The hottest School Shootings Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
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Steady 27850 implied HN points 09 Jan 24
  1. Former President Donald Trump's response to the latest school shooting was to 'get over it', sparking controversy.
  2. The issue of school shootings is a significant concern, with an increase in incidents and the need for stronger gun laws.
  3. Individuals can take action by advocating for stronger gun laws, engaging with elected officials, and participating in peaceful protests.
School Shooting Data Analysis and Reports 19 implied HN points 01 Jun 24
  1. The number of school shooting incidents in May 2024 continues a rising trend over the last 3 years, but the increase from 2023 to 2024 is not exponential.
  2. The number of victims in May 2024 is higher compared to 2023 but notably lower than in 2022, when a tragic incident in Uvalde involved multiple fatalities and injuries.
  3. In May 2024, shootings often occurred at night and during school events like graduations, emphasizing the importance of proactive policing, as incidents frequently happened during unauthorized post-graduation parties on campus.
School Shooting Data Analysis and Reports 39 implied HN points 13 May 24
  1. Data science can create archetypes to understand different behaviors, like predicting customer preferences or identifying school shooter profiles.
  2. Using data analysis, it's possible to categorize and plan for different scenarios of school shooters based on past incidents.
  3. The first school shooter archetype is 'The Adolescent Insider,' comprising attributes like age, gender, victim count, typical outcomes, and likely circumstances.
School Shooting Data Analysis and Reports 79 implied HN points 25 Mar 24
  1. The project highlighted the challenges of collecting data on school shootings and the personal stories affected by gun crimes.
  2. The collaboration between The Economist and David Riedman is shedding light on school swatting incidents.
  3. The success of the project demonstrated the effectiveness of combining video reporting, data journalism, and traditional reporting in storytelling.
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School Shooting Data Analysis and Reports 59 implied HN points 04 Apr 24
  1. Columbine shooting influenced dozens of school shooters over the past 25 years, impacting how police and schools work to prevent future attacks.
  2. The media's coverage of Columbine was criticized for focusing on incorrect narratives, leading to misconceptions about the shooters and the event.
  3. There were school shootings before Columbine, such as in 1989 and 1998, and the iconic trench coat-clad attacker from Columbine wasn't the first in school shooting history, demonstrating a pattern of planned attacks.
School Shooting Data Analysis and Reports 59 implied HN points 22 Mar 24
  1. New interactive data visualizations in the Tableau dashboard help users make data-driven decisions related to school safety. Visualization includes key metrics, trends, and insights on school shootings.
  2. The Information Lab collaborates in creating the data dashboard for free, enabling users to explore trends, incidents, community impact, and gun legislation related to school shootings.
  3. The dashboard offers a breakdown menu for filtering data points, visualizes trends, and provides comparisons for understanding school shooting incidents. For instance, it highlights correlations between state gun laws and rates of school shootings.
School Shooting Data Analysis and Reports 139 implied HN points 05 Jan 24
  1. Planned school attacks can occur before classes start when the school is open but not fully staffed or secured.
  2. School shootings often happen in common areas like cafeterias and hallways, not just in classrooms.
  3. Most school shootings are carried out by individuals with insider knowledge, such as current or former students who have experienced trauma and plan to die during the attack.
School Shooting Data Analysis and Reports 79 implied HN points 22 Jan 24
  1. The Department of Justice report on the Robb Elementary School shooting had 273 recommendations, with some challenging language that needed translating into plain terms.
  2. Key recommendations from Chapter 8 of the DOJ report highlight failures in emergency management preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation.
  3. Professional emergency management, collaboration, and hiring experienced emergency managers are vital for effective incident management in communities and schools to prevent catastrophic outcomes.
School Shooting Data Analysis and Reports 79 implied HN points 16 Jan 24
  1. Aviation emphasizes near-miss reporting to enhance safety by openly sharing incidents that almost caused harm.
  2. Schools can learn from aviation by implementing a similar culture of prioritizing safety and reporting near misses, as demonstrated in the case of a school shooting incident in South Dakota.
  3. Defining near misses in the context of school shootings involves factors like detailed plans, multiple weapons, excessive ammunition, gun malfunctions, and successful interventions.
School Shooting Data Analysis and Reports 59 implied HN points 02 Feb 24
  1. In January 2024, there were twenty-seven school shootings, including a planned mass casualty attack and averted attacks. Each incident provides insights for improving school safety.
  2. The school shooting at Perry High School in Iowa followed patterns seen in planned attacks over the last six decades. This incident prompted $75 million reallocation in Iowa for school security.
  3. Despite national media coverage of some school shootings, many incidents go unnoticed. Learning from each situation can help in preventing gun violence and enhancing school safety.
School Shooting Data Analysis and Reports 19 implied HN points 06 Apr 24
  1. A Finnish 12-year-old school shooter showed similarities to US school shooter profiles, highlighting the commonality between different countries.
  2. Handguns are a significant challenge for school security due to their concealability and difficulty to detect, requiring extensive screening measures to prevent incidents.
  3. Prevention of school shootings involves limiting access to both handguns and rifles, as well as spotting warning signs early to intervene effectively and avoid crisis escalation.
School Shooting Data Analysis and Reports 79 implied HN points 27 Dec 23
  1. In 2023, there was a 12% increase in the total number of school shootings compared to 2022, with a focus on shootings happening more during afternoon classes, dismissal, and evening events.
  2. Handguns were the most commonly used weapon type in school shootings, even though debates often revolve around semi-automatic rifles. It's important to address both the most frequent handgun incidents and severe AR-style rifle incidents.
  3. The main driver of school shootings in 2023 was disputes escalating, constituting 67% of the increase in such incidents from 2022. Investments in school security need to consider these trends and focus on areas outside the school building, like parking lots.
School Shooting Data Analysis and Reports 59 implied HN points 23 Nov 23
  1. School shootings are a top safety concern for children, teens, college students, and parents, uniting them with a shared worry.
  2. The number of school shootings is increasing each year, with 2023 projected to be significantly higher than previous years.
  3. Gun-free school zones show a significant decrease in firearm crimes, indicating their effectiveness in promoting safety within school premises.
School Shooting Data Analysis and Reports 39 implied HN points 30 Nov 23
  1. There is a lack of established processes to prevent school shootings from happening again.
  2. Efforts are being made to hide information and discourage cooperation in investigations of school shootings.
  3. Reports on school shootings are missing, which hinders the ability to learn from past incidents and prevent future ones.
School Shooting Data Analysis and Reports 39 implied HN points 17 Nov 23
  1. The US Government lacks a federal record of gun violence in schools, which is a major oversight.
  2. Rigorous databases like the K-12 School Shooting Database provide crucial information on school shootings, showing the importance of collecting data.
  3. Data collection efforts, like those of David Riedman, play a vital role in supporting policy briefings, research, and raising awareness about gun violence in schools.
School Shooting Data Analysis and Reports 19 implied HN points 09 Nov 23
  1. School shootings are a result of a chain of failures, where each failure contributes to the tragic outcome.
  2. Preventing school shootings involves breaking the chain of failures - intervening in warning signs and providing support to individuals in distress.
  3. There are fundamental problems in school security protocol, including the lack of a unified national plan and evidence-based strategies. Kindness and early intervention can be more effective in preventing violence.
School Shooting Data Analysis and Reports 19 implied HN points 03 Nov 23
  1. School shootings are often preventable with attention to warning signs and red flags.
  2. Institutions failed to act despite a mother's alarming call for help with her son possessing a gun, showing the need for effective intervention methods.
  3. School shootings can be viewed as public suicides, requiring awareness of warning signs to prevent such tragic events.
School Shooting Data Analysis and Reports 0 implied HN points 01 Apr 24
  1. Shootings at schools in March 2024 were more common during arrival/dismissal times, complicating security measures.
  2. There was a decrease in the number of school shooting incidents and victims in 2024 compared to previous years.
  3. Handguns were the most commonly used firearm type in school shootings, emphasizing the need to address teens carrying concealed handguns.
School Shooting Data Analysis and Reports 0 implied HN points 18 Apr 24
  1. Each individual's interpretation of a term, like 'school shooting,' can significantly impact the reported numbers. Defining terms clearly is crucial for accurate understanding of statistics.
  2. How data is presented can greatly influence the story it tells. Metrics like mean, median, and mode can reveal different aspects of the same data set.
  3. Different criteria for categorizing school shootings, such as the number of victims or the presence of pre-planned intent, can lead to vastly different counts and implications.
School Shooting Data Analysis and Reports 0 implied HN points 27 May 23
  1. Many school shootings are planned as both shootings and bombings, not just shootings.
  2. Labeling school shootings as terrorism can help prevent them by allowing the national security enterprise to study and respond to warning signs.
  3. The best solutions to prevent school shootings involve crisis intervention, threat assessment programs, and leveraging technology for quick response and safety.
School Shooting Data Analysis and Reports 0 implied HN points 28 Mar 23
  1. School shootings are primarily a gun violence problem, not a gender identity issue, as historical instances include both males and females carrying out such attacks.
  2. Female school shooters are rarer but have been involved in planned school shootings over the last 50 years, highlighting the need for comprehensive prevention strategies.
  3. The shooter in the recent Nashville incident was a 28-year-old woman, deviating from the typical profile of school shooters, who are usually current or former students in their teens or early 20s.
School Shooting Data Analysis and Reports 0 implied HN points 24 Jan 23
  1. Many school shootings happen at America's poorest schools, which receive little attention compared to high-profile incidents at suburban schools.
  2. Under-resourced schools with below-average performance and high proportions of Black and economically disadvantaged students are disproportionately affected by gun violence.
  3. There's a troubling lack of action and attention towards preventing school shootings in vulnerable, low-income schools, highlighting systemic issues and the need for broader societal change.
School Shooting Data Analysis and Reports 0 implied HN points 23 Jan 23
  1. School security planning needs to account for attacks during transition periods, not just inside classrooms.
  2. Installing metal detectors can inadvertently create vulnerabilities by congregating students in one area, mimicking the scenario that attackers may plan for.
  3. Banning backpacks in response to school shootings may not completely address the issue, as alternative carrying methods can still be exploited.
School Shooting Data Analysis and Reports 0 implied HN points 19 Aug 22
  1. Elected officials and agencies failed to 'connect the dots' to prevent tragic events like school shootings.
  2. Warning signs are often missed before school shootings, showing failures in communication and threat assessment.
  3. Efforts to prevent school shootings include encouraging reporting of threats, implementing crisis response protocols, and promoting safe storage of firearms.
School Shooting Data Analysis and Reports 0 implied HN points 26 Apr 22
  1. Sniper attacks on schools are extremely dangerous and present a worst-case scenario with little opportunity for escape or defense.
  2. Many past incidents dating back to 1979 show that sniper attacks on K-12 schools have occurred before, further highlighting the severity of this issue.
  3. The presence of multiple weapons, planning, and vulnerability of targets in school shootings like the one at Edmund Burke School underscores the ongoing threat to children, calling for urgent action from policymakers.
School Shooting Data Analysis and Reports 0 implied HN points 30 Dec 21
  1. 2021 set a new record for gun violence at K-12 schools in the US with 249 incidents, more than double the numbers from previous years.
  2. The majority of school shooting incidents in 2021 resulted from student disputes that escalated into violence, rather than pre-planned attacks.
  3. School shootings in 2021 showed a shift in nature, with incidents more likely to occur during the school day or at events like football games, involving younger perpetrators and victims.
School Shooting Data Analysis and Reports 0 implied HN points 20 Apr 20
  1. Columbine High School Massacre remains culturally significant, influencing school shootings for years with no meaningful legislation or reform.
  2. Copycat school shooting incidents like the recent plot by a Russian teen reflect a global impact of events like Columbine.
  3. Viral tweets about school shootings can be misleading, and it's important to fact-check information to understand the true extent of school violence.
School Shooting Data Analysis and Reports 0 implied HN points 31 Dec 19
  1. School shootings in 2019 saw a shift from high-profile mass killings to more isolated incidents targeting specific victims.
  2. In 2019, a number of potential deadly attacks were prevented by quick actions from individuals like students, teachers, and law enforcement officers.
  3. Despite a high number of gunfire incidents at schools in 2019, there were fewer fatalities than in 2018, emphasizing the importance of immediate attention and resources in any gun-related incident.
School Shooting Data Analysis and Reports 0 implied HN points 14 Nov 19
  1. Frequent occurrence: This shooting is 70th gun-related incident at a K-12 school this year and the 5th 'active shooter' incident of 2019.
  2. Quick response: Police, Fire, and EMS arrived at the scene within 2 minutes of the shooting, demonstrating effective emergency response.
  3. Security challenges: School campus layout affects lockdown procedures; the shooter being a student poses security challenges due to their familiarity with the campus.
School Shooting Data Analysis and Reports 0 implied HN points 15 Apr 19
  1. 29 of the 50 most deadly school shootings from 1970-2019 happened before Columbine, showing it was not the first incident or the last.
  2. Since Columbine in 1999, there have been 727 incidents of gun firing on school property, resulting in 349 deaths and 674 injuries, indicating the ongoing issue.
  3. Not all school shooters are deranged; incidents occur for various reasons like gang-related, domestic disputes, mental health issues, and more, showing the complexity of the problem.
School Shooting Data Analysis and Reports 0 implied HN points 28 Dec 18
  1. 2018 saw a record number of 95 school shootings, though not all were indiscriminate attacks like infamous cases like Columbine or Sandy Hook. Disputes that escalated into shootings were common.
  2. The broad and inclusive definition of 'school shooting' aims to gather extensive data for analysis. Researchers can filter data for specific types of incidents, such as suicides, bullying, or gang violence.
  3. Analyzing the 2018 incidents shows a complex picture - shootings occured for various reasons in different cities, involving students, teachers, non-students, and ex-lovers. There is no clear connection between the incidents.
School Shooting Data Analysis and Reports 0 implied HN points 11 Dec 18
  1. Including toy guns in school shooting data can lead to a broader understanding of the issue.
  2. Determining the criteria for including or excluding data in a dataset is crucial for creating reliable and objective information.
  3. Examples of fatal incidents involving toy guns show the significance of including them in databases for comprehensive analysis.
School Shooting Data Analysis and Reports 0 implied HN points 08 Oct 18
  1. Most school shootings are carried out by current students, so high tech security systems focused on access control may not be effective.
  2. More than half of school shootings happen outside the school building, so security measures within the building may not address the primary risk.
  3. 30% of school shootings occur after school hours, highlighting the need to consider security measures during non-school hours when the facility is still in use.
School Shooting Data Analysis and Reports 0 implied HN points 05 Feb 24
  1. The Nashville police response to the Covenant School shooting is shrouded in secrecy without an official report or timeline even 11 months after the incident, hindering the ability to learn from it.
  2. The release of altered bodycam footage raises questions about the accuracy and transparency of the events, highlighting the need for accurate documentation and accountability.
  3. The delayed police response in Nashville compared to other instances like Uvalde shows the importance of understanding the details of each school shooting response to enhance preparedness for future incidents.
School Shooting Data Analysis and Reports 0 implied HN points 30 Sep 18
  1. There is a lack of accurate and consolidated statistical data on school shootings in the USA.
  2. The K-12 School Shooting Database was created to address this data gap by including detailed incident information and sources for further research.
  3. The database collects data from various sources, filters incidents, and provides interactive analysis tools for users to generate more accurate reports and make informed decisions.
School Shooting Data Analysis and Reports 0 implied HN points 28 Mar 24
  1. New details have emerged about the police response to the Covenant School shooting in Nashville, prompting further questions and scrutiny
  2. The revised timeline reveals a detective was first to enter the school, raising concerns about the timing and equipment of responding officers
  3. The 14-minute delay in locating and neutralizing the shooter raises important questions about lockdown procedures and response speed
School Shooting Data Analysis and Reports 0 implied HN points 15 Dec 23
  1. School shootings that don't make national news can still offer valuable lessons on prevention and security measures.
  2. Common school security measures like having SROs, locked doors, or badges may not always prevent shootings by insiders.
  3. The challenges with fortifying school campuses lie in addressing the issue of domestic abuse and preventing potential abusers from accessing firearms.