The hottest European history Substack posts right now

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Top History Topics
Cosmographia 838 implied HN points 14 Nov 23
  1. Paris evolved from a Gaulish settlement to a significant city under various rulers like Clovis I and Charlemagne.
  2. Charlemagne, known as the Father of Europe, made Aachen his permanent capital, shifting attention from Paris.
  3. After Charlemagne's reign, Paris experienced a decline in political significance and development, facing new threats like Viking invasions.
Moly’s Substack 196 implied HN points 08 May 23
  1. China's historical system focused on providing peasants with hope of advancement, motivating them to fight for military honors and social mobility.
  2. A meritocratic approach in China ensured that power and wealth were not easily inherited, preventing the monopolization of success by nobles.
  3. The use of concubines in China served as a method to ensure competent heirs, prevent inbreeding, and stabilize society through non-exclusive relationships.
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