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Granted β€’ 7427 implied HN points β€’ 01 Jan 24
  1. Compassion involves acknowledging distress even if you can't solve it, helping people feel seen.
  2. Top 10 links of 2023 included topics like the effective use of language, email etiquette, and cultural communication differences.
  3. Podcasts on bringing out positivity in kids, unlocking hidden potential, recharging on weekends, and building leadership skills.
Sasha's 'Newsletter' β€’ 2148 implied HN points β€’ 09 Mar 24
  1. It's okay to strive to look good while pursuing your goals. Enjoying vanity-focused efforts alongside practical training can lead to better results and enjoyment in the process.
  2. Balancing aesthetics with functionality is important; looking good can have practical advantages, such as increased social opportunities.
  3. Engaging in the game of appearances doesn't make you vain; it can be a way to navigate social dynamics effectively and enhance your creative work with audience capture.
Richard Hanania's Newsletter β€’ 4242 implied HN points β€’ 05 Feb 24
  1. Asperger's symptoms can manifest in various ways, impacting social interactions, communication, and behavior.
  2. Those with Aspie traits may have a passion for specific topics in life and exhibit emotional distance from others.
  3. Individuals on the autism spectrum can leverage their unique perspectives and interests to turn weaknesses into strengths, leading to success in different areas.
Common Sense with Bari Weiss β€’ 2207 implied HN points β€’ 14 Feb 24
  1. There is a growing political divide between young men veering right and women leaning left, complicating dating and relationships.
  2. Consider ditching dating apps and try more traditional methods like asking for setups from friends or striking conversations in real life.
  3. Getting married can lead to a happier, more prosperous, and more meaningful life, despite common myths about relationships and career choices.
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astrology for writers β€’ 2515 implied HN points β€’ 04 Feb 24
  1. Honesty in writing is crucial for crafting a compelling narrative and connecting with readers.
  2. Sharing personal stories and experiences can empower others to make positive changes in their lives.
  3. Being honest with oneself can lead to self-awareness, growth, and the ability to make necessary changes.
The Shift With Sam Baker β€’ 3854 implied HN points β€’ 04 Jan 24
  1. Reinvention is a popular theme for New Year's resolutions, but it's worth questioning why you feel the need to reinvent something in your life.
  2. Consider what aspects of your life truly need change and why before jumping into reinventing yourself.
  3. Don't feel pressured to follow trends like 'New Year, New You' if it doesn't resonate with you; it's okay to not feel the need to constantly reinvent yourself.
VS Blog β€’ 99 implied HN points β€’ 28 Apr 24
  1. Believing in rational beliefs unlocks immense energy and motivation, unlike irrational beliefs.
  2. To hold rational beliefs, it's key to ground them in what we know to be true and frame them as possibilities rather than certainties.
  3. Maintaining a positive state of mind is beneficial for leveraging beliefs, alongside reframing and reducing them.
Knowingless β€’ 1188 implied HN points β€’ 14 Feb 24
  1. Seduction is seen as a collaborative activity where both parties want the same thing - to overcome barriers and enjoy sex together.
  2. People often seek to reinforce narratives about themselves, so being able to sell the right self-image to someone can be a powerful tool in seduction.
  3. Understanding and appealing to a person's core desires and self-conception can be more effective in seduction than just focusing on physical attractiveness or immediate desires.
Changing The Channel β€’ 2551 implied HN points β€’ 13 Dec 23
  1. Pushing through fear often leads to growth and valuable insights.
  2. Facing challenges, even if they seem impossible, can open up unexpected opportunities.
  3. Writing, public speaking, or pursuing dreams may be scary, but doing it scared can lead to personal and professional success.
Range Widely β€’ 2771 implied HN points β€’ 05 Dec 23
  1. Individual differences in brain chemistry can influence how people respond to stressful situations and medications.
  2. Using 'smart drugs' like Ritalin and Adderall may make people try harder but perform worse on certain tasks.
  3. It's important to understand your own ideal level of arousal for peak performance and adjust your work environment accordingly.
Granted β€’ 10821 implied HN points β€’ 01 Jun 23
  1. The book "Hidden Potential" by Adam Grant explores how progress is more about motivation and opportunity than talent.
  2. We all have hidden potential, and it's not just for underdogs or late bloomers, but for everyone in schools, teams, and workplaces.
  3. The focus should be on the progress made along the way towards achieving goals, not just reaching peaks.
Holly’s Newsletter β€’ 1002 implied HN points β€’ 11 Feb 24
  1. Loving your life and being content with what you have is key to happiness, according to the stoic belief of 'love of one's fate.'
  2. Throughout life, there is a continuous cycle of looking forward to the next milestone in the future as the key to happiness, rather than appreciating the present moment.
  3. Having a comfortable and suitable living environment can significantly impact mental health and well-being. It is essential to prioritize aspects like space, access to outdoors, and accommodating pets when seeking a new place to live.
The Rubesletter by Matt Ruby (of Vooza) | Sent every Tuesday β€’ 926 implied HN points β€’ 13 Feb 24
  1. Many of life's greatest experiences involve initially overcoming discomfort and pain, leading to growth and transcendence.
  2. Recognize and reframe feelings of discomfort to gauge if something productive might be happening on the other side.
  3. Differentiate between productive, growth-inducing discomfort and unnecessary fear that may hold you back from personal development.
Both Are True β€’ 369 implied HN points β€’ 14 Mar 24
  1. Humans are complex and contain a mix of traits, both positive and negative.
  2. It's possible to have moments of self-awareness and growth, even if struggling with mental health and past traumas.
  3. Accepting and acknowledging our flaws, while striving to be better, is a journey of self-discovery and self-acceptance.
Day One β€’ 1058 implied HN points β€’ 20 Jan 24
  1. Prioritize and manage your time effectively to make room for more tasks, even in a busy schedule.
  2. Focus on getting a good night's sleep for increased productivity and take advantage of Kairos moments for important actions.
  3. Implement time blocking by budgeting your time hourly, helping you stay organized and productive throughout the day.
Changing The Channel β€’ 1176 implied HN points β€’ 10 Jan 24
  1. Jen Hatmaker is focused on changing the narrative around 'doing more' and 'being more' in our culture, advocating for embracing 'what is enough'.
  2. She expresses a desire for a legacy filled with human connection, memories, adventures, and integrity.
  3. The beginning of the year intensifies the pressure to constantly strive for improvement, leading to an environment of messages promoting doing more and increasing efforts.
Changing The Channel β€’ 2312 implied HN points β€’ 07 Nov 23
  1. Recognizing and addressing disordered eating habits is an important step towards healthier relationships with food.
  2. Understanding the patterns of addiction in one's life can lead to insights into behaviors and choices.
  3. Being mindful of how certain practices, like intermittent fasting, may impact personal well-being and making informed decisions about them.
Sasha's 'Newsletter' β€’ 3146 implied HN points β€’ 27 Sep 23
  1. Erectile dysfunction can feel stupid and frustrating, despite effort put into attraction.
  2. Sexual problems can stem from physical health, mental state, and relationship dynamics.
  3. Open communication, seeking solutions like medications, and supportive partners can help overcome sexual concerns.
Elevate β€’ 1153 implied HN points β€’ 24 Dec 23
  1. Just start somewhere - Begin with a simple step to kick off the journey towards success
  2. The Power of Starting - Taking the first step energizes and motivates us, leading to progress and eventual success
  3. First, Do It, Do It Right, Do It Better - Embrace the MVP mindset, refine and correct, and strive for continuous improvement on your journey