What's Important?

What's Important? by Sapient Capital explores the intersections of personal evolution, financial wisdom, and societal progress. It offers insights into achieving wealth, the importance of wisdom and relationships, navigating geopolitical and technological shifts, and embracing curiosity for personal and collective growth.

Personal Development Wealth Management Investing Strategies Social and Economic Trends Geopolitics Technological Advancements Philosophical Insights

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And their main takeaways
22 implied HN points β€’ 10 Feb 24
  1. The most influential changes in worldview often happen when successful individuals face a shift in circumstances that require a different mindset.
  2. Developing a 'steering wheel mindset' with broad attention and intuitive insights can lead to fresh perspectives and a more accurate worldview, benefiting the individual and the tribe.
  3. Reconnecting with wisdom and cultivating 'metis', the essential quality of responsiveness to the world, can lead to balance, meaningful interactions, and overall flourishing.
13 implied HN points β€’ 17 Feb 24
  1. The author believes in an idea that can significantly impact the world and aims to simplify it for broad understanding.
  2. The concept of wealth management plays a crucial role in enabling individuals to pursue their curiosity by providing financial stability.
  3. The author distilled nearly a decade of work into a concise 20-minute presentation to explore the disconnection from a hidden force.
21 implied HN points β€’ 25 Mar 23
  1. The universe is moving toward greater complexity, and our consciousness plays a significant role in this evolution.
  2. The emerging worldview integrates scientific reductionism with a drive towards greater complexity, providing clues on how to lead a meaningful life.
  3. Seeking information that makes us more conscious and using our unique skills to contribute to the evolving story of the universe can lead to personal evolution and fulfillment.
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15 implied HN points β€’ 10 Jun 23
  1. Unconventional methods can uncover hidden relationships in the stock market and other areas.
  2. Understanding the hidden forces affecting the whole is crucial, such as in healthcare and mental health treatment.
  3. Being open to unconventional or unexplained ideas can lead to growth and success, as seen in the investing world.
9 implied HN points β€’ 29 Apr 23
  1. Expert investors focus on wisdom over intelligence, using intuition and flexibility to navigate complex situations.
  2. Becoming a wise investor requires virtues like curiosity, skepticism, and humility, rather than just intelligence.
  3. Openness and experience help experts build intuitive databases, making them more adaptable and successful in unpredictable environments.
8 implied HN points β€’ 01 Jul 23
  1. The voluntary decision to strike out on a new path often requires sacrifice but can lead to unexpected opportunities.
  2. Curiosity is a mysterious force that drives individuals to pursue their unique potential.
  3. Anomalies in our understanding challenge existing worldviews and can lead to paradigm shifts, offering new insights and possibilities.
5 implied HN points β€’ 29 Jun 23
  1. Podcast: Ed Thorp's My Personal Blueprint discusses wealth, investing, gambling, and living a balanced life.
  2. Article: Explore Toby Shorin's insightful essay on the consumer economy and supply chains in Life after Lifestyle.
  3. Podcast: Listen to Christopher Begg's conversation on investing, wisdom, and lifelong learning.
1 HN point β€’ 18 Mar 23
  1. Artificial Intelligence is rapidly advancing and impacting various aspects of society, from productivity to creativity.
  2. Experts believe that A.I. could disrupt industries like search and transform how we interact with technology in the near future.
  3. There are speculative concerns about the development of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and the potential risks it poses to humanity.
1 implied HN point β€’ 27 Feb 23
  1. Tom Morgan is launching something important on February 27, 2023.
  2. The link to find out more is whatsimportant.substack.com.
  3. Stay tuned for updates on what's coming soon.