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Top World Politics Topics
Simplicius's Garden of Knowledge 8176 implied HN points 21 Jun 23
  1. Russia's military evolution in modern warfare emphasizes the importance of smaller, dispersed formations to enhance survivability on the battlefield.
  2. Operational art doctrine bridges strategic objectives with tactical actions, allowing for more independent action among lower units in military operations.
  3. The modern battlefield dynamics call for synchronized effects and decentralized formations rather than traditional mass troop concentrations to ensure success in warfare.
The Living Philosophy 314 implied HN points 29 Jan 24
  1. The Prophet archetype emerged as a new way of being religious, challenging the traditional roles of priests and magicians.
  2. Prophets were outsiders but not rebels, called into their roles by a higher power and providing a vantage point to critique the existing system.
  3. The Exemplary Prophets emphasized how life should be lived, while the Ethical Prophets focused more on transcendent doctrine, leading to varying prophetic traditions.
The Pillar 176 implied HN points 07 Feb 24
  1. Cardinal Víctor Manuel Fernández has brought attention and controversy to the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith.
  2. Fernández has made significant moves in the department, from addressing same-sex unions to issuing clarifications on sacraments.
  3. His actions have stirred reactions from other Vatican departments, raising questions about his approach and impact.
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Restoring Truth 117 implied HN points 25 Jan 24
  1. Theological liberalism distorts the true message of Christianity by replacing biblical truth with inclusivity and social justice.
  2. J. Gresham Machen's book, 'Christianity and Liberalism,' from 100 years ago still resonates today in its timeless critique of theological decay.
  3. It's crucial for believers to hold fast to sound theology and not be swayed by trendy or compromised interpretations of the Christian faith.
Big Serge Thought 3 implied HN points 27 Apr 23
  1. The Red Army's transformation from a clumsy force to a sophisticated battle machine was a painful process but led to immense power by the end of WWII.
  2. Soviet Operational Art focused on 'Deep Battle', emphasizing sequenced operations to maintain the attack tempo and deny the enemy initiative.
  3. The Battle of Kharkov in 1942 highlighted the importance of decisiveness, aggression, and adaptability on the battlefield beyond just strategic planning.
The Dissenting Opinion 0 implied HN points 08 Sep 23
  1. The Old Testament is important and should not be discarded by Christians, as it provides valuable context and teachings that complement the New Testament.
  2. When leading worship, make sure not to offer an imperfect sacrifice, but rather give your best in praising God with sincerity and effort.
  3. True worship involves sacrificing praise, even through suffering, just like Jesus suffered outside the gate, showing the deep relationship and trust we have in God.