The hottest Urban planning Substack posts right now

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Noahpinion 15235 implied HN points 09 Mar 24
  1. Consumer sentiment may not always align with economic fundamentals like interest rates or unemployment, showing the influence of 'vibes' and media narratives.
  2. Tokyo and Seoul have a unique city development pattern with gradually sloping density, allowing for more people without feeling crowded, achieved through upzoning suburbs and excellent train systems.
  3. The age of energy abundance is upon us as technologies like solar power and batteries become cheaper, alongside increased fossil fuel drilling in the U.S.
The Mill 707 implied HN points 10 Feb 24
  1. Opinions are divided on the state of Piccadilly Gardens, with many people agreeing that it is currently a mess and needs improvement.
  2. The redesign of Piccadilly Gardens is a work in progress, with the council investing money in landscaping changes and consulting residents on new designs.
  3. Concerns about safety and anti-social behavior in Piccadilly Gardens persist, but some see potential in turning the space into a thriving, well-managed public area.
Astral Codex Ten 4542 implied HN points 10 May 23
  1. Density is correlated with high prices, but demand, rather than new units, drives prices up.
  2. Long-term, attracting people through desirability is more impactful than building more houses alone.
  3. Building new housing may attract trendy cities, but some cities may have capped trendiness and adding density won't make them more popular.
The Garden of Forking Paths 2024 implied HN points 01 Aug 23
  1. Interstate 35-W in Minneapolis has a history intertwined with racist urban planning that led to the displacement of Black residents.
  2. The American interstate system, while a marvel of human ingenuity, has a legacy of intentionally segregating communities through practices like redlining and racial covenants.
  3. The tragic murder of George Floyd at the corner of 38th Street and Chicago Avenue in Minneapolis is connected to the deliberate engineering of racial injustice along roads like 35-W.
The Planet 373 implied HN points 10 Jan 24
  1. Paris has made significant progress in becoming a green and sustainable city.
  2. Paris is evolving into a 15-minute city where residents can easily access various amenities within a short distance.
  3. The concept of a 15-minute city prioritizes pedestrians and cyclists over cars, which differs from traditional American urban design.
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Erdmann Housing Tracker 84 implied HN points 14 Mar 24
  1. Cities with blocked growth experience a process of migration due to housing costs rising, impacting residents' average incomes.
  2. Affordability in cities like Boston, NYC, and LA could have been maintained if they grew at rates similar to other cities like Oklahoma City or Salt Lake City.
  3. Limited growth approval in certain cities contributes to housing deprivation and lack of affordability, not an overflow of demand.
The Charlotte Ledger 176 implied HN points 01 Feb 24
  1. Traffic on U.S. 521 in Ballantyne is increasing, and transportation planners are exploring complex solutions like new intersections and even a possible tunnel.
  2. The widening of U.S. 521 is facing challenges due to rapid area growth, making it trickier and more costly to find effective traffic solutions.
  3. State officials are considering various comprehensive solutions, such as flyover intersections or tunnels, to accommodate the expected increase in traffic volumes in the future.
Console 177 implied HN points 28 Jan 24
  1. OSMnx is a Python package for downloading, modeling, analyzing, and visualizing street networks and geospatial features from OpenStreetMap.
  2. OSMnx simplifies the process of converting raw OpenStreetMap data into graph-theoretic models for network analytics.
  3. Python was chosen for OSMnx due to its rich geospatial and network science ecosystems, familiarity among urban planners and geographers, and low barrier to entry.
Italian (urban) Letters 235 implied HN points 08 Jan 24
  1. Contraflow transit lanes are essentially two-way streets with one direction reserved for transit, simplifying traffic flow for buses and minimizing conflicts.
  2. These lanes can significantly reduce conflicts at intersections and curb-side encroachments, making public transit more efficient and reliable.
  3. Strategically deploying contraflow transit lanes can optimize transit routes, prioritize public transportation, and improve traffic flow within cities.
The Newsletter of (Not Quite) Everything 904 implied HN points 12 Jul 23
  1. The idea of expanding cities like Cambridge to the size of Bristol is being considered for economic growth.
  2. Historically, English cities have transformed in size as economic conditions change, showing potential for growth.
  3. Challenges like housing affordability and lab space need to be addressed for cities like Cambridge to thrive as tech hubs.
Odds and Ends of History 1072 implied HN points 17 Apr 23
  1. E-scooters can help reduce car usage and congestion in cities due to their compact design and ability to take up less space.
  2. Legalizing e-scooters can lead to positive downstream consequences, such as reducing car dependence, reshaping urban geography, and creating a more sustainable environment.
  3. Regulating e-scooters through legalization can improve safety standards, encourage responsible riding behavior, and prompt the development of infrastructure to accommodate different modes of transportation.
Italian (urban) Letters 235 implied HN points 16 Oct 23
  1. The current bus network in downtown Montréal lacks a coherent organizing principle and needs to be rethought for better connectivity.
  2. A redesign of the downtown bus network should focus on improving last-mile connectivity, creating a high-frequency grid, and making buses a viable option for intra-downtown trips.
  3. Implementing bus priority measures and rethinking traffic management can enhance bus performance and contribute to a more efficient and user-friendly transit system in downtown Montréal.
The Third Place 59 implied HN points 24 Jan 24
  1. Encouraging diversity in building typology within neighborhoods can foster inclusivity and community integration.
  2. Prioritizing pedestrian and cyclist accessibility in urban planning can lead to sustainable and vibrant communities, like Barcelona's superblocks.
  3. Balancing practicality with cultural enrichment, such as including entertainment or cultural facilities in development plans, is essential for creating thriving and lively communities.
Bastiat's Window 511 implied HN points 09 Apr 23
  1. Toxic fragility in universities may stem from lack of confrontation, mentorship, and intellectual exploration among students.
  2. Past educational practices like age-segregated schooling and urban designs have impacted critical thinking and creativity in children.
  3. Restrictions on children's time and space lead to a generation dependent on constant supervision, impacting their ability to explore and think independently.
Urben Field Notes 32 implied HN points 15 Feb 24
  1. Covering urban freeways with parks through freeway caps is a popular urban planning trend, but it may not fully address the deeper issues of routing heavy traffic through dense neighborhoods.
  2. Freeway caps can be politically attractive solutions, especially in high-traffic areas, but may not be the most imaginative or effective options in all cases, potentially entrenching urban freeways for generations.
  3. Transportation planning often prioritizes vehicles over transit alternatives, showcasing a need for a shift towards more comprehensive approaches like full freeway removal projects, leading to better urban planning and community connectivity.
The Charlotte Ledger 137 implied HN points 31 Aug 23
  1. When investigating plane crashes, every piece of evidence is examined to prevent future incidents. Car crash investigations should also focus on prevention rather than just assigning blame.
  2. A group of urbanists is analyzing car crashes like plane crashes, suggesting changes to prevent future accidents based on detailed analysis.
  3. Factors like lack of mid-crossing pedestrian refuges, long traffic signal cycles, and high speed limits contribute to car crashes, highlighting the need for changes in infrastructure and traffic management.
Douglass’s Newsletter 19 implied HN points 07 Feb 24
  1. Very few are aware of major trends already happening on Earth, such as deforestation, floods, and food production decline
  2. A proposed sequence envisions a path from crisis to Gardenworld through stages like Lifeboats and Security
  3. The concept of Gardenworld offers a goal for continuous experimentation and improvement in education, medicine, and other areas
Surfing the Future 19 implied HN points 04 Feb 24
  1. Change can happen at different tempos - either slowly and steadily or in sudden bursts.
  2. Traditional cities evolved through trial-and-error, messily, embracing human messiness, while tech-centric areas opt for a more exclusive lifestyle.
  3. Engaging with exponential trends is important for shaping the future, but sometimes slow change can lead to radical transformation.
The Works in Progress Newsletter 8 implied HN points 16 Feb 24
  1. The 14th issue of Works in Progress talks about Russia's historical reforms to dismantle serfdom, with lessons for current reform efforts today.
  2. Proposing new approaches to organ donation incentives may be more effective than defaults, as shown by research by Duncan McClements and Jason Hausenloy.
  3. Reviving the cut and cover method for building underground railway networks could be a cost-effective solution for many cities, as explored by Brian Potter.
Exasperated Infrastructures 12 implied HN points 11 Dec 23
  1. Andrew Lynch, known as vanshnookenraggen, got into mapping and transportation history out of pure curiosity and interest in urban planning.
  2. His work focuses on creating maps that visualize transportation systems and history to make complex information easier to understand.
  3. There's a need to connect land use policy with transportation policy, understand the political realities of planning, and engage communities effectively in urban planning decisions.
Urben Field Notes 27 implied HN points 11 Aug 23
  1. The decisions made now by San Francisco and California about robotaxis will have a significant impact.
  2. Implementing specific regulations for robotaxis can help in managing traffic congestion and improving city transportation.
  3. There is a need for regulations like congestion pricing, robotaxi-free corridors, and designated pickup spots to enhance the integration of robotaxis in city transportation systems.
The Third Place 1 HN point 20 Mar 24
  1. Swedish winters can be challenging with prolonged darkness, cold temperatures, and limited vegetation, affecting mental health and activity levels.
  2. Improving public spaces in winter cities involves creating pedestrian-friendly infrastructure, clear bike lanes, and mixed-use development for vibrant and efficient neighborhoods.
  3. Cities worldwide are implementing creative approaches to make winter more enjoyable, such as ice skating rinks, winter sports events, snow parks, festivals, and illuminated paths, fostering community engagement and appreciation for the season.
Exasperated Infrastructures 4 implied HN points 06 Jan 24
  1. Veronica O. Davis, PE advocates for repairing divided communities through inclusive transportation
  2. The book emphasizes engaging diverse stakeholders and reflecting on planning processes
  3. Success in transportation means prioritizing community needs, storytelling, and diversity in voices
intellectualinting 1 HN point 21 Feb 24
  1. Walkability in a city is about the ability for a random citizen to live happily without a car or reliance on private transport services.
  2. Factors like density, localized distribution of resources, proper infrastructure, public transportation, connectedness, and climate/play a vital role in determining a city's walkability.
  3. The idea of walkability may differ among individuals, with personal preferences affected by lifestyle, wealth, and cultural norms.
Urben Field Notes 1 HN point 18 Jan 24
  1. The new city California Forever lacks regional transit planning, which is a significant flaw.
  2. The city focuses on good urban design, such as mixed-use buildings, bike lanes, and bus-rapid transit corridors.
  3. Despite thoughtful transportation planning within the city, the project neglects regional transportation solutions, missing opportunities for better transit connectivity.
Exasperated Infrastructures 9 implied HN points 02 May 23
  1. Henry Grabar's book 'Paved Paradise' is likened to important urban planning works and sheds light on the impacts of parking policies.
  2. The book discusses the significant role of parking in shaping urban landscapes and the conflicts it has spurred.
  3. Through vivid storytelling and real-life characters, 'Paved Paradise' explores the complexities of parking policies and advocates for safer streets.
Exasperated Infrastructures 7 implied HN points 03 Apr 23
  1. Norman Garrick highlights the need for cities that prioritize people on foot over vehicles going at high speeds.
  2. He discusses the challenges of car dependency, especially in countries like Jamaica, and emphasizes the importance of transit, bike, and pedestrian planning.
  3. Garrick advocates for creating car-light cities that are free from the dangers, noise, pollution, and costs associated with cars, focusing on designing for people's quality of life and low-carbon urban environments.