The hottest Revival Substack posts right now

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Tipping Point Prophecy Update by Jimmy Evans 8058 implied HN points 26 Feb 23
  1. The Asbury Revival started at a small Christian college in Kentucky and quickly spread through prayer and worship.
  2. The student-led revival prompted repentance, action, and love, contrasting with the anger seen at other universities.
  3. Revival may not be a sign of the end times, but it brings hope for spiritual awakening and positive change in society.
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Come Aside 98 implied HN points 12 Feb 23
  1. A move of God has begun at Asbury College with continuous prayer, worship, and a powerful response to the Spirit.
  2. The revival at Asbury College is growing in intensity rather than slowing down, drawing people nationally and internationally.
  3. This revival moment is prompting a call for prayer for a national and international outpouring of God's spirit.