The hottest Time Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
Top Philosophy Topics
The Future Does Not Fit In The Containers Of The Past 77 implied HN points 29 Dec 24
  1. Our memories can differ from what actually happened. We often remember things differently than how we lived them.
  2. Time feels different depending on our emotions. A happy moment can make time fly, while a sad moment can make it crawl.
  3. As we age, we tend to view the past differently. We create stories about our lives that shape how we see ourselves and others.
JoeBlogs 3380 implied HN points 03 Mar 23
  1. The post discusses the unique aspect of baseball being a sport without a clock or time.
  2. A reader questions the essence of baseball as a sport existing outside of time.
  3. The post also mentions a comment from a reader referring to the notion that baseball is timeless.
Egg Report 569 implied HN points 10 Feb 24
  1. In the realm of computation, complex statements can be broken down into simple ones, reflecting a mono-causal, universalist view of reality.
  2. Projects like AI and VR are attempts to recreate intelligence and reality, each carrying metaphysical claims about the simplicity and illusory nature of complexity.
  3. Engaging with computers and writing code trains individuals to think in a certain way, guiding them towards a robotic mindset and reinforcing metaphysical assumptions.
The Egg And The Rock 963 implied HN points 21 Feb 23
  1. A river is more than just a static object, it is a dynamic process that is constantly changing and flowing.
  2. Our language often limits our understanding of the world by categorizing things as objects rather than actions.
  3. The river is part of a larger cycle, influenced by natural forces like gravity and the sun, showing the interconnectedness of all elements in nature.
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Philosophy for the People w/Ben Burgis 579 implied HN points 16 Jul 23
  1. The A-Theory of Time proposes an objectively real, constantly shifting "present moment," which becomes more bizarre upon deeper contemplation.
  2. Studying philosophy in college often involves exploring brain-in-a-vat-style thought experiments about knowledge, debates between Utilitarianism and Kantianism on morality, as well as discussions on mind-body dualism versus materialism.
  3. Access to certain posts and discussions on topics like the A-Theory of Time may be restricted to paid subscribers on platforms like Substack.
Vague Blue 479 implied HN points 10 Aug 23
  1. The concept of time for freelancers is different with a focus on personal freedom and measuring productivity in unique ways like word count and joy.
  2. Artists blur the boundaries between work, leisure, and art, showcasing how time is a complex tool for creativity without strict divisions.
  3. Certain artworks and films like _Blue_ by Derek Jarman challenge traditional narrative structure and compel viewers to explore abstract experiences, highlighting the fluidity and constraints of time.
Becoming Noble 378 implied HN points 22 Mar 23
  1. Time is an alien force that impacts all of us, and we must learn to embrace it.
  2. Existence in time means every decision becomes permanent, leading into an unknowable future.
  3. Despite the fear of time and God's eternal view of our actions, individual agency is crucial, and we have a limited window to act.
The Good Life 314 implied HN points 30 Oct 23
  1. Consider balancing short-term and long-term perspectives in life decisions.
  2. Reflect on how you would spend your time if you had limited time left versus if you had a long life ahead, and incorporate elements of both into your planning.
  3. Strive to find a middle ground between living for the moment and preparing for the future to lead a fulfilling life.
Opaque Hourglass 259 implied HN points 20 Nov 23
  1. Time is broken down into different seconds, minutes, and hours with unique characteristics and designations.
  2. The concept of the 'king second' and 'paschal second' involve intricate ideas about memory and the passing of time.
  3. The relationship between minutes, hours, and the passage of time is portrayed in a poetic and metaphorical manner.
Justin E. H. Smith's Hinternet 708 implied HN points 06 Jun 23
  1. Timekeeping has deep cultural roots and was originally intertwined with religious and social practices.
  2. Modernity saw a shift in the importance of timekeeping from a human endeavor to a machine-driven process.
  3. The modern expectation of universal and standardized participation in societal issues contrasts with the historical concept of individualized duties and roles.
Opaque Hourglass 299 implied HN points 10 Sep 23
  1. When we die, time stops for us, and all moments after that are the same.
  2. The universe may cycle through endless iterations of expansion and contraction, potentially leading to reincarnation.
  3. Reincarnation could be plausible, with the universe recycling itself until the circumstances that led to our existence repeat, all happening instantly post-death.
Earthly Fortunes 157 implied HN points 18 Feb 23
  1. The concept of 'growing up' and 'aging' creates a false boundary in society.
  2. Beauty and goodness come from experiences and memories, not just appearance.
  3. Getting older is like planting a 'seed of time' to grow into a tree of life and memories.
Poczwardowski Notes 78 implied HN points 24 Jan 24
  1. In 1899, the SS Warrimoo crossed the equator and the international date line at midnight, leading to unique consequences for the ship.
  2. The story of the SS Warrimoo in 1899 is hard to verify due to technology limitations and lack of evidence, unlike the USS Topeka in 1999, which had precise measurement and documentation.
  3. These stories of ships straddling different dates and time zones remind us that concepts like date, time zones, and the international date line are human-made and help us cooperate effectively in our shared world.
Wild Information 117 implied HN points 12 Nov 23
  1. Some people have a fear of trees, which can be related to plant intelligence and time perception.
  2. Trees hold ancient time, and exploring forests can evoke eerie and beautiful feelings.
  3. Plants are believed to have intelligence, and this idea has been explored in horror, folklore, and science fiction.
Philosophy for the People w/Ben Burgis 119 implied HN points 30 Jul 23
  1. The B-Theory of time challenges the idea of an ontologically privileged present moment compared to the A-Theory.
  2. The B-Theory suggests that time is not dependent on human consciousness but is objectively defined.
  3. Embracing the B-Theory of time raises questions about the potential impact on human language and the truthfulness of statements.
10x your mind 99 implied HN points 03 Aug 23
  1. The TEA productivity framework focuses on optimizing time, energy, and attention for improved productivity.
  2. Each pillar of the TEA framework - Time, Energy, and Attention - plays a crucial role; lacking in one can lead to feelings of exhaustion, distraction, or being overwhelmed.
  3. To enhance productivity, invest in time by planning ahead, recharge your energy physically and emotionally, and direct your attention towards tasks by minimizing distractions.
To Asra 78 implied HN points 03 Jun 23
  1. In the novel 'Station Eleven', time is portrayed as fluid and non-linear
  2. Characters in the novel find beauty in the post-apocalyptic sublime, where linear time is distorted
  3. The play 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' in the novel represents the incomprehensible vastness and beauty of time
Daily Philosophy 39 implied HN points 12 Jan 24
  1. The short story delves into the meaning and significance we attribute to names, exploring how different interpretations can impact our experiences.
  2. The narrative showcases a town where buildings have names instead of numbers, reflecting unique beliefs and values of their owners.
  3. The story blends philosophical musings about time and creativity, highlighting how diverse perspectives shape the creation and perception of timepieces.
lifeboat 19 implied HN points 03 May 23
  1. Time is weirder than we think, with deep connections to the past and future.
  2. Different cultures have different ways of understanding time, like the concepts of Chronos and Kairos.
  3. Changing how we perceive time can shift our sense of agency and possibility, moving us from despair to action.
On Looking 39 implied HN points 02 Sep 22
  1. The illustration 'The Likeness' by Gizem Vural is paired with a series of photographs by Eadweard Muybridge, showing the interconnectedness of different art forms and their exploration of perception.
  2. Both Vural's illustration and Muybridge's photographs capture moments that challenge our perception of time, demonstrating how visual art can manipulate time and space in unique ways.
  3. The juxtaposition of a static butterfly in Vural's illustration against the dynamic grid conveys the impact of human development on nature, showcasing how artists can push the limits of medium to convey powerful messages.
The Digital Anthropologist 19 implied HN points 27 Jan 23
  1. Humans and technology have always evolved together, impacting how we perceive and manage time.
  2. Historically, time management shifted with industrialization, affecting societal structures and workers' demands for fair hours and wages.
  3. In the Digital Age, time has become an economic unit tied to productivity, influencing work dynamics, laws about after-hours communication, and the rise of time-saving technologies like AI assistants.
Do Not Research 19 implied HN points 16 Oct 22
  1. Final Fantasy VIII is used as a model to explore political and cultural conditions of our current times.
  2. The game's narrative reflects capitalist ideologies and the characters' struggles to bring about change.
  3. Time compression in the game is linked to speculative realism and the idea that the future influences and organizes the present.
Journal of Gurdjieff Studies 1 HN point 01 May 24
  1. Economizing experiences can prolong life by allowing one to be more present and savor each moment.
  2. Self-awareness can alter one's perception of time, highlighting the close connection between time and self-awareness.
  3. Focusing on the present moment and savoring experiences can lead to a more rich and fulfilling life, rather than rushing through them.
Aliveness Studies 3 implied HN points 26 Mar 23
  1. Desire and longing can be cherished as sensations in themselves, independent of the object being desired.
  2. Don't wait for permission to pursue your goals and dreams; time is finite and waiting only delays progress.
  3. Life is short and unpredictable, so value and make time for the important people in your life.