The hottest Ruby on Rails Substack posts right now

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AnyCable Broadcasts β€’ 59 implied HN points β€’ 08 Sep 23
  1. AnyCable now supports Server-Sent Events (SSE), allowing easy connection for updates without client libraries
  2. Consider the memory and server load implications when managing subscriptions and streams in Action Cable or AnyCable
  3. Creating multiple subscriptions at once can lead to server overload, especially during high traffic situations like server restarts
Women On Rails Newsletter - International Version β€’ 19 implied HN points β€’ 03 Nov 22
  1. The newsletter discusses a case of justice served in a #MeToo context, emphasizing the importance of identifying and addressing abnormal situations in professional environments.
  2. The community encourages creating safe spaces, advocating for victims of sexual violence, and providing support for legal processes.
  3. Recommendations are offered for joining women-centered Ruby communities, along with resources for building sustainable digital products and insights on improving team workflows.
Women On Rails Newsletter - International Version β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 07 Jun 22
  1. Ruby and Rails community is active and vibrant, with updates on contributing to Ruby, new Rails Tutorial release, and Shopify's investment in RoR highlighted.
  2. Data privacy concerns are growing, emphasizing the importance of protecting personal information online in the face of evolving data collection techniques.
  3. Addressing impostor syndrome in tech, exploring faster build solutions in development, and engaging in fun projects like building musical instruments using Web Audio API are highlighted in the newsletter.
AnyCable Broadcasts β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 11 Oct 23
  1. The RailsWorld conference in Amsterdam discussed Ruby on Rails and Hotwire's future, showcasing talks on Rails Action Cable and making Rails full-stack applications
  2. Practical advice was shared on making profit from open-source projects, featuring examples from commercial open-source endeavors like AnyCable
  3. Noteworthy updates like the Turbo 8 'refresh' action for live updates and new releases like the Hotwire Cookbook for building reactive Rails applications were highlighted
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monoRails - a Ruby on Rails newsletter β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 11 Feb 24
  1. Rails 8 is planning new features like a background worker, cache backend, framework for mobile notifications, and more development tools.
  2. The article discusses the internal workings and design decisions of Sidekiq, a popular background processing tool for Ruby.
  3. Understanding the Rails router is important for developers to grasp the concepts of routing, named routes, and different types of routes in a Ruby on Rails application.
AnyCable Broadcasts β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 25 Jan 22
  1. Migrating from standard Action Cable to AnyCable Pro helped Vito quickly solve scaling problems and host major events like the Nuxt Nation conference.
  2. Preparing for large events involved basic performance optimizations, load-testing, and bug fixing with the help of Evil Martians.
  3. AnyCable Pro powers Vito's notifications, live-updating features, and WebSocket-based live chat, allowing for successful hosting of high-profile events like ReactJS Girls, Beyond Tellerrand, and Buildkite's Unblock Conf.
Women On Rails Newsletter - International Version β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 20 Sep 22
  1. The newsletter explores topics like AI on the internet, the dynamics of NoSQL databases, and HTTP requests.
  2. It mentions updates and discussions in the Ruby on Rails community, like a Ruby contribution guide and Postgres updates.
  3. In the newsletter, productivity tips suggest ditching traditional to-do lists for impact trackers, personal press releases.