The hottest Model Training Substack posts right now

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Democratizing Automation 126 implied HN points 13 Mar 24
  1. Models like GPT4 have been replicated in many organizations, leading to a situation where moats are less significant in the language model space.
  2. The open LLM ecosystem is progressing, but there are challenges in data infrastructure and coordination, potentially leading to a gap between open and closed models.
  3. Despite some skepticism, Language Models have been consistently enhancing their reliability making them increasingly useful for various applications, with potential for new transformative uses. 587 implied HN points 01 Mar 23
  1. Understand the basics of generative AI: a generative model produces a structured output from a structured input.
  2. Complex relationships between symbols require more computational power to relate them effectively.
  3. Language models like ChatGPT don't have personal experiences or knowledge; they use a token window to respond based on the conversation context.’s Newsletter 157 implied HN points 13 Mar 23
  1. Estimate the minimum and maximum learning rate values by observing when the loss decreases and increases during training.
  2. Choosing learning rates within the estimated range can optimize model training.
  3. Validating learning rate ranges and fine-tuning with different datasets can improve model flexibility and accuracy.
Deep (Learning) Focus 157 implied HN points 27 Mar 23
  1. Transfer learning is powerful in deep learning, involving pre-training a model on one dataset then fine-tuning it on another for better performance.
  2. After BERT's breakthrough in NLP with transfer learning, T5 aims to analyze and unify various approaches that followed, improving effectiveness.
  3. T5 introduces a text-to-text framework for structuring tasks uniformly, simplifying how language tasks are converted to input-output text formats for models.
Get a weekly roundup of the best Substack posts, by hacker news affinity:’s Newsletter 117 implied HN points 18 May 23
  1. Vodka V2 was released with an updated dataset and marginally better model compared to V1
  2. The key changes in V2 included using a better dataset, increasing data volume, and cleaning the data more thoroughly
  3. The training protocol for V2 involved lower learning rate and enhanced data cleaning to achieve smoother training and optimize model performance
Rod’s Blog 39 implied HN points 18 Oct 23
  1. Machine Learning attacks against AI exploit vulnerabilities in AI systems to manipulate outcomes or gain unauthorized access.
  2. Common types of Machine Learning attacks include adversarial attacks, data poisoning, model inversion, evasion attacks, model stealing, membership inference attacks, and backdoor attacks.
  3. Mitigating ML attacks involves robust model training, data validation, model monitoring, secure ML pipelines, defense-in-depth, model interpretability, collaboration, regular audits, and monitoring performance, data, behavior, outputs, logs, network activity, infrastructure, and setting up alerts.
Magis 1 HN point 14 Feb 24
  1. Selling data for training generative models is challenging due to factors like lack of marginal temporal value, irrevocability, and difficulties in downstream governance.
  2. Traditional data sales rely on the value of marginal data points that become outdated, while data for training generative models depends more on volume and history.
  3. Potential solutions for selling data to model trainers include royalty models, approximating dataset value computationally, and maintaining neutral computational sandboxes for model use.
Tom’s Substack 2 HN points 20 Apr 23
  1. Increased diversity in healthcare data for AI training leads to better performance for all patient demographics.
  2. AI models may memorize training data for individual patients, potentially impacting future care.
  3. Development of AI models in healthcare requires careful consideration to avoid biases and ensure accurate performance.
Cybernetic Forests 0 implied HN points 13 Nov 22
  1. Generative adversarial networks (GANs) were used in AI art and photography to understand the fundamentals of AI image generation, before being largely replaced by Diffusion models.
  2. To be an AI photographer, learn what the AI requires to work efficiently, take numerous photographs (500-1500), and capture the space around interesting elements to create patterns.
  3. After obtaining a dataset of images, cropping, rotating, and reversing them can significantly increase the dataset size, leading to different outcomes when training a model, which can be done efficiently using tools like RunwayML.