The hottest Names Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
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Street Smart Naturalist: Explorations of the Urban Kind 379 implied HN points 09 Nov 23
  1. Place and species names often reflect who named them, usually white men, which can ignore the stories of local people and cultures. It’s important to understand the history behind these names.
  2. The American Ornithological Society wants to change bird names that honor problematic people to make them more inclusive and focus on the birds themselves. This change means letting go of some historical stories that are tied to those names.
  3. Exploring new names can help build connections to nature and understand different perspectives. Learning from the local knowledge of traditional communities can enrich our appreciation of the natural world.
David’s Substack 59 implied HN points 25 Apr 24
  1. To understand a group's history, it's often complicated by their changing names and identities, especially in secretive environments like wartime propaganda.
  2. Different organizations used various cover names, making it hard to track who was working for whom and what they were actually doing.
  3. The identities of individuals, especially those in wartime roles, often shifted significantly, complicating research and understanding their true contributions.
Daily Philosophy 39 implied HN points 12 Jan 24
  1. The short story delves into the meaning and significance we attribute to names, exploring how different interpretations can impact our experiences.
  2. The narrative showcases a town where buildings have names instead of numbers, reflecting unique beliefs and values of their owners.
  3. The story blends philosophical musings about time and creativity, highlighting how diverse perspectives shape the creation and perception of timepieces.
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