The hottest Illness Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
Top Health & Wellness Topics
Wild Holy & Free β€’ 1336 implied HN points β€’ 09 Feb 24
  1. Self-care involves how we think about medical tests and appointments, it's important to be kind to ourselves during the process.
  2. Receiving medical test results should not define our worth or character; it is simply a snapshot of our body's condition.
  3. In the face of challenges, be proud of your body for surviving and remember to practice gentleness and self-compassion.
So Here’s a Thing β€’ 825 implied HN points β€’ 10 May 23
  1. In the early 1900s, strange phenomena and mysteries like disappearing rivers and unidentifiable figures captured the attention of Santa Cruz, adding an air of mystery to local history.
  2. The Mullins Gang, a group of loggers turned robbers in the mountains near Santa Cruz, had a curious photo full of stories, with rumors that some could not see the gang members in the picture.
  3. Santa Cruz's past was filled with intriguing events like a temporary loss of language in 1917, and local traditions such as Halloween costume competitions that sometimes ended oddly, adding layers of curiosity to the area's history.
The Egg And The Rock β€’ 707 implied HN points β€’ 10 Mar 23
  1. The author has been ill with Covid, leading to slow recovery and brain fog affecting work.
  2. Paid subscribers are being appreciated and subscriptions are suspended for a month to reduce pressure.
  3. Excitement over a recent discovery of mature galaxies in the early universe and plans to write about it when energy levels recover.
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The Heart Attack Diet β€’ 39 implied HN points β€’ 05 Nov 23
  1. The author's weight loss journey with ex150ish-4 started well but faced challenges like a sudden illness during a choir performance.
  2. Despite feeling unwell, the author managed to push through the choir concert successfully by buying medication to alleviate symptoms temporarily.
  3. The author reflects on the impact of the diet amidst challenges like illness and social events, pondering its effects on well-being.
Rounding the Earth Newsletter β€’ 17 implied HN points β€’ 10 Jun 23
  1. The author found ivermectin to be effective in managing their respiratory illness.
  2. Different brands of ivermectin may have varying effects, with Stromectol being particularly effective for the author.
  3. Healthcare providers have differing approaches and availability of certain medications, leading to challenges in accessing preferred treatment.
Everything Is An Emergency β€’ 2 HN points β€’ 13 Feb 24
  1. Spending words is like spending life - where you talk the most reveals what matters; in tough times, the language shifts too.
  2. Illness deepens connections but creates barriers - caregiving alters identities and relationships, demanding new ways of communication.
  3. Silence can reshape you - forced quietude can lead to brain changes, highlighting the power of language and connection in human experience.
Austin's Analects β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 02 Jun 23
  1. Define your symptoms when deciding whether to work out while sick, by separating symptoms into above-neck and below-neck categories.
  2. Based on your symptoms, adjust your workout plan accordingly. For above-neck symptoms, it's okay to exercise at a moderate intensity, while for below-neck symptoms, resting or gentle exercises like walking or yoga are recommended.
  3. Execute your adapted workout plan and don't feel bad about not going full throttle. Take care of yourself by following a plan that supports your fitness despite being ill.