disagreements among scientists can get personal as seen during debates on pandemic responses.
  2. Pain from setbacks can be viewed as knowledge rushing in to improve our mental models of reality.
  3. There has been a wave of positive news in the fight against COVID-19, showing progress in vaccination efficacy and transmission reduction.
43 implied HN points 10 Oct 20
  1. Remote work is expected to continue increasing, even after the pandemic, due to the decline of physical spillover effects and the internet as a substitute.
  2. There is a case to be made for optimism in public speech, as moods are contagious and influence others.
  3. Sean Ono Lennon's radio documentary about his dad John Lennon is insightful and touching, showing a positive relationship with his half-brother Julian despite their challenging childhoods.
43 implied HN points 15 Aug 20
  1. Biden's choice of Kamala Harris as running mate is strategic to keep the focus on Trump
  2. Gossip during lockdown could be seeing a decline which may have negative effects
  3. Understanding the success of TikTok can provide insights on social media algorithms and digital product strategies
30 implied HN points 27 Mar 21
  1. Joe Biden's success lies in his approach of staying low-key and avoiding drama.
  2. Blandness can be a powerful tool in politics, allowing for bipartisan support.
  3. Running centrist candidates can lead to the successful enactment of left or right-wing policies.
24 implied HN points 10 Jul 21
  1. Unscripted, raw moments in politics can have a significant impact.
  2. Politicians should learn to use volatile encounters to connect with voters.
  3. Showing emotional truthfulness as a politician can make a big difference.
30 implied HN points 30 Jan 21
  1. Jerry Seinfeld emphasizes the importance of addressing conflict openly and fearlessly.
  2. Relevance in education and discussions should not be limited, but expanded to include various perspectives.
  3. The fast and diversified approach of the UK's vaccine task force under Kate Bingham was crucial for successful vaccine procurement.
24 implied HN points 12 Jun 21
  1. Social media can lead to toxic positivity and hinder healthy disagreement and critique.
  2. In science, premature convergence on single hypotheses can hinder progress and innovation.
  3. Understanding cultural clashes and tones in politics, like Boris Johnson's unique appeal, is crucial for defeating opponents.
36 implied HN points 12 Sep 20
  1. Traditional media companies faced challenges in the past decade, but the New York Times thrived due to innovative digital leadership.
  2. Some Asian governments are hoping for a Trump re-election due to concerns about Biden's softer stance on China.
  3. The rise in COVID-19 infections in Europe might not have led to a proportional increase in hospital admissions due to factors like social distancing and mask use.
24 implied HN points 15 May 21
  1. Personality plays a significant role in politics, as seen with figures like Boris Johnson and Donald Trump who defied traditional political norms.
  2. Happiness can sometimes lead to diminished cognitive function, showing that a certain level of stress and challenge can keep us mentally sharp.
  3. Interpersonal challenges in teamwork situations can help develop social intelligence, highlighting the importance of navigating various personalities effectively.
24 implied HN points 20 Mar 21
  1. Arguments can bring happy couples closer together by revealing deeper feelings and emotional investment.
  2. Conflict and confrontation in relationships can provide essential updates on partners' thoughts and feelings over time.
  3. Regular arguments help prevent complacency in long-term relationships, forcing partners to pay attention and see each other afresh.
24 implied HN points 27 Feb 21
  1. In disagreements, start by establishing a deeper connection before delving into the disagreement itself.
  2. When facing resistance in persuasion, showing genuine interest in the other person can be more effective than pressuring them.
  3. History can be viewed through different lenses such as conflict history and consensus history, each offering unique perspectives on events.
30 implied HN points 26 Sep 20
  1. Intelligence is more about effort and curiosity than raw processing power.
  2. Older people are showing cognitive improvements and declining dementia rates.
  3. Climate change activism emphasizes the need for market dynamism alongside government action.
24 implied HN points 20 Feb 21
  1. Former believers in extreme ideologies can provide powerful insights on how people get sucked into such beliefs
  2. Persuasion often happens gradually, step by step, rather than with sudden changes in beliefs
  3. During crises like plane crashes, people tend to behave calmly and with focus, rather than panicking
30 implied HN points 04 Jul 20
  1. Innovation can be driven by small, empowered teams of generalists, not just specialists.
  2. Armchair experts, like in the case of the pandemic response, can sometimes offer valuable insights that specialists might miss.
  3. Being skeptical of your own tribe's beliefs is important for individual and collective intelligence.
24 implied HN points 21 Nov 20
  1. Pfizer and Moderna vaccines show 95% efficacy, considered pandemic breakers
  2. Superforecasters predict a 95% chance of widely distributed US vaccine by April 2021
  3. Confidence in UK's vaccine rollout success and expertise in production
24 implied HN points 07 Nov 20
  1. The election results could surprise us, reminding us that the world is difficult to predict.
  2. Trump's influence in American politics may persist due to his strong appeal and energy.
  3. The 2020 US election highlights the complexity of voter behavior and serves as a humbling reminder of the unpredictability of democracy.