The hottest Weather Forecasting Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
Top Science Topics
The Climate Brink 353 implied HN points 08 Feb 24
  1. A new study suggests the need for a Category 6 hurricane classification due to intensified storms from global warming.
  2. Hurricane intensity is not solely about wind speed, as factors like storm surge and rainfall play a significant role in damage.
  3. Adding a Category 6 could provide better information for emergency planning, but some argue the current scale already covers the impact.
Gradient Flow 219 implied HN points 30 Nov 23
  1. Prompt injection is a critical threat to AI systems, manipulating model outputs for harmful outcomes.
  2. Mitigating prompt injection risks requires a multi-layered defense approach involving prevention, detection, and response strategies.
  3. Collaboration between security, data science, and engineering teams is essential to secure AI systems against evolving threats like prompt injection.
Technically Optimistic 39 implied HN points 15 Dec 23
  1. The EU is close to finalizing AI regulation, but it's not a done deal yet. The rules won't go into effect until 2025.
  2. The AI Act introduces a risk-based approach categorizing AI systems into minimal, high, and unacceptable risk categories. It imposes strict requirements on high-risk systems.
  3. The regulation includes transparency requirements, penalties for non-compliance, and the right for consumers to launch complaints about high-risk AI systems.
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