The hottest Labor Substack posts right now

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BIG by Matt Stoller 19710 implied HN points 28 Feb 24
  1. The $25 billion Kroger-Albertsons merger is facing challenges as the Federal Trade Commission and nine states sue to block it due to potential negative impacts on consumer prices and wages.
  2. The case is significant because it involves a novel application of antitrust law, focusing on labor grounds and the impact on union bargaining terms.
  3. The merger's potential consequences, including higher prices and lower wages, have sparked political response from politicians and unions, indicating widespread concern and opposition.
Robert Reich 14308 implied HN points 07 Feb 24
  1. Dartmouth basketball team is on its way to becoming the first unionized sports program in the country.
  2. The United Auto Workers are making progress in organizing autoworkers at the Volkswagen plant in Tennessee.
  3. Unionization efforts in the U.S., supported by Biden's National Labor Relations Board, are gaining momentum and support is increasing across various sectors.
BIG by Matt Stoller 35524 implied HN points 16 Sep 23
  1. Public dissatisfaction with the economy despite positive statistics like low unemployment and consumer spending
  2. The Biden administration lacks coherence in its policy approach and struggles to address issues like inflation and housing costs
  3. Judicial appointments and internal disagreements within the administration contribute to the challenges faced by Bidenomics in governing effectively
BIG by Matt Stoller 53286 implied HN points 14 May 23
  1. Hollywood is facing a crisis with streaming services struggling to profit while dominating the industry.
  2. Legal changes in the U.S. over the years have stripped independent producers of bargaining power, impacting the quality of content.
  3. The ongoing writers' strike highlights the need to address the structural issues in the industry caused by consolidation and lack of market signals.
cryptoeconomy 1434 implied HN points 09 Feb 24
  1. Immigrants do not necessarily solve labor shortages because they bring their own demand for various services and jobs.
  2. Immigration can lead to lower wages, depending on the skills of the immigrants being admitted into the country.
  3. The argument that immigration is needed to address labor shortages is often contested by voters who see other issues like welfare, crime, and decreasing wages.
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Faster, Please! 456 implied HN points 18 Mar 24
  1. Artificial General Intelligence is a concept that doesn't exist yet and may never be achieved, but some experts believe it's coming soon.
  2. AI is viewed as a tool to enhance human capabilities and create new opportunities rather than a threat to job security.
  3. The impact of AI on the economy will depend on whether there is a limit to the complexity of tasks humans can perform.
Chartbook 1716 implied HN points 24 Dec 23
  1. The economics of Santa's workshop involves serious questions about sovereignty over the North Pole.
  2. There is debate about whether elvish labor in Santa's workshop can be considered as unfree or 'slave' labor.
  3. Reindeer play a crucial role in Santa's workshop economy, with an interesting fact being that all of Santa's reindeer with antlers are female.
The Liberal Patriot 648 implied HN points 09 Feb 24
  1. Labor and Democratic parties need to focus on winning back working-class voters to create durable governing coalitions and secure victories in elections.
  2. Center-left parties worldwide, including UK Labour under Keir Starmer, are making efforts to appeal to working and middle-class voters, recognizing their importance in forming electoral coalitions.
  3. Working-class voters in the US and UK are concerned about economic issues like rising costs of living, lack of opportunity, and immigration, suggesting that center-left parties need to address these concerns to win their trust.
Lean Out with Tara Henley 235 implied HN points 25 Jan 24
  1. In Canada, there has been a shift in the bipartisan, pro-immigration consensus, largely influenced by recent policy changes.
  2. The rapid population growth due to high immigration levels is putting pressure on infrastructure, housing, and business productivity in Canada.
  3. Addressing the skilled labor imbalance in immigration by recruiting high-skilled workers can help mitigate negative impacts on low-wage workers and the economy.
Labor Intensive Art 196 implied HN points 16 Jan 24
  1. Tabitha Arnold's solo exhibition in Philadelphia at Swarthmore College's List Gallery includes unseen rugs and popular pieces like Whose Streets and Picket.
  2. The exhibit showcases 5 years of Arnold's textile work, featuring pieces from various residencies and highlighting themes of collective power and solidarity.
  3. The public reception and artist talk for the Workshop of the World exhibit will be held on January 25 at List Gallery, with the exhibit running from January 18 to February 25, 2024.
The 21st Century Proletarian 139 implied HN points 20 Jan 24
  1. Loneliness in society can be linked to the impact of labor under capitalism.
  2. Proposed solutions to the 'loneliness crisis' often focus on individual actions rather than systemic changes.
  3. Maintaining a healthy work-life balance and more leisure time are crucial in addressing social isolation and loneliness.
antoniomelonio 86 implied HN points 13 Feb 24
  1. Life involves a cycle of working to survive - from following specific rules in society to earning a living through predetermined means.
  2. Many find dissatisfaction in modern work due to its lack of purpose, fake elements, and inequality. Imagining a fulfilling work experience that is meaningful and valued.
  3. Existence is tied to being productive in a system driven by abstract concepts of growth, leading to disillusionment and a call for individual struggle for freedom and authentic living.
Maximum Progress 314 implied HN points 26 Oct 23
  1. Medieval peasants had more time off due to frequent breaks, long holidays, and seasonal slow downs in paid farm labor.
  2. Comparing work hours between medieval and modern times may not be accurate as the nature of work and leisure is different.
  3. Historia Civilis' analysis overlooks the harsh realities of medieval life, including torture by landlords and mandatory household chores.
S(ubstack)-Bahn 341 implied HN points 22 Sep 23
  1. Kyiv Metro managed to run high frequency trains during wartime, which was a challenge for other systems.
  2. The success of Kyiv Metro can be attributed to infrastructural choices, like station typology, and organizational practices, like a Soviet-era philosophy of train throughput.
  3. Kyiv Metro's ability to operate effectively and maintain high frequencies is also due to having a surplus of labor, contributing to its resilience.
Rod’s Blog 39 implied HN points 16 Feb 24
  1. Generative AI is reshaping the movie industry with its ability to enhance various production aspects like scriptwriting, casting, editing, and marketing.
  2. OpenAI's Sora technology is a groundbreaking example of generative AI creating photorealistic and interactive movies based on natural language inputs.
  3. The Hollywood strike against AI in the movie industry highlights concerns about how artificial intelligence could impact the rights, credits, and compensation of writers and actors.
Dada Drummer Almanach 182 implied HN points 03 Oct 23
  1. Independent musicians legally cannot strike or form a union due to antitrust laws.
  2. There are ongoing efforts, like the Protect Working Musicians Act, to exempt musicians from antitrust laws and negotiate better with streaming platforms.
  3. Even though musicians can't strike like Hollywood workers, they can still build solidarity and advocate for better conditions.
ESG Hound 461 implied HN points 22 Mar 23
  1. The Bethlehem Mill was a once-thriving industrial complex that declined due to economic changes and globalization.
  2. The site faced environmental issues and cleanup challenges due to decades of industrial activity.
  3. Capitalism's impact on industrial sites like the Bethlehem Mill underscores the importance of responsible stewardship and waste management.
Who Gets the Bird? 255 implied HN points 27 Feb 23
  1. The ILR Labor Action Tracker's 2022 report is a must-read for anyone interested in the US union movement.
  2. Various strikes and negotiations are happening across different sectors and locations in the US.
  3. There are significant developments in internal union politics with upcoming elections, retirements, and new organizing efforts.
Dada Drummer Almanach 255 implied HN points 07 Mar 23
  1. Planned obsolescence in technology can lead to unintended consequences like a decline in quality and essential maintenance being neglected.
  2. Digital advancements like AI in music and movies can eliminate important human interactions and connections.
  3. Labor is crucial for maintaining shared spaces like movie theaters and music venues, and eliminating human jobs can ultimately eliminate the social experience these spaces provide.
Who Gets the Bird? 235 implied HN points 20 Feb 23
  1. Several long strikes in the US labor movement have ended or are nearing resolution.
  2. Various new strikes and labor actions are happening across different sectors, including transit, healthcare, and education.
  3. Significant developments are occurring in union organizing efforts, elections, and collective bargaining rights, showcasing a dynamic period in the US labor landscape.
imperfect offerings 139 implied HN points 20 Jul 23
  1. Human work plays a crucial role in maintaining the illusion of intelligence in AI models by performing tasks like reviewing outputs and assigning ratings.
  2. The human labor in the middle layer of AI development is extensive, complex, and ongoing, despite being often overlooked by the industry.
  3. Students and graduates are increasingly becoming involved in platform data work, which can impact their job satisfaction and well-being, raising questions about the future of labor in the AI industry.
Genre Grapevine 98 implied HN points 01 Jul 23
  1. Words are powerful and shape our understanding of the world and ourselves.
  2. The language used to describe machine learning tools can be deceptive, such as calling them 'artificial intelligence' when there's no actual intelligence behind them.
  3. Using accurate language is important in conversations about machine learning to avoid misconceptions and ensure transparency.
I Might Be Wrong 3 implied HN points 14 Mar 24
  1. Immigration can boost economic growth by connecting workers with employers, creating wealth for individuals and society.
  2. High-skilled immigrants contribute significantly to the economy, starting businesses and driving innovation.
  3. Legal immigration can help manage crime rates and enrich American culture, benefiting society as a whole.
Geopolitical Economy Report 279 implied HN points 24 May 22
  1. The US Federal Reserve chairman aims to bring down wages as a solution to high inflation, believing that workers have too much power in the labor market.
  2. Inflation is outpacing US wages, with the federal minimum wage remaining at $7.25 since 2009, showing that real wages have not kept up with rising prices.
  3. Economist Michael Hudson argues that inflation is primarily driven by corporate monopolies increasing prices, not by rising wages as claimed by the Federal Reserve.
Euro Desk Paris 39 implied HN points 11 Mar 23
  1. Over 2 million people participated in a national mobilization in France, with widespread demonstrations across the country.
  2. The proposed pension reform in France is just the tip of the iceberg, as it involves converting retirement into a market index.
  3. Historical events like the 1963 miner's strike in France provide parallels and lessons for the current social movements and government responses.
Gad’s Newsletter 1 HN point 11 Mar 24
  1. Despite previous doubts, Uber has achieved profitability by moderating spending and efficiently managing its operations.
  2. Uber's profitability hinges on increasing their take-rate from customers, while the drivers are facing challenges with payment structures such as algorithm-based systems.
  3. Even though Uber is profitable, there are concerns about the sustainability of these profits due to potential regulatory changes impacting their business model and driver treatment.
Wheel’s Substack 19 implied HN points 07 May 23
  1. Labour-inclusive capitalism promotes the idea of collaboration between capital and labor for optimal capitalism.
  2. Some perspectives view UBI as exclusionary and ableist due to the focus on labor inclusion and agency.
  3. Labor-inclusive capitalism dominates the ideology of influential members of the Labour party.
Workonomics 19 implied HN points 28 Mar 23
  1. A study found that higher-wage jobs have a higher exposure to automation than lower-wage jobs.
  2. A tight labor market has helped reduce inequality by increasing wages for low-wage workers more than high-wage workers.
  3. Different states have proposed various gig economy regulations, such as requiring gig platforms to show drivers how much they were paid and provide benefits like minimum wage and sick time.