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Knowingless 823 implied HN points 09 Mar 24
  1. Some women are interested in displays of power and dominance in sexual scenarios, such as forced sex or consensual nonconsent.
  2. There is a common misconception that all sex should be loving and gentle, but sexual preferences can be diverse and complex.
  3. Understanding the nuances of sexual dynamics, including the balance between consent and nonconsent, can help navigate different preferences without causing harm.
ideassleepfuriously 628 implied HN points 24 Jan 24
  1. Morality is more than just virtue; it involves judgments of wrongness and desire for punishment.
  2. The explanation for morality may go beyond altruism and virtues, delving into darker aspects.
  3. Understanding moral judgments involves looking at nonconsequentialism, desire for punishment, impartiality, and presence of a victim.
Not On Your Team, But Always Fair 1120 implied HN points 13 Apr 23
  1. Human societies have presumptive sex roles that stem from transferring risks away from, and resources to, child-rearing.
  2. Men and women exhibit cognitive and physical dimorphisms due to different reproduction strategies.
  3. The evolution of pair-bonding in humans has shaped societal roles, emphasizing male dominance and the importance of male teams.
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Dissentient 452 implied HN points 06 Mar 23
  1. Behaviorism and evolutionary psychology have different approaches to learning mechanisms and understanding human nature.
  2. Primary reinforcers and punishers play a significant role in shaping behavior and motivation in humans.
  3. Social interactions involve shaping behavior through reinforcement and punishment, influencing adaptive goals and responses.
Polymathic Being 77 implied HN points 17 Sep 23
  1. Beauty is a complex topic that influences various aspects of our lives, from societal perceptions to evolutionary biology.
  2. Looking good involves presenting ourselves in a way that signals health, status, and genetic viability.
  3. Our appearance can impact our social and economic outcomes, and understanding these dynamics can help us address biases and stereotypes.
Unsafe Science 137 implied HN points 24 Apr 23
  1. Left-wing authoritarians are averse to masculine-looking men.
  2. Masculinized men can be perceived as threatening by left-wing authoritarians due to their physical advantages in conflict.
  3. Evolutionary history influences how people make judgments about others based on appearance, impacting social interactions and group dynamics.
Living Fossils 10 implied HN points 14 Feb 24
  1. Fear can lead to negative consequences like stress and health issues, but it played an important role in our survival and evolution.
  2. Stress from fear has been linked to significant health problems like hypertension and cardiovascular disease, impacting millions worldwide.
  3. Understanding the evolutionary origins of fear and anxiety can help normalize these emotions, reduce self-judgment, and open up possibilities for reducing their impact.
Extropic Thoughts 39 implied HN points 19 Apr 23
  1. Transhumanists faced prominent intellectual threats in 2004 from individuals like Bill Joy, Leon Kass, and Francis Fukuyama.
  2. The Precautionary Principle and philosophical opposition reflected fears of going beyond human nature and the potential risks of advancing technologies.
  3. Advocates for technological progress emphasized the importance of embracing change, exploring positive futures, and respecting differing viewpoints while pursuing an ever-improving future.
Wood From Eden 3 HN points 08 Jan 24
  1. The book _Warriors and Worriers_ by Joyce Benenson presents the evolutionary psychology of men and women, highlighting how males and females differ in social interactions based on prosocial and antisocial behaviors.
  2. Females compete covertly for resources, leading to social exclusion and the need to show vulnerabilities to build alliances with unrelated women.
  3. Gender equality means equal opportunities for individuals to surpass their natural tendencies and work towards societal advancement.