The hottest Poem Substack posts right now

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The Recovering Academic β€’ 356 implied HN points β€’ 24 Nov 23
  1. The post is about a poem called 'Autumn Birthdays' by Joshua Dolezal
  2. The poem captures the essence of autumn and the changing of seasons
  3. The writing reflects on the feelings and experiences of autumn, focusing on nature and introspection
The Recovering Academic β€’ 277 implied HN points β€’ 31 Jul 23
  1. The post features a poem dedicated to the author's uncle, describing a near-death experience he had while mistaken for a bear.
  2. The poem touches on themes of fear, survival, and memory, capturing vivid imagery of the uncle's ordeal.
  3. The author also mentions an upcoming book club meeting to discuss 'Dear Committee Members' by Julie Schumacher, welcoming all to join the conversation regardless of academic background.
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Sounds Good! β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 14 Jan 24
  1. The poem discusses the dynamics between a father and son during a bonding moment by the pool.
  2. Richard's dad valued the aesthetics of the pool as a symbol of goodness and positivity.
  3. The poem reflects on the idea that some relationships may be superficially focused on appearances rather than deeper emotions or concerns.
Sounds Good! β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 18 Jan 24
  1. The poem reflects on a difficult encounter with an acquaintance named Richard at a party.
  2. Despite being hurt, the narrator tries to keep the party going by playing music and making jokes.
  3. In the end, the experience becomes a punchline, offering reflection and perspective.
Sounds Good! β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 31 Jan 24
  1. The poem reflects on the passing of time and changing friendships.
  2. The imagery of a friend isolated and drowning in emotion is powerfully evoked.
  3. The use of vivid descriptions adds depth to the emotional journey presented in the poem.