The hottest Cities Substack posts right now

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Striking 13 β€’ 2156 implied HN points β€’ 23 Feb 24
  1. The BT Tower's unique design makes it stand out in the cityscape, looking both old and modern, corporate yet eccentric.
  2. Skyscrapers often focus on luxury for the rich, but the BT Tower values its impact on the city landscape and the privilege of seeing it from below.
  3. Cities like London evolve rapidly, but iconic structures like the BT Tower provide a sense of continuity and rootedness in the midst of constant change.
The Map is Mostly Water β€’ 547 implied HN points β€’ 14 Mar 24
  1. Culture and new ideas can often originate and flourish in smaller spaces rather than just big cities or metropolises.
  2. Success in creating innovation and technology may not always come from larger cities; smaller, more remote locations can foster creativity and growth.
  3. Remote places can produce rare and valuable cultural specimens, and it's important to be mindful of the advantages of small spaces in fostering innovation and culture.
Erdmann Housing Tracker β€’ 252 implied HN points β€’ 14 Mar 24
  1. Economists often overemphasize the productivity of cities as the reason for expensive housing, leading to misdiagnoses and biases.
  2. High income gains have been observed in cities that didn't experience significant growth in housing units, challenging the concept of agglomeration economies.
  3. Income disparities among cities have increased over time, with a significant impact from Closed Access displacement, showing the importance of considering factors beyond productivity in city assessments.
The New Urban Order β€’ 39 implied HN points β€’ 18 Apr 24
  1. Cities play a crucial role in human happiness, dignity, and equality through sustainable urban design.
  2. The 15-Minute City concept promotes a lifestyle where daily necessities are accessible by walking or biking within a short time frame.
  3. Addressing climate change and inequality requires transforming transportation systems to be inclusive of all people, not just drivers.
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Silver Bulletin β€’ 147 implied HN points β€’ 30 Nov 23
  1. Nate Silver believes Joe Biden has been a good president based on bills passed and handling of certain issues.
  2. Nate Silver shares his 7 favorite American cities, including Chicago, Los Angeles, and Miami.
  3. Nate Silver discusses the betting odds for the US Presidential election and whether it's a good bet to buy GOP for the popular vote.
The New Urban Order β€’ 119 implied HN points β€’ 15 Nov 23
  1. Access to culture from home, accelerated by the pandemic, is impacting in-person arts attendance and the urban arts establishment.
  2. In-person arts attendance is declining, particularly among older, White audiences, while digital arts engagement is rising, especially among younger and diverse groups.
  3. The decline in traditional arts attendance poses challenges for cities economically, culturally, and in maintaining urban identities.
offscript β€’ 54 implied HN points β€’ 14 Jan 24
  1. The author imagines a car-free future for New York City in 2040, with more space for walking, biking, and relaxation.
  2. The author reflects on the peaceful atmosphere of European cities and envisions a similar vibe in a car-free New York City.
  3. The author encourages readers to consider the possibility of a vibrant and lively New York City without the pollution and noise of cars.
Litverse β€’ 239 implied HN points β€’ 27 Mar 23
  1. The COVID-19 pandemic in New York City led to a unique experience for residents, revealing both the beauty and tragedy of the city amidst chaos and loss.
  2. Jeremiah Moss's book 'Feral City' explores the impact of new cultural norms and consumerism on NYC, reflecting on the city's transformation and values over time.
  3. Tragedy can evoke deep emotions and memories, leading to a rediscovery of oneself and the environment, but it can also highlight the differing perspectives and values people hold in society.
The New Urban Order β€’ 179 implied HN points β€’ 27 Jun 23
  1. Remote work has affected American cities, with some experiencing population gains, while others continue to decline.
  2. Higher income individuals are more likely to work remotely and tend to move to less expensive areas.
  3. Despite the predictions that remote work would increase mobility, overall rates of mobility have continued to decline since the 1950s.
The New Urban Order β€’ 59 implied HN points β€’ 20 Nov 23
  1. Cities consistently have lower voter turnout compared to suburban and rural areas.
  2. Urban voters tend to be overwhelmingly Democratic, which leads to neglect from both Republican and Democrat campaigns.
  3. The 2024 Presidential Election is expected to focus on cities as an unexpected battleground, especially concerning the turnout of Black and Hispanic voters.
The New Urban Order β€’ 79 implied HN points β€’ 13 Oct 23
  1. Cities are increasingly focusing on nature-based solutions to combat climate change and improve urban life.
  2. Efforts include dedicating large areas to biodiversity, adding green spaces to streets, and investing significant funds in new parks.
  3. Local governments and private citizens are joining forces in these bold initiatives, setting examples for sustainability and resilience.
The New Urban Order β€’ 19 implied HN points β€’ 06 Feb 24
  1. The Vision Pro mixed reality headset may lead to societal divisions and changes in the nature of reality, prompting a need for new terms to describe this shift.
  2. Oklahoma City's potential construction of the country's tallest skyscraper with a mixed-use concept could signal a new era of skyscraper design in the U.S.
  3. Exploration of 'pocket neighborhoods' as an emerging concept in urban planning and architecture.
Political Currents by Ross Barkan β€’ 12 implied HN points β€’ 28 Feb 24
  1. New York City has improved from the depths of the pandemic and compares favorably to other American cities in terms of homeless issues and safety.
  2. The city remains a vibrant cultural hub with remarkable diversity, offering a wide range of activities for residents and tourists.
  3. Despite its strengths, New York City faces major challenges such as elevated crime rates in certain categories, including theft.
Surfing the Future β€’ 19 implied HN points β€’ 04 Feb 24
  1. Change can happen at different tempos - either slowly and steadily or in sudden bursts.
  2. Traditional cities evolved through trial-and-error, messily, embracing human messiness, while tech-centric areas opt for a more exclusive lifestyle.
  3. Engaging with exponential trends is important for shaping the future, but sometimes slow change can lead to radical transformation.
Cosmographia β€’ 279 implied HN points β€’ 01 Oct 22
  1. Vienna is known as the City of Music and the City of Dreams.
  2. The City of Music nickname comes from its rich musical history and culture.
  3. Vienna as the City of Dreams reflects its reputation for being a place of inspiration and possibility.
The New Urban Order β€’ 59 implied HN points β€’ 14 Sep 23
  1. The author is following five fresh cities for their urban development and innovative approaches.
  2. These cities include a North American city repurposing vacant office buildings, an Eastern European city with a dynamic mayor focusing on city design, an Asian megacity with unique urban planning narratives, a city challenging London to become the U.K.'s cultural hub, and an African city undergoing transformation with pedestrianization and tech sector growth.
  3. The author's work revolves around exploring cities with forward-thinking mayors and unique urban development models.
The New Urban Order β€’ 39 implied HN points β€’ 20 Sep 23
  1. New Orleans is using AI to help solve and prevent crime in the city due to high homicide rates and limited resources.
  2. AI technology can automate tasks that were previously not feasible due to budget constraints, potentially improving law enforcement efforts.
  3. Lower crime rates are crucial for the well-being and prosperity of cities, making AI-powered crime-solving initiatives significant for urban safety.
The Leftovers β€’ 99 implied HN points β€’ 26 Oct 22
  1. London's true identity lies in its absence, as depicted by Patrick Keiller in 1992.
  2. Living in London helps you gradually distance yourself from its overwhelming influence.
  3. Many who are drawn to a city's center often face disappointment and the realization of life's inherent futility.
Donkeyspace β€’ 4 implied HN points β€’ 22 Jan 24
  1. Rambalac's Tokyo walk videos provide a unique cinematic experience that is meditative and haunting.
  2. Backrooms videos and Rambalac videos offer a different take on anti-cinema, creating a vacuum for personal reflection.
  3. MonsterTrack bike race videos on YouTube blend high-speed excitement with the joy of extreme sports, offering a game-like viewing experience.
Creative Destruction β€’ 3 implied HN points β€’ 29 Nov 23
  1. Encouraging a better work-life balance involves more than just a four-day workweek; it also requires giving workers more power and changing the narrative around leisure and work.
  2. Advertising can be seen as brain pollution, normalizing harmful behaviors and products; there is a need for stricter regulations to prevent overconsumption and negative impact on society.
  3. There's a discussion about a potential shift away from cities towards more human-scale and communal living in the countryside, focusing on values that have been overshadowed by urbanization.
Exasperated Infrastructures β€’ 9 implied HN points β€’ 02 May 23
  1. Henry Grabar's book 'Paved Paradise' is likened to important urban planning works and sheds light on the impacts of parking policies.
  2. The book discusses the significant role of parking in shaping urban landscapes and the conflicts it has spurred.
  3. Through vivid storytelling and real-life characters, 'Paved Paradise' explores the complexities of parking policies and advocates for safer streets.
The New Urban Order β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 07 Oct 23
  1. A group of subscribers recently met up for a tour and discussion about the DC Bridge Park, illustrating the joy of connecting with like-minded individuals passionate about cities and urban exploration.
  2. The experience of the meet-up was enjoyable and left the author eager to organize another subscriber gathering for the following month.
  3. The post offers a 7-day free trial to access more content from The New Urban Order, encouraging readers to explore further insights and discussions about urban environments.