The hottest Climate Risk Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
Top Climate & Environment Topics
Equal Ventures 19 implied HN points 03 Oct 22
  1. Insurance startups are exploring opportunities beyond traditional insurance, including tech-enabled solutions and business development pathways.
  2. After a decline in valuation multiples, the interest in mergers and acquisitions (M&A) within the insurance industry is resurging.
  3. Focusing on climate risk is becoming a key priority for insurers, leading to changes in underwriting approaches and investment in climate-related initiatives.
The Snap Forward 0 implied HN points 06 Apr 23
  1. The Brittleness Bubble is a significant concern due to overvaluation of assets vulnerable to growing risks brought on by the planetary crisis.
  2. Local governments may face budget shortfalls and new costs due to property devaluations caused by climate vulnerabilities.
  3. Investments in local ruggedization efforts and new value creation are crucial to mitigate future financial turmoil and increase sustainable prosperity.
Callaway Climate Insights 0 implied HN points 06 Feb 24
  1. Amazon included a section on climate risk in its 2023 annual filing, recognizing potential impacts like higher costs and changing customer demand patterns.
  2. Corporate climate risk disclosure is growing despite political opposition, with more companies outside traditional industries adapting climate change wording.
  3. Large public companies are taking proactive steps to warn investors about climate risks, recognizing that climate risk is investment risk.
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