The hottest Threat assessment Substack posts right now

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School Shooting Data Analysis and Reports 39 implied HN points 17 May 24
  1. Assessing threats in schools, especially when faced with combined shooting and bombing threats, can be challenging and lead to inconsistent responses by authorities.
  2. When dealing with bomb threats, schools should assess credibility before action, evacuate in case of high threat, which can conflict with lockdown procedures during shooting threats.
  3. Dealing with swatting calls poses significant challenges, but improved police response and tracking can help mitigate the disruptive effects of these hoaxes.
School Shooting Data Analysis and Reports 59 implied HN points 18 Jan 24
  1. Lack of planning, 'siloed' information, and not following mandatory threat reporting procedures contributed to the fatal shooting in Richmond, VA.
  2. Security planning needs to include off-campus events and communication of on-campus threats to event staff and security contractors.
  3. Staff should strictly adhere to mandatory reporting procedures, share threat assessments with all team members, and prioritize safety in school events.
Proof 21 implied HN points 23 Feb 24
  1. The post discusses The Threat Index, which outlines the top 100 threats to American democracy as seen through a journalistic lens.
  2. The assessment focuses on identifying individuals who are deemed as the greatest dangers to American democracy based on major-media reporting.
  3. The content is available to paid subscribers only, offering an exclusive deep dive into the assessment.
IntelEdge360 with Bidemi Ologunde 1 HN point 05 Apr 24
  1. Ryan's routine before high-level intelligence briefings involves distinct activities to prepare mentally and logistically.
  2. In his briefing, Ryan utilizes various intelligence sources like OSINT, HUMINT, and SIGINT to analyze cyber threats and their implications on global operations.
  3. Scenario planning helps organizations like Ryan's client in the Middle East prepare for various cyber threats, fostering resilience and strategic foresight to navigate digital complexities.
School Shooting Data Analysis and Reports 0 implied HN points 19 Aug 22
  1. Elected officials and agencies failed to 'connect the dots' to prevent tragic events like school shootings.
  2. Warning signs are often missed before school shootings, showing failures in communication and threat assessment.
  3. Efforts to prevent school shootings include encouraging reporting of threats, implementing crisis response protocols, and promoting safe storage of firearms.
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Global Community Weekly (GloCom) 0 implied HN points 10 Feb 24
  1. 33 states are collaborating with federal authorities on election violence preparedness, while 17 states are not
  2. Federal officials are worried about the impact of deepfakes created by AI on the information environment and the challenges in responding quickly to such threats
  3. Concerns about election security include a balancing act in handling potential threats, learning from past Russian interference in 2016, and preparing for potential violence at polling stations in 2024
School Shooting Data Analysis and Reports 0 implied HN points 30 Dec 21
  1. 2021 set a new record for gun violence at K-12 schools in the US with 249 incidents, more than double the numbers from previous years.
  2. The majority of school shooting incidents in 2021 resulted from student disputes that escalated into violence, rather than pre-planned attacks.
  3. School shootings in 2021 showed a shift in nature, with incidents more likely to occur during the school day or at events like football games, involving younger perpetrators and victims.
School Shooting Data Analysis and Reports 0 implied HN points 07 May 24
  1. Noise in decisions made by experts can lead to significant variability in assessing school shooting threats.
  2. Police officers displayed a wide range of responses and inconsistencies when rating severity of different fictional scenarios.
  3. There is a need for more evidence-based training for law enforcement on assessing threats as many current beliefs by officers were found to be incorrect.
School Shooting Data Analysis and Reports 0 implied HN points 23 Apr 24
  1. Noise refers to the unwanted variability in decisions made by experts when looking at the same information, leading to inconsistent decisions.
  2. The 'noise' audit process involves creating fictional scenarios and survey questions to measure the undesirable variability in decision-making when assessing threats.
  3. The study involved sending a survey to law enforcement practitioners who rated fictitious school shooting threat vignettes and selected response actions, aiming to understand how 'noise' impacts threat assessment.
School Shooting Data Analysis and Reports 0 implied HN points 08 May 23
  1. Unrestricted access to military-grade weapons allows for quick and deadly attacks
  2. Efforts focusing on physical security measures may not effectively prevent mass shootings
  3. Crisis intervention and threat assessment programs are crucial for spotting red flags and preventing access to firearms before attacks