Experimental Fat Loss

Experimental Fat Loss explores methods of reversing obesity through 30-day diet and lifestyle trials, focusing on approaches like cutting out seed oils, protein restriction, and exploring the impacts of different fats and diet hacks on weight loss, metabolic health, and obesity. The blog combines personal experimentation, scientific evidence, and diet reviews to provide insights into effective fat loss strategies.

Diet and Nutrition Weight Loss Experimentation Metabolic Health Dietary Fats and Oils Exercise and Fitness Scientific Research and Evidence Dietary Supplements Food and Meal Planning

The hottest Substack posts of Experimental Fat Loss

And their main takeaways
106 implied HN points 18 Mar 24
  1. Decision-making dilemma: stick to what works or explore new options. It's tricky to find the balance.
  2. Balancing exploitation and exploration in weight loss experiments is key to progress. Trying new things can build confidence, but sticking to what's known to work is crucial for consistent results.
  3. It's important to evaluate the success of experiments and prioritize proven methods. Understanding mechanisms behind weight loss can lead to more effective strategies.
127 implied HN points 10 Mar 24
  1. Torricelli's Law for Fat Loss explains how weight loss can slow down as you approach your normal weight, similar to a bucket draining liquid with decreasing speed.
  2. Weight loss projections can be influenced by dietary changes and external factors, like daylight savings time affecting circadian rhythms and potentially affecting weight loss plateaus.
  3. Testing multiple weight loss projections, such as following a fitted curve and intuition-based predictions, can help in anticipating weight loss outcomes and adjusting dietary strategies.
148 implied HN points 25 Feb 24
  1. The importance of achieving a balanced Omega-6/3 ratio in the diet is emphasized, with a focus on reducing omega-6 intake and increasing omega-3 consumption to improve overall health.
  2. The concept of Omega Balance is introduced as a more detailed and structured approach to understanding the effects of PUFA ratios on the body, particularly in relation to phospholipids in cells.
  3. Cutting out omega-6 linoleic acid from the diet is highlighted as a vital step in improving health, with the book recommending a 'whole-of-diet' approach that combines reducing omega-6 while increasing omega-3 intake.
233 implied HN points 24 Jan 24
  1. Cutting out seed oils led to significant health benefits for the author, including weight loss and improved overall well-being.
  2. While the link between PUFAs and obesity is not 100% proven, there is substantial evidence and personal anecdotes supporting the idea.
  3. The author believes that the risks of consuming seed oils outweigh any potential benefits, and will continue to avoid them based on the evidence available.
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169 implied HN points 14 Jan 24
  1. Mainstream CICO/EBM and Fuel Partitioning/low-carb are two paradigms about what causes obesity.
  2. CICO views calories as the cause of fat gain, while Fuel Partitioning sees excess calories as a result of other issues.
  3. CICO doesn't work for everyone, and there are diets like low-carb or keto that work better for some due to Fuel Partitioning.
155 implied HN points 23 Dec 23
  1. Free weights vs. x3 bar: x3 may be gentler on joints and allow for training with heavy resistance in a safer way.
  2. x3 bar offers convenience: Short, intense workouts that can be done in minimal time and space, even when traveling.
  3. Consider the value: x3 bar may provide comparable results to traditional gym equipment, with added benefits like reduced joint pain and convenience.
184 implied HN points 18 Nov 23
  1. Restricting isoleucine in the diet can lead to weight loss and improved metabolic health in mice.
  2. Elevated BCAAs are associated with obesity and metabolic syndrome in humans.
  3. Protein/BCAA restriction shows promise in improving health outcomes and mitigating cardiometabolic issues.
70 implied HN points 29 Jan 24
  1. Be mindful of the materials in your kitchen gadgets to avoid microplastics.
  2. Consider investing in kitchenware with unique features like pre-programmed temperatures.
  3. Exploring different food and beverage options, like Vietnamese coffee, herbal teas, and tallow-based products, can add variety to your routine.
106 implied HN points 16 Dec 23
  1. Critical MAS recommends tackling serious weight loss in two phases, with different strategies for each phase based on weight and goals.
  2. During the 'Serious Phase,' MAS suggests a low-fat whole-food diet, including the Modern Peasant Diet, and protein restriction to aid weight loss.
  3. MAS advises against exercise in the initial phase, gradually incorporating intermittent fasting, and increasing protein intake in the 'Red Zone' for final weight loss.
134 implied HN points 04 Nov 23
  1. Cutting out seed oils can lead to improved skin health and reduced sunburn sensitivity.
  2. Seed oils can easily oxidize and negatively impact cell membranes, potentially causing health issues.
  3. The body can regenerate various cells impacted by seed oils within days to years, leading to potential health improvements over time.
134 implied HN points 13 Sep 23
  1. The author realized that consuming heavy cream lattes from Starbucks significantly increased their daily calorie intake, leading to weight loss plateaus.
  2. The experiment highlighted the importance of being mindful of hidden sources of excess calories in the diet, such as the heavy cream lattes.
  3. Insulin levels and types of protein consumed can play a significant role in fat gain or loss, showcasing the complexity of weight management beyond just calorie counting.
106 implied HN points 07 Oct 23
  1. Outlier 17 lost a significant amount of weight on the Half-Tato diet, which was only 50% potatoes and 50% regular food, with the main focus on how her approach ties into eliminating PUFAs, limiting protein intake, and focusing on a specific macronutrient.
  2. The Half-Tato diet study compared to other experiments led to observations that avoiding PUFAs, keeping protein intake low, and following a specific macro balance might contribute significantly to weight loss.
  3. Outlier 17's success might be due to factors like avoidance of PUFAs, low protein intake, and focus on a specific macro balance, indicating potential keys to effective weight loss.
176 implied HN points 22 Jul 23
  1. Obesity is caused by long-term dysfunction of mitochondrial energy metabolism, mainly due to changes in food intake starting in the late 1800s and increased seed oil consumption since the 1930s and 1970s.
  2. The drastic increase in obesity rates since the mid-1970s can be attributed to the rise in seed oil consumption, such as the introduction of canola oil in the 1970s.
  3. The ongoing obesity crisis, even since 2010, has seen a massive increase due to a 50% rise in seed oil consumption like soybean oil.
141 implied HN points 27 May 23
  1. Eating high protein might hinder fat loss on Keto/Carnivore diets; consider reducing protein intake.
  2. Popular Keto/Carnivore diets emphasize high protein, but excessive protein intake may not be suitable for everyone.
  3. Moderating protein intake and focusing on adequate fat consumption is essential for maintaining a balanced diet on Keto/Carnivore.
56 implied HN points 14 Oct 23
  1. The author organized over 60 blog posts to make them easier to navigate and understand.
  2. By creating a systematic way to organize thoughts, readers can better understand the author's paradigm.
  3. This new approach helps new readers catch up on diet ideas without having to read the entire blog archive.
77 implied HN points 30 Aug 23
  1. Insulin resistance can exist with normal glucose levels, especially after years on a ketogenic diet.
  2. Measuring fasting insulin levels can be a better indicator of insulin resistance than glucose levels.
  3. The Kraft test, which measures insulin response over time after a meal, can provide more insights into metabolic health than traditional glucose tests.