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Women On Rails Newsletter - International Version 39 implied HN points 12 May 23
  1. Debates exist between using a monolith or micro-services in tech, with cost savings and flexibility being key factors.
  2. In the Ruby and Rails world, tutorials cover containerizing applications, implementing micro-services like Sinatra APIs, and new podcasts emerging.
  3. Issues like revenge bedtime procrastination affecting health and the importance of personalizing fonts for readers are discussed in the newsletter.
Women On Rails Newsletter - International Version 39 implied HN points 09 Feb 23
  1. The newsletter discusses code optimization in Ruby on Rails, emphasizing the use of memoization and resources to optimize applications.
  2. Recent news in the Ruby and Rails world include Ruby celebrating its 30th anniversary, a new gem for Business Intelligence in Rails, and advancements in deployment with Docked and Rails 7.1.
  3. Tips shared in the newsletter cover diverse topics like using AI with GitHub Pilot, managing difficult conversations at work, and strategies for career growth without pursuing a management path.
Women On Rails Newsletter - International Version 19 implied HN points 28 Apr 23
  1. Understand the growing place of AI like ChatGPT and be aware of its potential and risks.
  2. Don't shy away from exploring no-code solutions for web development, they can offer efficient alternatives to traditional methods.
  3. Importance of effectively communicating incident findings and sharing knowledge to improve team understanding and response.
Women On Rails Newsletter - International Version 19 implied HN points 21 Feb 23
  1. Container queries are now stable in all stable browsers, providing a new approach to responsive design.
  2. Learning to write fewer tests can lead to reduced stress and a smarter use of time.
  3. Automation testing using Selenium Ruby can streamline the testing process and improve efficiency.
Women On Rails Newsletter - International Version 19 implied HN points 13 Dec 22
  1. The newsletter celebrates reaching over a thousand subscribers and mentions taking a break for the holiday season, returning in January.
  2. The newsletter highlights interesting web news like the launch of ChatGPT, the Advent of Code, and Pantone's Color of the Year.
  3. There are informative sections covering topics such as improving error messages for better UX, transforming feedback into a gift, and considerations for changing jobs at the end of the year.
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Women On Rails Newsletter - International Version 0 implied HN points 21 Jun 22
  1. The bi-monthly newsletter highlights Ruby on Rails news and web-related topics.
  2. Google Translate now suggests feminine versions for gendered nouns in French, which is a positive step for inclusivity.
  3. The newsletter discusses a vulnerability in Ruby on Rails, the launch of a Youtube channel by RubyBaguette, and Gitlab's preference for Ruby on Rails.
Women On Rails Newsletter - International Version 0 implied HN points 24 May 22
  1. Rails Conf 2022 had a positive impact with various community members giving talks and sharing knowledge. Supporting inclusive communities like WNB.rb is essential in tech.
  2. Using data effectively is crucial in tech - learn to tell compelling stories with data to justify technical decisions and report bugs convincingly.
  3. Explore topics like sharding data for scaling databases, choosing bug tracking tools wisely, and breaking down problems effectively for better problem-solving skills in tech.
Women On Rails Newsletter - International Version 0 implied HN points 10 May 22
  1. Learn about protecting online privacy and tools like drip to safeguard personal data.
  2. Discover the story of Trish transitioning from a chef to a web developer at the age of 40.
  3. Explore the world of Edge functions and tools like Emojinator for creating custom emojis.
Women On Rails Newsletter - International Version 0 implied HN points 01 Mar 22
  1. Learning to speak in public is a skill that can be developed, even if it causes anxiety. Resources like Lara Hogan's book can help overcome fears and improve presentation style.
  2. Using the --dry-run option in commands allows for testing without actual execution, useful for tasks like cleanup to preview actions before committing.
  3. Women developers have found inspiration in coding through platforms like Tumblr, starting by tweaking designs and gradually transitioning to becoming engineers.
Women On Rails Newsletter - International Version 0 implied HN points 15 Feb 22
  1. The Women On Rails newsletter now has a Spanish version available, expanding its reach globally.
  2. There is a shift away from using Google Analytics in Europe due to data protection laws, prompting discussions on alternative analytics tools.
  3. Exploration of topics like technical interviews, leadership styles, and generative art offer insights into different aspects of the tech industry beyond coding.
Women On Rails Newsletter - International Version 0 implied HN points 01 Feb 22
  1. The newsletter covers updates on Ruby and Rails technologies, including the retirement of Webpacker, RubyGem releases, and tips for upgrading to Rails 7.
  2. There are insightful articles about a famous hacker from the 80s, the balance between engineering and marketing, and leveraging introversion in the workplace.
  3. Interesting coding and technical content include building a high-traffic dashboard, a cautionary tale on refactoring to avoid technical debt, and learning the intricacies of CSS, particularly flexbox.
Women On Rails Newsletter - International Version 0 implied HN points 14 Dec 21
  1. Consider quitting your job if you notice certain signs like feeling unfulfilled or undervalued.
  2. Recruiting a diverse and inclusive team involves changing sourcing strategies, recognizing biases, and testing candidates' technical knowledge.
  3. Negotiating your salary is important to ensure you receive fair compensation, including understanding different types of compensation and knowing when to discuss it during the interview process.
Women On Rails Newsletter - International Version 0 implied HN points 16 Nov 21
  1. The newsletter includes updates on tech like Angular's version 13 and new tools like Shopify's Hydrogen framework.
  2. Tips on testing faster with Rspec and FactoryBot, using 'create', 'build', and 'build_stubbed'.
  3. Articles feature advice on tech career growth, becoming a developer advocate, and exploring the history of women in typography.
Women On Rails Newsletter - International Version 0 implied HN points 27 Feb 24
  1. Tech industry is experiencing changes like the fork of nginx for development freedom and Apple suspending support for Progressive Web Apps in the EU.
  2. In the Ruby and Rails world, Turbo 8 was released with significant improvements, while some apps are migrating from React to Rails.
  3. A new mindset in Silicon Valley, known as accelerationism, is gaining ground and emphasizing an optimistic view on future technological progress.
Women On Rails Newsletter - International Version 0 implied HN points 19 Oct 21
  1. The newsletter covered topics like Jamstack, building your own keyboard, and the importance of avoiding spaghetti code in programming.
  2. There are useful tips provided, like using a VS Code extension for running tests easily and efficiently.
  3. The newsletter also shared insights on effective communication, building custom mechanical keyboards, and understanding the gender spectrum.
Women On Rails Newsletter - International Version 0 implied HN points 29 Nov 22
  1. DHH's recent blog post caused controversy by criticizing DEI efforts in tech, highlighting the importance of diversity and inclusion.
  2. Ruby 3.2 and Hanami 2.0 have been released, exciting news for developers working with Ruby and Rails.
  3. Lara Hogan's article provides useful questions for preparing successful 1:1 meetings, offering valuable insights for professional growth.
Women On Rails Newsletter - International Version 0 implied HN points 15 Nov 22
  1. Celebrating the 2nd anniversary of the Ruby on Rails newsletter with reflections on the journey.
  2. Emma Haruka Iwao's remarkable achievement in setting a new record for calculating Pi.
  3. The importance of UX design in improving mental health and preventing workplace harassment.
Women On Rails Newsletter - International Version 0 implied HN points 18 Oct 22
  1. Documentation in the tech industry is vital but often overlooked; creating and maintaining thorough documentation can greatly benefit teams and projects.
  2. In the workplace, women face obstacles such as cognitive bias and the need to prove their worth for promotions, highlighting the ongoing challenges of gender equality.
  3. Contributing to open-source projects doesn't always require coding skills; written content is also valuable, offering a way for individuals to participate in the tech community.
Women On Rails Newsletter - International Version 0 implied HN points 20 Sep 22
  1. The newsletter explores topics like AI on the internet, the dynamics of NoSQL databases, and HTTP requests.
  2. It mentions updates and discussions in the Ruby on Rails community, like a Ruby contribution guide and Postgres updates.
  3. In the newsletter, productivity tips suggest ditching traditional to-do lists for impact trackers, personal press releases.