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The Corners by Nadia Bolz-Weber 7645 implied HN points 19 Feb 23
  1. The Asbury Revival in a small town in Kentucky is characterized by simplicity and humility, focusing on prayer and singing led by young college students.
  2. Critiques and analyses of the revival on social media highlight exhaustion from culture wars and the idolatry of ideology, detracting from the open-hearted awe and curiosity it aims to inspire.
  3. Despite past discomfort, the author longs for the authenticity and connection seen in the Asbury Revival, desiring to be un-self-conscious in devotion to God.
Contemplations on the Tree of Woe 1221 implied HN points 11 Oct 23
  1. The Hypsistarian Church of God Most High is a reconstructed ancient monotheistic religion that worshipped a single high and holy God.
  2. Hypsistarianism was a widely practiced faith with characteristics such as aniconism, reverence for light and fire, and rejection of idols and animal sacrifice.
  3. Worship of God Most High involved prayer at sunrise and sunset, facing the sun, singing hymns, and lighting lamps or torches in prayer-houses, churches, or open-air sanctuaries.
Contemplations on the Tree of Woe 1153 implied HN points 04 Oct 23
  1. Monotheism was a concept among pagan philosophers in antiquity, who believed in a single, superior God while acknowledging other lesser gods.
  2. The worship of a monotheistic God, called God Most High, was widespread in Late Antiquity, with evidence found in multiple regions.
  3. The origins of pagan monotheism were debated, with some scholars arguing for influences from Hellenistic philosophy, Roman religion, or independent evolution from local traditions.
The Pillar 176 implied HN points 29 Jan 24
  1. Parishes are required to pay licensing fees to reprint Scripture in worship aids to discourage parish production of liturgical worship aids.
  2. The USCCB owns the copyright for the New American Bible to ensure correct handling of the text.
  3. Licensing fees are meant to deter parishes from creating worship aids that may not include all necessary elements for liturgical accuracy.
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Come Aside 98 implied HN points 12 Feb 23
  1. A move of God has begun at Asbury College with continuous prayer, worship, and a powerful response to the Spirit.
  2. The revival at Asbury College is growing in intensity rather than slowing down, drawing people nationally and internationally.
  3. This revival moment is prompting a call for prayer for a national and international outpouring of God's spirit.
The Dissenting Opinion 0 implied HN points 23 Sep 23
  1. Music is a powerful tool for teaching, and songs can deeply influence and teach truths about faith and life.
  2. Songs in worship should have a purpose and message that align with biblical principles, encouraging both teaching and admonition.
  3. The balance between hymns, spiritual songs, and psalms in worship music can create a well-rounded lyrical diet for the congregation.
The Dissenting Opinion 0 implied HN points 08 Sep 23
  1. The Old Testament is important and should not be discarded by Christians, as it provides valuable context and teachings that complement the New Testament.
  2. When leading worship, make sure not to offer an imperfect sacrifice, but rather give your best in praising God with sincerity and effort.
  3. True worship involves sacrificing praise, even through suffering, just like Jesus suffered outside the gate, showing the deep relationship and trust we have in God.