The hottest Tech stack Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
Top Technology Topics
The Tech Bubble 3 HN points 25 Apr 24
  1. Consider using boring technologies for starting a startup as they are reliable and stable, having been tested by many companies.
  2. Stick with what you know when choosing a tech stack for an MVP to avoid inefficiencies from trying new tools.
  3. If you're not a developer, options for building a product include using no-code tools, paying for development, or partnering with a technical co-founder.
platocommunity 39 implied HN points 01 Feb 24
  1. Okta believes in leveling up both the tech stack and the people stack for successful architecture.
  2. The Architecture Charter at Okta involves setting clear guardrails and handholds to empower engineers to make informed decisions.
  3. Writing things down, utilizing frameworks like RFCs and Requests for Discussion, is crucial for communication and knowledge sharing in the organization.
HackerPulse Dispatch 10 implied HN points 27 Feb 24
  1. Sinkly is a design tool that helps streamline the process for mechanical designers and system engineers by automating document synchronization and updates across the organization.
  2. The idea for Sinkly originated from the founder's experience with manual tasks in hardware design, leading to the development of a collaborative and automated solution to transform clunky Excel processes.
  3. Sinkly's tech stack focuses on user-friendly elements like browser-based application, JavaScript, React, Python, and AWS for scalability, continuous improvement, and a seamless user experience.
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HackerPulse Dispatch 5 implied HN points 05 Mar 24
  1. AI-powered Wisary transforms software planning into a united front of understanding and collaboration, saving engineering teams billions annually
  2. Wisary, founded by Ala Stolpnik, aims to compensate for human limitations in software project planning by seamlessly integrating AI expertise
  3. Wisary's features like structured guidance, AI-powered drafting, and comprehensive review benefit product managers, engineering managers, and the entire organization, ensuring timely project success
Step-by-step Product 39 implied HN points 13 May 23
  1. LLMs allow people with little or no coding skills to become developers, expanding possibilities for creating products faster.
  2. Planning and preparation are key before building an app with ChatGPT, considering the tech stack, structure of prompts, and debugging strategies.
  3. Creating an app with ChatGPT can be fast and insightful, but requires caution with APIs, defining the tech stack, and utilizing the tool's assistance for aspects like backend development and SEO.
Turnaround 98 implied HN points 09 May 20
  1. Browsers are getting more powerful, so make sure your product/app embraces this shift towards client-driven applications with fast startup times.
  2. Simplify design by making buttons more prominent, reducing text, and ensuring users intuitively know how to interact without needing explanations.
  3. Prepare for the future of faster speeds with 5G connectivity - speed will be a critical factor in user experience going forward.