Machine Learning Diaries

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And their main takeaways
7 implied HN points 27 Nov 24
  1. A/B tests are important for businesses because they help test ideas and make informed decisions. Many companies have seen significant revenue increases by using A/B tests.
  2. It's crucial to define the right performance metrics for A/B tests to ensure long-term success. Focus on metrics that show real customer engagement, not just short-term results.
  3. Pay close attention to statistical principles when running A/B tests. Misunderstanding p-values and making hasty conclusions can lead to incorrect results and poor decisions.
3 implied HN points 18 Nov 24
  1. Super weights are very important for how well large language models (LLMs) perform. Even though they're a tiny part of the model, they can greatly affect the results.
  2. If a super weight is removed, it can ruin the model's ability to generate clear text and make predictions. Just taking out one of these weights can cause a huge drop in performance.
  3. Removing regular outlier weights doesn't harm performance much, but losing just one super weight is much worse than taking out a lot of other weights combined.
3 implied HN points 11 Nov 24
  1. Evaluating large language models (LLMs) is important for ensuring a good user experience. Existing metrics like Time to First Token (TTFT) and Time Between Tokens (TBT) don't fully capture how these models perform in real-time applications.
  2. The proposed 'Etalon' framework offers a new way to measure LLMs using a 'fluidity-index' that helps track how well the model meets deadlines. This ensures smoother and more responsive interactions.
  3. Current metrics can hide issues like delays and jitters during token generation. The new approach aims to provide a clearer picture of performance by considering these factors, leading to better user satisfaction.
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0 implied HN points 28 Feb 24
  1. Boosting algorithms can struggle when dealing with noisy and uncertain data labels.
  2. Weakly supervised learning (WSL) is gaining attention as a way to handle noisy and weak data labels more effectively than fully-supervised methods.
  3. The LocalBoost approach aims to address challenges by iteratively and adaptively enhancing boosting in a weakly supervised setting.