The hottest Disaster Substack posts right now

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Gordian Knot News 161 implied HN points 23 Oct 23
  1. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission's actions at Three Mile Island turned a manageable incident into a national crisis.
  2. Despite widespread panic and media frenzy, the actual harm from Three Mile Island was significantly less than perceived.
  3. There were major errors and miscommunication by the NRC that escalated the situation, causing unnecessary fear and confusion.
Unbound 600 implied HN points 19 Feb 23
  1. Accidents like the train derailment in Ohio can have long-lasting and terrible effects on communities.
  2. There is a growing sense of uneasiness and concern over industrial mishaps, shortages of goods, and global tensions.
  3. The media focus on perceptions and ideas rather than on reporting on actual events, leading to a loss of trust in institutions.
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