The hottest Employment Substack posts right now

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Top Business Topics
The Dossier 5405 implied HN points 18 Sep 23
  1. Mark Cuban refused to do interviews with unvaccinated journalists.
  2. Cuban tried to incentivize a journalist to get vaccinated in exchange for appearing on their show.
  3. Cuban promoted vaccination on his shows and required employees to be vaccinated.
Hot Takes 1041 implied HN points 17 Jan 24
  1. In the internet age, real-world experience like running a business is more valuable than just academic theory.
  2. In creative fields like marketing, MBAs are becoming less relevant due to a lack of real experience and understanding.
  3. With the democratization of knowledge online, the necessity of a fancy MBA degree is diminishing, and real-world contributions hold more weight.
Software Design: Tidy First? 1120 implied HN points 08 Dec 23
  1. Kent Beck's role in enhancing engineering teams for growth and prosperity by working on product features and tool building.
  2. Kent Beck's impact through research and publication on software design, attracting new recruits and revolutionizing design ideas.
  3. Kent Beck's personal relationships and pair programming sessions significantly improving engineering skills and career prospects of individuals.
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Uncharted Territories 2908 implied HN points 21 Mar 23
  1. Artificial intelligence is advancing rapidly and may lead to job automation, especially in intellectual and unregulated fields.
  2. Industries that can withstand automation vary based on factors like demand saturation, regulations, and non-informational work components.
  3. New businesses are easier to start but may not create a large number of jobs, leading to a future with more billionaire founders and few employed individuals.
Make Work Better 114 implied HN points 14 Mar 24
  1. Boeing failed multiple safety tests, leading to accidents and loss of lives, due to a shift towards prioritizing stock price over quality
  2. A strong corporate culture requires aligning stated values with actual behaviors, empowering employees to make decisions based on those values
  3. Businesses that lose sight of their purpose and focus solely on chasing money risk facing significant organizational failures
Erika’s Newsletter 491 implied HN points 07 Dec 23
  1. You can start a nonprofit research organization without needing permission from a university.
  2. Research nonprofits can be designed to fit scientific goals rather than fitting into academia or industry.
  3. To start a nonprofit, write a 'two-pager', get connected with potential funders, fundraise, manage money, hire people, get lab space, and manage intellectual property.
The Fintech Blueprint 235 implied HN points 29 Jan 24
  1. Brex announced a 20% reduction in its workforce, aligning with a broader fintech trend of operational streamlining.
  2. Fintech industry is becoming leaner due to funding cuts and emphasis on profitability.
  3. Despite significant job cuts in tech, the general unemployment rate remains below 4%, indicating a luxury funding problem.
The Radar 39 implied HN points 05 Apr 24
  1. Performance Improvement Plans (PIPs) can be used positively to help employees improve their performance or negatively to push employees out of a company.
  2. Amazon utilizes PIPs in a controversial way, including forcing 'Type 2 PIPs' on employees to manage them out of the business, regardless of their actual performance.
  3. Misusing tools like PIPs, meant for improvement, can lead to unethical behaviors within organizations and potentially damaging consequences, such as increased layoffs.
Journo Resources - The Opportunities 275 implied HN points 02 Jan 24
  1. A variety of journalism job opportunities are available in different locations with competitive salaries, such as in unscripted TV development, social content creation, and editorial roles.
  2. New Year's Resolutions may not always be practical or realistic for everyone, and setting smaller goals or guidelines can be just as beneficial in journalism work.
  3. Various organizations are offering training programs, mentorship opportunities, and cash prizes for journalists, writers, and content creators to support their career growth and development.
Chinarrative 216 implied HN points 10 Dec 23
  1. University graduates in China are turning to food delivery jobs due to a tough job market and economic situation.
  2. More educated individuals, including college graduates, are entering the food delivery sector, causing an oversupply of labor and decreasing salaries.
  3. The phenomenon reflects broader employment issues in China, showing a need for improved support from educational institutions and a larger, more diverse job market.
The Dollar Endgame 6 HN points 23 Apr 24
  1. Economic data may not reflect the true situation: Reports of a strong economy may be misleading, with statistics like job numbers potentially manipulated to present a facade of growth.
  2. There are concerns about the accuracy of government statistics: Issues like overestimating job growth and manipulating unemployment rates raise questions about the reliability of official data.
  3. The changing nature of employment is worrisome: The shift towards part-time work, decline in full-time jobs, and decreasing workforce participation rates indicate underlying problems in the job market.
Moly’s Substack 58 implied HN points 31 Jan 24
  1. Even the entirety of Ukraine in total war for over a year cannot match the debt of just a single company like Evergrande.
  2. Jobs like sorting packages and working in a production line can be extremely exhausting and pay very little.
  3. The debt of Evergrande alone is larger than the debt of the entirety of Ukraine, along with many other real estate companies combined.
American Inequality 294 implied HN points 23 Aug 23
  1. Millions of Americans face barriers in employment, healthcare, and education due to low-English proficiency.
  2. English-only exams and systems perpetuate inequality and hinder academic achievement for non-native English speakers.
  3. Language barriers affect voting rights, and updating language requirements can increase democratic participation.
The Radar 59 implied HN points 16 Jan 24
  1. Interests often outweigh values in the corporate world, leading to a lack of loyalty towards employees.
  2. Companies may claim to value employees, but continue laying off staff even when profitable, showcasing a lack of genuine care.
  3. Value systems in corporations may be used to shape employee behavior rather than protect their experience, highlighting a shift towards instrumental use of values.
The Overshoot 393 implied HN points 25 Feb 23
  1. Americans' incomes have been rising rapidly, with a 10% increase in disposable income since last summer.
  2. This rise in income is leading to concerns about potential inflation, as increased spending may outpace production.
  3. The surge in employment income is a key factor in driving consumer spending and could impact inflation rates.
The Intersection 217 implied HN points 27 Aug 23
  1. Quitting can be a complex decision, especially for creatives tied to visas or seeking new challenges.
  2. As managers, it's important to listen and not react immediately when creatives want to quit.
  3. Offering value beyond monetary incentives, nurturing like flowers, and accepting when it's time to let creatives go are key to managing a creative team.
American Inequality 334 implied HN points 19 Apr 23
  1. Childcare costs have skyrocketed in the Northeast and West, causing financial strain on families.
  2. Women face significant inequalities due to high childcare costs, impacting maternal employment rates.
  3. To address the childcare crisis, policies like federal funding for childcare centers, offsetting losses in universal Pre-K programs, and employer rebates for daycare can help make childcare more affordable and support working parents.
The Good Science Project 18 implied HN points 17 Feb 24
  1. Scientific funding instability negatively impacts researchers' ability to plan and conduct research effectively, leading to swings in funding and unnecessary time spent on grant proposals.
  2. Improved data tracking is crucial to understanding the impact of funding gaps on researchers' employment outcomes, highlighting the need for long-term empirical studies in science policy.
  3. Addressing funding stability issues and utilizing detailed longitudinal data can help prevent obstacles in scientific progress and support the longevity of researchers' careers.
The Great Gender Divergence 176 implied HN points 01 Jul 23
  1. Latin American female employment has increased despite economic stagnation, challenging conventional wisdom.
  2. Latin America's unique situation suggests that women's desire to work may increase with rising opportunity costs.
  3. Social and economic factors like hyper-inflation and individualism may play a significant role in driving female employment in Latin America.
Erdmann Housing Tracker 63 implied HN points 06 Oct 23
  1. Positive labor market reports with sustainable wage growth and projected real growth
  2. Residential construction employment is growing, productivity concerns, and insights on housing market functionality
  3. Analysis of employment flows provides insights into economic trends and potential indicators for labor market breakdown
72 Degrees North 19 implied HN points 23 Jan 24
  1. Autism is a complex condition with variations and benefits, not defined by a single cause or symptom.
  2. Neurodivergent individuals exist in a diverse space outside the neurotypical 'center', with both groups contributing value to society.
  3. Self-reliance is a common trait among the neurodivergent population, stemming from a history of exclusion and valuable insights that can benefit society.
The Data Score 79 implied HN points 25 Jul 23
  1. Underemployment is a concerning trend among laid-off professionals, impacting both individuals and institutions.
  2. New job growth is rebounding, particularly in marketing roles, after recent hiring freezes and layoffs.
  3. Tech workers who were laid-off are showing resilience in securing new roles, with some exploring freelancing and higher education.
Ironsides Macroeconomics 'It's Never Different This Time' 98 implied HN points 04 Apr 23
  1. The strong headline payroll gains in January and February may be misleading, as demand for labor is slowing.
  2. There are concerns about the labor market catching up due to manufacturing and housing contractions, slowing services demand, and potential issues with small business employment measurement.
  3. The consistency in patterns shown by ADP and NFIB reports compared to the BLS model raises skepticism about the strength in headline payrolls for January and February.