The hottest Art history Substack posts right now

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Top Art & Illustration Topics
The Unpublishable β€’ 5267 implied HN points β€’ 31 Jan 24
  1. The post discusses understanding modern beauty standards through art history.
  2. The author gave a speech with a PowerPoint presentation at a launch event for a new wellness section.
  3. The talk at the event was about beauty standards and was well-received.
A Mug of Insights β€’ 1218 implied HN points β€’ 01 Feb 24
  1. Great ideas often come when you are fully immersed in the world, not when you're trying to reason them out in solitude.
  2. Artists like Robert Rauschenberg found inspiration by embracing everyday life and mundane experiences.
  3. Finding a balance between being alone and being immersed in the world is crucial for creativity.
Chartbook β€’ 371 implied HN points β€’ 27 Feb 24
  1. The post discusses Xi's crackdown on bankers and the world's most polluting power plants.
  2. It touches on topics like book-buying, flatscapes, the Kaiser on future ships, and Oswald's swan.
  3. The content includes great links, reading, and images from the Chartbook Newsletter by Adam Tooze.
Atlas of Wonders and Monsters β€’ 1289 implied HN points β€’ 10 Nov 23
  1. Pioneers of abstract art often began with painting representational pictures.
  2. The shift from figurative art to abstract art is a gradual progression seen in artists like Kandinsky, Mondrian, Malevich, Pollock, and Rothko.
  3. Early abstract art skeptics may not fully appreciate the value of abstract art, but understanding the journey of artists can provide insight into their artistic development.
Cybernetic Forests β€’ 99 implied HN points β€’ 10 Mar 24
  1. Artists historically learned how to create art through hands-on practice and not just by observing art - a concept often misunderstood.
  2. The concept of learning from masters in art, as compared to how AI learns from training data, reveals interesting differences in approach and outcomes.
  3. The discussion around AI, art, and copyright brings up important points about data rights, labor values, and the need to support human artists in the digital age.
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Cosmographia β€’ 838 implied HN points β€’ 14 Nov 23
  1. Paris evolved from a Gaulish settlement to a significant city under various rulers like Clovis I and Charlemagne.
  2. Charlemagne, known as the Father of Europe, made Aachen his permanent capital, shifting attention from Paris.
  3. After Charlemagne's reign, Paris experienced a decline in political significance and development, facing new threats like Viking invasions.
Photo of the Day β€’ 176 implied HN points β€’ 10 Feb 24
  1. The comparison of historical images to modern ones shows that some aspects of life remain constant over time.
  2. Through visual examples, the post highlights the similarities and differences in various historical events and figures.
  3. The post uses photography to reflect on the past and present, illustrating the continuation of certain themes through time.
Cosmographia β€’ 658 implied HN points β€’ 15 Oct 23
  1. The Colosseum's grandeur cannot truly be appreciated until seen in person, highlighting the awe-inspiring nature of ancient structures
  2. Historical patterns suggest that great civilizations may eventually decline due to lowered moral standards, cynicism, and frivolity, prompting reflection on the lessons of the past for modern societies
  3. The Course of Empire art series by Thomas Cole illustrates the rise and fall of civilizations, offering a visual representation of the cyclical nature of human history
Safety Propaganda β€’ 137 implied HN points β€’ 09 Jan 24
  1. Jonathan Glazer is known for his unique and groundbreaking films, setting high standards for himself.
  2. The film 'The Zone of Interest' portrays a haunting vanitas concept by juxtaposing idyllic visuals with disturbing sounds of a Holocaust setting.
  3. The use of sound in the film creates a jarring contradiction, making it both boring and disturbing at the same time.
backstory β€’ 290 implied HN points β€’ 25 Feb 23
  1. Vermeer's art continues to captivate audiences, with a major exhibition in Amsterdam showcasing much of his work.
  2. Exploring the history and locations related to Vermeer's life provides a deeper understanding and appreciation of his art.
  3. Various historical events and figures, like the Delft explosion and Hugo Grotius, add layers of intrigue to the story of Vermeer.
Banana Peel Pirouette β€’ 59 implied HN points β€’ 18 Nov 23
  1. NFTs were a hype but have lost their appeal, leading to exhaustion and disinterest among many people.
  2. The debate on whether NFTs qualify as 'Art' highlights the evolving definition and role of contemporary art in today's society.
  3. The embrace of NFTs reveals the commercialization and elitism inherent in the art world, blurring the lines between art, investment, and spectacle.
Euro Desk Paris β€’ 39 implied HN points β€’ 11 Dec 23
  1. The painting of Gabrielle d'EstrΓ©es and sister at the Louvre holds historical and artistic significance.
  2. The artwork is linked to historical figures like Diane de Poitiers and explores themes of power and femininity.
  3. Understanding the context and history behind artworks enriches the interpretation and appreciation of art.
The False Consensus Effect β€’ 98 implied HN points β€’ 13 Aug 23
  1. The post discusses a movie experience with steamy pretend sex scenes, historical references, and a deep dive into nuclear weapon politics.
  2. It delves into a perspective on the split evolution of humanity into apathetic Eloi and the sadder-but-wiser Morlocks, based on attitudes towards nuclear weapons.
  3. The narrative reveals insights about Oppenheimer, exposing aspects of his historical context, involvement in wartime dynamics, and influence on art teaching during military efforts.
quite useless β€’ 157 implied HN points β€’ 17 Feb 23
  1. The post discusses a catalogue of Aubrey Beardsley's work and focuses on the intricate details of shoes and feet in his art.
  2. The analysis explores the symbolism and ambiguity of empty shoes in Beardsley's art, connecting them to themes of conquest and femininity.
  3. Artistic choices like the depiction of shoes and feet in Beardsley's work point to deeper themes of sexuality and power within his art.
SCIENCE GODDESS β€’ 78 implied HN points β€’ 04 Jul 23
  1. Apple's new VR headset offers a revolutionary way of interfacing with technology called 'spatial computing'
  2. The technology behind Apple's VR headset draws parallels to the perspectival representation technique in medieval European painting
  3. Considerations about the implications and trade-offs of using Apple's VR headset, such as privacy concerns and the balance between virtual and physical interactions
Euro Desk Paris β€’ 19 implied HN points β€’ 09 Jun 23
  1. Follow the intriguing travels and history of the Mona Lisa, from 1500s to modern times.
  2. Many have tried unraveling the mystery behind Mona Lisa's smile, but its allure remains unshattered.
  3. Notable historical figures like Napoleon were captivated by the Mona Lisa, with some trying to claim it as their own.
Joe Tourville β€’ 4 implied HN points β€’ 08 May 23
  1. Art can challenge our perception of time, place, and reality through abstract forms and colors.
  2. Artists aim to reveal hidden truths by breaking free from the constraints of their era and language.
  3. Originality in art is valued for its uniqueness and innovation, even though creations are inevitably tied to their context.
Mehdeeka β€’ 1 implied HN point β€’ 14 Sep 23
  1. Artists in advertising have a rich history of creating impactful campaigns by aligning themes with products and messages
  2. Collaborations between artists and brands have shifted towards more artist-controlled 'collaborations' for added authenticity and creative value
  3. Engaging with art in galleries can be a personal and enriching experience, encouraging us to explore and appreciate different perspectives
Cybernetic Forests β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 05 Feb 23
  1. The Latent Space Art Academy offers a course on AI images, delving into data ethics and media studies through histories of computation and art.
  2. The course includes guest lectures, exploring topics like cybernetics, art, AI-generated knitting patterns, and the societal impacts of AI technologies.
  3. By focusing on making images with AI, the course aims to help students understand how AI works, its cultural context, and how it can redefine our relationship with technology.