The hottest Connection Substack posts right now

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Granted 11240 implied HN points 07 Jan 24
  1. Mental Health and Well-Being: Discover how a little therapy can lead to lasting change and how to move from languishing to flourishing.
  2. Connection and Community: Learn about the power of being like-hearted without needing to be like-minded and practical steps for unity in a divided world.
  3. Leadership and Power: Explore resources on fixing organizational problems, finding purpose after major life transitions, and improving critical thinking for wiser decisions.
Patti Smith 28342 implied HN points 26 Sep 23
  1. Cairo Smith was a unique and special cat who lived to nearly 22 years, showing unwavering love and courage.
  2. Cairo had a deep bond with Patti Smith, being her guardian, friend, and companion throughout their time together.
  3. Cairo's gentle and loving nature touched the lives of many, bringing comfort, affection, and joy to those around her.
The Art of Enchantment, with Dr Sharon Blackie 5811 implied HN points 20 Jan 24
  1. Find somewhere that draws you, connect with the place's ecology and folklore, tell stories to rocks and trees to build a relationship with the natural world.
  2. Imagine nature as a living creature with dreams, show up often in the same place, listen to the land's dreaming, and fall in love with the world.
  3. Connection with nature is about love, wonder, and awe, not about using nature for our needs; cultivate enchantment through myths and stories to feel connected and belonging.
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The Art of Enchantment, with Dr Sharon Blackie 1976 implied HN points 17 Sep 23
  1. The author had to delay an essay on mermaids and selkies for paid subscribers due to travel for a book tour celebrating the launch of the 'Hagitude' paperback.
  2. The author shared about their first proper book tour in the southwest of England after facing challenges like the pandemic and health issues.
  3. During an event at Frome, the author accidentally sprained their ankle and spilled water on their notes, highlighting the humor in life's unexpected mishaps.
Read, Watch, Binge 569 implied HN points 12 Jan 24
  1. Culture is becoming more fragmented, making it harder to find shared experiences with others.
  2. The abundance of entertainment options and personalized content leads to decision fatigue and hinders connection.
  3. Despite fragmented pop culture, bad news and politics have become universal topics for connection, although they can also contribute to polarization.
Everything Is Amazing 1176 implied HN points 12 Sep 23
  1. The post discusses the recommendation of a book by Katherine May called 'Enchantment' that focuses on wonder and mystery in everyday life.
  2. The author mentions a live conversation with Katherine May, encouraging readers to join by becoming paid subscribers of 'The Clearing'.
  3. The post emphasizes finding beauty and fascination in the mundane, protecting against cynicism and hopelessness.
The Art of Enchantment, with Dr Sharon Blackie 1837 implied HN points 04 Mar 23
  1. Moving homes can trigger deep-rooted anxieties, stemming from disrupting the safe sanctuary one has spent years creating.
  2. The concept of 'home' is a complex mix of physical shelter, emotional security, and a place where one can always return to, and the fear of losing it can be deeply ingrained from childhood.
  3. Transitioning between homes can bring about self-reflection, exploration of uncertainties, and a mix of emotions, but it also offers opportunities for growth and new beginnings.
Risk Musings 515 implied HN points 01 Sep 23
  1. Society often makes us feel like we never have enough, pushing us to seek more in the name of security.
  2. True security comes from forging and nourishing real connections with others, not just accumulating resources.
  3. Accepting uncertainty, embracing connections, and enjoying the journey are key to finding true security in life.
Brent and Michael are Going Places 904 implied HN points 20 Mar 23
  1. Unlikely friendships can have a profound impact on our lives, even if they are brief.
  2. People are not always what they seem, and judging based on first impressions or stereotypes can be misleading.
  3. Building connections with others, especially in unlikely circumstances, can bring a unique and beautiful experience to life.
Creative Destruction 53 implied HN points 01 Mar 24
  1. Start by taking time to do nothing for inner rewilding, giving yourself the space to observe and disconnect from things depleting your inner diversity.
  2. Conduct an inventory of your inner self, focusing on understanding your thoughts, feelings, connections, and overall ecosystem to initiate the process of inner rewilding.
  3. Seek guidance from individuals who are experienced in inner rewilding and reconnect with systems and people around you to develop a plan for reintroducing inner wildness.
Creative Destruction 68 implied HN points 16 Feb 24
  1. Cultivating a new worldview involves reconnecting with nature and embracing a more holistic way of living.
  2. Inner rewilding and re-humanization are essential for rehabilitating humanity and breaking free from destructive living patterns.
  3. Exploring ideas like traditional ecological knowledge and animism in investing can offer valuable insights for nurturing a new worldview rooted in interconnectedness.
The Art of Enchantment, with Dr Sharon Blackie 1178 implied HN points 03 Dec 22
  1. Winter brings the gift of the night sky, which holds importance and rituals for the author, celebrating the return of darkness and stars.
  2. The author values ceremonies that emerge naturally and mark the rising and setting of the sun during the winter season.
  3. The author shares research on stars possibly being 'minded' entities, emphasizing the importance of celebrating the sky and the cosmos around us.
Changing The Channel 458 implied HN points 21 Jun 23
  1. The Summer Solstice is celebrated in the Northern Hemisphere, marking the longest day of the year and the beginning of shorter days.
  2. The author reflects on the connection between nature's rhythms, such as the seasons, the moon, and the sun, emphasizing the importance of aligning with these energies.
  3. Living in a city can make it challenging to stay attuned to nature, leading to a longing for places where people are more consciously connected to the natural world.
The Joyous Struggle 395 implied HN points 03 Jul 23
  1. Experiencing emotions and interactions at events can lead to profound realizations and connections with others.
  2. Creating spaces for shared experiences and personal growth can have a meaningful impact beyond the event itself.
  3. Focusing on the soul, personal connections, and transformative education can lead to a deeper understanding of oneself and society.
Many One Percents 412 implied HN points 09 Apr 23
  1. To learn fast in a data-abundant world, focus on reading landmark books to understand industry-changing concepts.
  2. After grasping the basics, delve into nuances by listening to podcasts where practitioners discuss topics in depth.
  3. Knowledge is like a territory, with basics as the mainland and nuances as the defining borders.
The Line Between 196 implied HN points 13 Sep 23
  1. Art can bring a sense of freedom and connection through creation and exhibition.
  2. Collaborating with a diverse group can create a sense of family and unity, regardless of differences.
  3. Artistic expression plays a vital role in fostering humanity and should be cherished and continued.