The hottest Technological Advancements Substack posts right now

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Technically Optimistic 39 implied HN points 14 Jun 24
  1. It's important to have a human in the loop when deploying AI systems to validate responses and ensure ethical considerations.
  2. The decision to deploy AI should consider when it is better than humans, addressing bias, and maintaining a focus on humanity.
  3. While AI can bring solutions and efficiencies, it's crucial to remember that every data point represents a person, emphasizing the importance of human-centric AI development.
One Useful Thing 1227 implied HN points 06 Jan 24
  1. AI development is happening faster than expected, with estimates of AI beating humans at all tasks shifting to 2047 from 2060 in just one year.
  2. AI is already impacting work by boosting performance, particularly for lower performers, and excelling in some tasks while struggling in others.
  3. AI is altering the truth through deepfakes, convincing AI-generated images, and advancements in completing CAPTCHAs and sending convincing emails.
NOW IS GOOD 78 implied HN points 29 Sep 23
  1. Bigtime Cutaway is a publication focused on interviewing interesting people, with a recent conversation with StrataCut animator David Daniels.
  2. StrataCut is a unique form of clay animation that involves slicing blocks of material to create animations, known for its intricate details.
  3. David Daniels discusses the evolution of his StrataCut technique, the challenges of showcasing his work in a changing technological landscape, and his exploration of augmented reality and virtual reality for future projects.
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